He could have just as well carried a pistol, or even had an AR pistol strapped to his side, but instead he chose a tactical sling with 100rd drum. You think this is a positive step for helping the cause? More like it's going to get people scrambling to figure out how to ban them from the airport at the very least. This is my favorite quote from the article
"People think that if you're simply carrying your firearm, regardless of how you're carrying it, you're a bad person," he told the News Wednesday morning. "But if you're not carrying it in a menacing or threatening manner, it should be no cause for concern for anybody."
So dressing in black and carrying an AR in a tactical front sling with 100rd drum is not threatening? It's not that he did it I have a problem with, it's how he did it. Also I bet dollars to doughnuts he doesn't walk around all day everyday with that strapped to his chest. He was looking for personal attention, not exercising his rights for a just cause.