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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. $29 on Powell in Nashville.
  2. So sorry to hear of your loss, I was hoping he was going to be ok. May he rest in peace.
  3. Beautiful!
  4. That's a heck of a restore. Nice job.
  5. What a hypocrite. First I've payed any attention to him, and last.
  6. Luke, just skip Freidmans it's not what it used to be. Mostly china junk and a few old surplus clothing. There is a place called Greens Military in donaldson, but haven't been there. I have had bad luck with these stores in Nashville. Used to be a big one in Crossville that was good. I've wanted to go to Clarksville to check a few of those out.
  7. That is awesome!!!
  8. Well as if the one for Walmart wasn't enough now I got one for Costco. Watch out I'm sure the scammers are going to try every major chain.
  9. Finally, a solution to the problem I've had for years. Who can shoot with just one pesky scope. I'm going to use four.
  10. Look at those two. Meth anyone?
  11. Oh wow, I think I would be at a loss for words. Probably because I would be laughing so hard.
  12. Oh that's awesome.
  13. http://f650pickups.com/featured-2.html#3 This one!!!
  14. Glad to hear this. Merry Christmas.
  15. DO IT!
  16. They are pretty crazy looking. Got some for the first time the other day.
  17. Wow, just wow. That's super nice.
  18. Anyone know the lowest profile adjustable gas block. Have to fit one under a jp/vtac handguard.
  19. I don't miss him just love the bumper stickers. Also the 08 vote stickers still on them.
  20. Merry Christmas everyone. Hope all of TGO has a great one.
  21. Ha! I love the bumper stickers that say " miss me yet".
  22. Ha. Scam on a scam.
  23. Those both look great!
  24. Just pick the one with the best engine and trans combo. :)


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