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Everything posted by Monkeyman2500

  1. Thank goodness it looks as though the only person killed was him.
  2. Ha! Sad but funny as all get out.
  3. It was called Secrets of the Viking Sword on PBS.
  4. Agreed. There was a documentary on a guy making a replica of a rare Viking sword a few years back. It was very good. He even made the metal in a period correct way. The steel was rare because it was much better than known Viking steel. The debate was whether it was from Asian steel or not.
  5. Spots, that is one fine lookin chicken coop right there. The wood work is magnificent.
  6. Now that is a bad sign.
  7. Very interesting article there. It just goes to show the lack of care and responsibility this administration has.
  8. Good to know. We are learning lots of new stuff quickly. Lot of good info from y'all.
  9. Great ideas Red. That is one nice chicken tractor too. There is just a door in the front wire frame part. Im going to build a door to cover the large opening this fall. Also going to run power to it for lights and heat.
  10. I believe the importance of history is underrated in schools anymore. I remember even in the early 90's it was kind of a joke class. Sad because it was one of my favorite and best subjects.
  11. I think the coop is very secure. Chicken wire on top and hardware cloth on sides all secured with heavy staples. We also have 5' farm fence around the yard. Between that and the dog hoard I'm hoping to keep all the critters away. I will be watching for snakes but we do that anyway because of the copperheads around here.
  12. Thanks. Gonna look at making a chicken tractor this fall. Definitely going to be doing all outdoor projects in late winter spring and fall.
  13. Well our first venture into the world of poultry has begun. We got out first ten feathered friends yesterday. The coop took me about a week to build and that was probably a miracle. I have to say I have no prior carpentry training and before this the most I had built was a set of shelves. The building was already there so that helped. I think it turned out pretty darn good.
  14. Wow! That's a pretty cool old hammer.
  15. Oh yea, I saw that the other day after reading the thread about air guns. It was a very dangerous thing to start looking at. They make one with a suppressor too!
  16. Definitely getting more aggressive on alternative fronts.
  17. Great work! I like the first one with the crazy handle too.
  18. He could have just as well carried a pistol, or even had an AR pistol strapped to his side, but instead he chose a tactical sling with 100rd drum. You think this is a positive step for helping the cause? More like it's going to get people scrambling to figure out how to ban them from the airport at the very least. This is my favorite quote from the article "People think that if you're simply carrying your firearm, regardless of how you're carrying it, you're a bad person," he told the News Wednesday morning. "But if you're not carrying it in a menacing or threatening manner, it should be no cause for concern for anybody." So dressing in black and carrying an AR in a tactical front sling with 100rd drum is not threatening? It's not that he did it I have a problem with, it's how he did it. Also I bet dollars to doughnuts he doesn't walk around all day everyday with that strapped to his chest. He was looking for personal attention, not exercising his rights for a just cause.
  19. Great pics and good story EssOne.
  20. Can't believe that was your first time there. I bet you were grinning from ear to ear all day. Glad you got to go.
  21. Wish there was a little more info on this story. Looks like they were after more than just some earrings and petty cash. I would guess this is gang related activity. They seem somewhat organized in the entry method too. I like your idea of bedside gun though.
  22. This is where I would go. If I were closer I would break something just to have an excuse to go over there! Probably on say, a Wednesday night. :)


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