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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. Just got an email this morning saying my delivery was delayed and I needed to fill out a form. It came from Walmart Delivery. Not Walmart but it looks kind of official. I haven't ordered anything so I'm sure it's a phishing scam. Watch out for scammers this holiday.
  2. My present will be to myself after Christmas. I'm getting a barrel and BCG for my TGO build.
  3. Wow the new Dodge has some impressive numbers. I would have thought the F450 to have better towing capacity.
  4. That's a great deal. Coyotes beware!
  5. Well they cater to an older conservative crowd. Also packed after every church session. Yea that will piss your customer base off real quick. Quick regret on that decision.
  6. Oh man we were just at an emergency vet two weeks ago. I hope he's ok. That sounds like an awful time.
  7. I would start by searching for problems on either truck first. That will let you know if there is a major problem with either. Also look on the previous year and see if those issues were fixed. The are both very nice trucks. The discount Willis68 mentioned might be great if you go Ford too. I have an 04 Cummins and love it but it's a lot different than what they make now. In the past every brand has had years with engine or trans issues so I would start there.
  8. Have a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
  9. I do this too, for the same reason. I'm big as heck too. I think having just a down comforter helps that. Or maybe just oversleeping when you know it's delivery day.
  10. Ha! We're hoarding 7 now. Two new rottie pit mixes. God help anyone coming in here.
  11. Yea I see the b5 go pretty cheep. Would save me some instead of an LMT.
  12. How do you like that B5 stock?
  13. Holy moly!!!! That is one heck of an explosion.
  14. We have dogs and just buy whatever vacuum is on sale at the time. On two years now with an $80 Electrolux. It might make it four.
  15. Chuck Norris, yea Badass !
  16. That looks fantastic. And I'm a chef. Now I want some.
  17. Ha ha! I've got one of those old pull back BB guns that looks like a .45 I'll send you for $10.
  18. The ones I've shot had a good bit of play between the upper and lower. Also had a cheeper barrel. Probably a cheeper BCG too. For a grand I would just want to get a better brand. The extras he was offered too are not worth much more that a hundred bucks. If I remember the leapers stuff is china knock offs. Now if he would take six bills for just the rifle that might be a better deal.
  19. Don't get me wrong, they will shoot. I just have found the QC on the ones I've handled to be less than I would like. I also think that price is high for used even with the extras. Knock a few hundred off and I would say jump on it.
  20. I would stay away from that bushmaster. The M&P is a decent gun. Check your local gun stores for a better alternative. I would much rather have a Rock River, Colt, Sig, Bravo, or any higher quality AR than a bushmaster with a ton of accessories.
  21. Not fair to post that without a place to buy one.
  22. I've seen some of his stuff on here. I'm almost glad he so far away or I would get in trouble in there. :)


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