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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. Yep. Every time here lately. Goes stright to iTunes App Store for a game. Really ticks me off.
  2. Those are great! Really love the small one. Nice work.
  3. Not what I thought, where the heck is the Delta Force Dune Buggy at? :)
  4. Congratulations. Come on over.
  5. Wow that's great. Congrats to both of you.
  6. That is definitely an all win day.
  7. Wow. Pretty freaky.
  8. Thank you Lumberjack! That just got bookmarked.
  9. Mine is one of the greatest friends I've ever had, Buddy. 170lbs of pure awesomeness. We had seven great years together, and he left much too soon. When he was around I never even felt like I would need a gun. Miss that guy a lot.
  10. I feel so left out. I dont have a shotgun. :(
  11. Never seen that before. It would only be cold water so I guess there is no sink in that bathroom.
  12. Eh, it's ok. Just don't hope Gary tries to stop any real hostage situations.
  13. Wow!! Those two are awesome.
  14. Holy cow, horror stories. I ship almost nothing through post office, and now I'm very glad I know my postman well.
  15. Nice find! Great fixer upper.
  16. I still go there, but it's a gym now. :)
  17. Tom Selleck is one of my all time favorite actors. The wife loves him. Magnum PI was a great show.
  18. Buddy of mine had his house broken into two years ago. Stole a guitar, computer, tv, and some other stuff. Found his guitar on Craigslist at a pawn shop witch lead to the thief's arrest. Guy got probation and court cost, that was it. These scum do it because there is very little penalty. Hope this joker get more.
  19. These clowns should get extended duty in one of the lovely sandboxes where guys in turbans fire AK's at you all day. Would do wonders for their education in respect.
  20. I love driving by and looking at that monstrosity. I bet it was something bringing that down Murfreesboro road.
  21. How do you get video that good ? Should be easy to find this thief.
  22. That seems a bit disturbing. I would say report it too. I guess it could have been for mounting but would still report it.
  23. Wow man, for a first time that looks great! It really looks like you ment to make that dip in the blade.
  24. That's funny.


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