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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. Wow, after a crappy twelve hours at work this got really good. :)
  2. I do a lot of sharpening and find it takes quite a while with a corse stone to get a good edge. After that it goes quicker. I use different stones but I'm sure it's the same with rods.
  3. Wow just ordered an alien last month. Might have been good timing.
  4. Those who say "Don't give the property owner your business" well good luck when you have to go to any Memphis local government office and carrying legally. Would that include government buildings? I would think those are different.
  5. Looking at those makes my finger hurt.
  6. Good luck man, sounds like a great gig.
  7. Definitely right call. Sounds shady all the way around.
  8. Great tip peejman, always use the right tool for the job, if you can. I keep dozens of different size drivers and bits to make sure I don't strip the heads. As far as methods go all above are pretty sound. Dremel trick would be the first one I would try.
  9. What a great place to go! Good job on the pics too.
  10. That is a nice compromise. It's pretty slick looking even if that stock is as uncomfortable as it looks.
  11. I was researching these to buy one soon. There were three everyone said were the best. Belt man, A Better Belt, and the Wilderness belt. I'm probably going with A Better Belt. There were also many other good choices, but these were the three I saw the most.
  12. Very cool. Me and the wife love those old trucks.
  13. I have tooooo many!! It's gonna take a couple day to make the list. :)
  14. This gives me some motivation to put that under dash holster in.
  15. Way to go. Range time is a must.
  16. He's gonna be a hoss!
  17. Congratulations
  18. I don't know, I kinda like it. Even with its tacticoolness.
  19. Very sad to hear of your terrible loss.
  20. Ha! Do it all the time. The wife really loves it. :)
  21. I don't shave! I'm part Wookie. :)
  22. You got a few years on me but I've been fighting the docs on taking arthritis meds for a while now. Scary when you read some of the warnings and side effects. Ulcers is probably stress and a lot of coffee. I try to not drink to many cups past the morning. You can try the vaporizer route to quit smoking. I've had five people I know personally quit up to a two pack a day habit. Been a few guys on here have luck with it too. Good luck and hope you feel better.


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