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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. I have a friend who wants to go in on two with me. He is a member but only gets on here for info. If I purchase both will he still be safe building his into a pistol? Or should he pick it up from FFL so he is original owner? He want to make sure he is safe making it a pistol.
  2. I know I'm late. I'm putting in for two of each today.
  3. Pappy is to hard to get as is. That much will be spotted unless they have mob connections or something of that nature. By the way I only got to sip on some Pappy one time, and it was magnificent.
  4. That's good stuff.
  5. Oh man that's bad. The stock looks like its a homemade toy.
  6. Paul Harvey saw it coming in 65. Sad that it has come to fruition 48yrs later.
  7. Wow that little mini Indy car can fly!!
  8. Dagnabbit why do I always have to work?
  9. Damn that will really piss you off. Had that happen twice before. I keep everything hid in the back seat and have dark tint windows now. I also park out in well lit areas now. Sorry to hear man.
  10. Oh man, that gave me a good laugh this morning.
  11. Good luck deciding between those. :)
  12. Monkeyman2500

    How do i

    I use an iphone. I hit the post then hit the quote button. Then I just hit return from bottom of their text and start typing.
  13. Very sorry to hear this. It's hard to lose a friend. I've never known a day of my life without a dog. The only bad part is they will leave us sooner than we ever want. I lost my Buddy in my avatar two years ago, and he is greatly missed. It's hard now for you, but in a month or two you will find a new friend who you will love and will love you every bit as much. RIP Millie.
  14. Yowza! I like how he just casually checks his car. I'd be checking my shorts.
  15. Good luck and be safe. Watch out for park rangers, uh I mean schutzstaffel.
  16. Oh wow.
  17. Yep
  18. I like!!
  19. Go Woods!!!
  20. Welcome to TGO.
  21. This just proves that when the thugs at the top give the order all their soldiers will line up and follow. Can you imagine the type of person that will follow orders like this. " Oh I'm sorry my pathetic ranger job is so important I will do anything I'm told to do no matter how disgusting it is, oh and heil bomma ".
  22. Nothing
  23. Well ain't that just fu#%ing grand!!


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