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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. Great Rugerla, I didn't watch Tankers vid cause it would piss me off. Now I'm pissed off.
  2. I agree with Red. I just can't watch it. It's probably just another deplorable jackass who deserves to be pushed off a cliff.
  3. Monkeyman2500

    Dead Duck

    I love that one.
  4. It's sick what they are doing. Glad my Grandpa is not here to see it. :(
  5. Me and the wife saw this last night on the news. I was wondering the breakdown myself.
  6. That's a good idea.
  7. Yep still got the first one I bought. Got it at the old knife store that used to be on the main drag in Gatlinburg.
  8. That's going to be pretty sweet when you get done. Great lake boat.
  9. I have just been upgrading since I was about 5. Started with tiny folders, then a little bigger name brands, then Swiss army's. Had a great switch blade for a while till it was lost. Then got into the auto, and assisted ones. Wore out two SOGs pretty quick then got a ZT0350 two years ago and it's held up well. All my old folders have been put away as valuable to me. I'm hard on knives.
  10. Don't take offense. That's the great thing about a 1911 you can make them however you want. My wife wants a pink AR, who's to say she can't have one.
  11. Has anyone tried the operator pack from LA police gear. I wonder if it is as tough as the 3 day.
  12. Oh man, me and the wife just laughed are butts off.
  13. Lester, those are looking very nice. I love the look of the middle ones with the red running through them. Keep trying to get my brother to make some. I can work on cars with the best of them and even do a little metal work, but just never could get woodworking down at all. Lol.
  14. Ooooooo sweet!
  15. Is that an old Smith & Wesson revolver?
  16. I'm of the same mindset as David on this, don't believe in them. Your going one of two ways in the end. I know a lot of people swear on their life they have seen them, my moms one of them. I used to work in an old antebellum mansion that had been turned into a country club. It was used in the civil war by both sides. Had been a headquarters and hospital. Many, many people had seen all kinds of things. Late at night after close and no one was there it was as creepy a place as you could imagine. I was the last one there a lot and had to go around the place and in the upstairs which was all the old parts of the house. Never saw a thing.
  17. Yes sir, that is nice!
  18. Those German girls can really drink. Used to know one 6'1" about 150lbs blond, and smoking hot. She came to TN one time and would only drink Jack Daniels. Put down a liter like it was water.
  19. It's homeland security. :)
  20. I don't understand why people will risk their lives and others just to feel they get where they are going faster. I always end up back right behind them at the next light. Then there's my all time favorite, the people that will kill someone not to miss their turn off. Get the biggest truck you can and drive slow. Works for me.
  21. Recently I've debated going back to a smaller size tire on the diesel. This video assures me that will not happen.
  22. This is the hottest story on TGO right now. What's Spots gots.
  23. I agree with the Michelin LTX great if you want stock size and look. I like a big aggressive tire. Got Nitto trail grapplers and they have been awesome. But there is a sacrifice for looks. I'm going to get about 40k out of mine. The LTX will go at lest twice as far.
  24. Big drug companies with huge ties to the gov don't want you getting healthy. It's all about the all mighty dollar.
  25. Here's the way I read it. If you buy the new compleat rifle you cannot make it a pistol. If you buy a new pistol version it can be changed back and forth by you. But if you buy a lower, make it a rifle, and then say sell it to an ffl that resells it as a rifle, it's stuck a rifle. I think that's it, sort of.


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