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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. What a bunch of morons. I like the grenade on the table " turn in your illegal grenades".
  2. Welcome
  3. Glad I read this. That reaction rod gizmo looks pretty good. May have to pick one up.
  4. TDR let us know if a search is needed. Praying for a safe return.
  5. Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody! Goody!
  6. Harrison is one lucky dude.
  7. For anyone wanting lower parts without grip and trigger I just ordered all mine separate from White Oak Armament. Supposed to be good stuff.
  8. Wow that is pretty amazing.
  9. Dolomite what do you think about those barrels an bcg they have?
  10. I was looking at those deals thinking it would be cool to build one that cheep. Definitely give us a review.
  11. What he said. I've tried all those except the Winchester and hand loads, all preformed perfectly. Only thing my 1911 didn't like was some cheep target FMJ.
  12. Just another reason we get no respect in the world. These plus a few more need to be cruising around the waters just as a reminder.
  13. Yep wouldn't do it for nothing. Unfortunately I have to drive my Mom back to cookeville and that's going to be terrible.
  14. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  15. Richard is not looking to good.
  16. Sorry to hear. Hope for a speedy recovery.
  17. Happy Thanksgiving!
  18. Mmmmmm! Jerky and Makers.
  19. I like.
  20. Dang it man, we square dance round these parts.
  21. Easy, let's not take to angry name calling.
  22. I knew y'all were hiding a mall ninja in here somewhere. :)


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