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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. No, because if anyone looks at that Sebenza to long they start to get ideas. :)
  2. Ha!!!!👍
  3. Me too! I love seeing a new post of yours, might be my favorite ones on TGO. I haven't seen a knife of yours yet I didn't like. Great work!
  4. I still really like that color. Maybe you could list the steps involved in refinishing these guns. I've had a few I would have liked to try this on. Once again great work.
  5. All places I've worked that even had an employee handbook much less a corporate management had this policy. I think it's mainly a CYA policy. I don't agree with it but it's always there.
  6. Now I know what to do with my 26 if the slide get scratched up. Really like that color. Nice!
  7. That looks great!! Nice restor on a old 500.
  8. That looks awesome!!
  9. She looks like a sweet girl. I don't think she looks too malnourished either. That dog will love the heck out of you even if you are working a lot. Good job helping a girl out!
  10. Have a friend that does the same thing. He loves it. It's slow but works great.
  11. I had a j-frame airweight and didn't like shooting it either. It would tear the top of my middle finger up, and I was inaccurate as heck with it. Moved to a Kahr pm45, loved the feel of it, but it had a lot of issues. If I were you I would try the Kahr cm9, I really like the size and feel of those. I personally went to a Glock 26 and could not be happier, but it is a bit larger.
  12. I still think these morons are working for the other side.
  13. I pocket carry a 26 all the time in Chef pants. Have a cheep kydex I got off eBay that works great. I think it works good in loose fitting pants, you can't even see it in mine.
  14. Unfortunately this happens a lot. I've seen it at Kroger twice late at night. They grab all the beer they can carry and just walk out the front door. The old late night workers don't even look at them. The amount of petty theft nowadays is mind boggling.
  15. Very sad news. I think he was a great actor.
  16. My buddy has had one for a while, and carries it a lot. Never had any issues. He did change the crappy grip too.
  17. Thanks man, me too!
  18. No worries. It was mainly just a reminder to everyone that you never know what nut jobs out there will do.
  19. Nope, defiantly a home load. Thank goodness it wasn't green tip!
  20. Well I suck at math, but I was doing 35 they were probably going a bit faster. Put a nice welt in my mirror. They are tow mirrors made of a pretty heavy plastic so they probably held up better than most. I'm sure of one thing, no way in heck do I ever want to find out what that egg would feel like going that fast!
  21. "Now if you were both traveling 35 mph in opposite directions and they whipped that egg at you with all their might, and it hit your car at the equivalent of 70-80 mph, then I would very much consider that to be beyond the realm of safety as an impact like that would at the least completely trash your car body and could very well have killed you." That is exactly what happened. Like I said was loud enough it sounded like their car hit me, or even a gunshot. Make no mistake it was pretty damn violent impact. And Spots yea, I wanted to block them in and yank that driver out and kick his ass, but there were probably at least two more in the back seat and no way to know if they may have had a weapon. Just not worth it.
  22. This is my exact worry. Six inches higher could have been in the eye. I could have done a quick uturn and probably caught up with them easy, but was my fear was them loosing control and hitting another vehicle. That stretch of franklin rd they could have pushed their vehicle to its max. There is a dip and a curve right about where the speed would be maxed I couldn't stand the thought of them crossing the road and hitting someone head on. I did the most I felt I could safely, trust me it took serious patience on my part to stop and wait for LEO.
  23. I washed it off as soon as I got home. Will do a full wash today. I drive a big Dodge 2500 diesel and they found out how fast it was last night. I did a 180 and would have got their plates but some other dude they egged was slow poking in the middle of the road. I caught back up with them at another intersection but was facing them from their right. It was enough for a good description. At that point they took off heading the opposite direction and I let them go. Saw they were kids and not worth someone getting hurt. At that point I still thought they hit me with a beer bottle or something bigger. That damn egg sounded like a gunshot when it hit.
  24. You know egging cars or something from behind a bush is one thing, but to try and put one in an oncoming vehicle when your both going 35mph is another. I thought they had actually hit me at first it was so loud, till the LEO pointed out the little pieces of shell.
  25. Stupid punk high school kids egging cars from their SUV tonight tried to hit me through the drivers side window. Coming home from work I wasn't expecting it this late in my own neighborhood. Lucky it caught my mirror. Pretty sure they were Overton high students, because the LEO said he saw them there on the way to my location. It really sucks that dispatch had not given him my description of the vehicle. Not the first time 911 operators had trouble understanding me. If it had caught me in the face it could have been bad. Just another reminder not to ever let your guard down. I'm pissed.


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