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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. Damn hate to hear that. Will keep an eye out. Might hate thieves worse than libs.
  2. Congratulations. He is a great looking pup! I know you both were heartbroken after your loss and that little pudgy guy could make anything better.
  3. Well that is a bit disturbing.
  4. Found my first pocket knife I bought myself after losing it years ago. Was cleaning out an old truck before I sold it. I had looked for that knife for years!
  5. I've been pulled over once in Nashville and once in Brentwood. both times the officer knew I had a permit, and was very friendly. I also roll all my windows down and turn all my inside lights on. I will never go to any of the states where I would have to worry about having my weapon.
  6. Yes I agree, please say you went. Hope you are ok and please let us know how you are.
  7. Oh man reality shows suck. Just think how I feel being a Chef and watching show after show after show of these morons on TV. Someone always asks " hey do you watch so and so" and I just say I can't stand 90% of them. The only one I really ever like was diners drive ins and dives. The host was hard to take but I always liked seeing the little mom and pop type operations. Food network did the restaurant industry an injustice.
  8. Sometimes your answers scare me :) I use a plain edge.
  9. I have an astigmatism and use a millet red dot without issue. Maybe it got tossed around in shipping.
  10. Red, I fear the problem is that they are not idiots, and have a preconceived plan that is being executed precisely. Scary stuff man!
  11. That's great for her. Funny watching her shoot that Mosin. :)
  12. This is one of the reasons their county looks like crap. They have nothing better to do than this. If you want to hate everyone ,fine, but when your not raising jihad get a job ya bums. What a bunch of fools. " Sorry kids daddy can't get a job because he too busy knocking over WWII graves". If they did something over there other than just walking around and firing AK's in the air all day they might be less inclined to want to kill everyone.
  13. Oh yea!!!! That's got to be fun.
  14. Shot a super short Saiga not too long ago. It was a little longer than these, but not much. Was not much fun to shoot. Very loud, uncomfortable feel, lots of kick. Ran a couple mags through it and that was enough. These would be nasty.
  15. Why can't they just sell ammo at Target. Then life would be perfect.
  16. I will just not go. I avoid these places except for maybe the post office. Seems like it would make it a more likely target for trouble.
  17. Why is the ejection port on the wrong side? :)
  18. Yea I had exactly the same experience buying a tool box. It was terrible. I too still have almost the entire medium craftsman tool set with box from about 1995. Did a lot of mechanic work with them and everything is still good. Only thing getting worn is the 1/2" ratchet.
  19. I was one of the lucky ones I guess. Still got an 80/20 plan through work, but it did get changed. 6k deductible, terrible prescription coverage, and lost 400 on my hsa, but hey I guess it's better than nothing.
  20. Dang, that looks like fun!
  21. Just looked at Dyer's websight and it says it's closed till February. Me and the wife are going to Burger Republic early and eating with some friends. Probably be asleep by 10. Lol.
  22. That can't be right, guns are banned. There is no way to get guns when they are banned. :)
  23. What are the ones in the second pic? The top three look weird. First pic looks like a bunch of old hunting rifles.


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