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Ron Padilla

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Everything posted by Ron Padilla

  1. holster today, this one is for my wife's gun now I need to do another for mine. photos to follow in a minute.   Thanks for looking and comments.
  2. I had a conversation with a person who drops in here now from time to time, I asked if it made a difference if magnum primers was ok over a regular primer and his answer was that he made all his magnum primers either small rifle or large rifle, pistol etc.  The reasoning behind the thinking is that it easier to keep track of instead of have all sorts of different primers, just some food for thought when you go to buy.
  3. Thanks for posting, I have been having some thoughts along the same line and have been meaning to call the local ATF.  I guess it is time to go ahead and do that as well as speaking with some one in the county and city offices, as I just did for my limited business license for leather and Kydex.
  4. I got some of the holster parts glues together, I'll finish that up tomorrow and got a belt to work on for a guy in Cali and the key fobs have to cut the leather for those stamp them install the straps then decide if I am going to die them or just clear coat.  
  5. cut out a few key fobs today along with a holster, need to glue up the holster parts tonight then work on the sewing part, the fobs need the straps cut out and the key rings.  The dex was 2 different types of mag holders, one is a double stack 45 for a mod 2, the other for a 1911 type mag in a horizontal.  pics to follow in a few.
  6. of course reloading your own drops the cost considerably for both just a thought. :)
  7. I appreciate the offer but MP5_Rizzo got me some so I am in good shape for now.
  8. everything he says is right on.
  9. telling them it is part of a colostomy bag, and they can take a peak if they like would turn them off, just like a zipper down.
  10. No the original owner sold out so he could continue his fight against the atf, I bought complete bcg done in nickel hydride, but it has been several months
  11. Ok cool I really appreciate it i'll pm yuo my addy
  12. No small enough to maybe drill a center hole then insert a bolt that can be chucked up in a drill
  13. What I would like to do is make a very sharp burnishing point to do the oblong holes as well as the round on belts and holsters, I have one I created one out of cocabola that works real well in my drill press. But I understand that antler good as well.
  14. That might have a whole bunch of dear antler laying around, I am in need of a couple of pieces to use while working on leather products that I am making.  If anyone can help a guy out drop me a pm.    Thanks   Ron   and if this is the wrong section please let me know or just move it I understand and to answer the question in advance I need it to burnish the edges on belts and holsters.   Thanks again
  15. you can try Penskee they might rent one out, but you might need someone who already has a license to rent it.
  16. he was trying to make a sale, like mentioned above^^^ you have other options, but I would select one that is molded specifically for your gun.  If the one above is not to far off in difference than your model then you cant beat the price.  Otherwise get one specific you'll be glad you did in the long run.
  17. maybe just an accident up in your hood, nothing down here.
  18. well I am glad we found out about both now we can have more info when we look at the trailer.
  19. I read a small blurb that 1 of the things they fear is that we could all just get along. How strange is that?
  20. on in just a few minutes on history channel 269 in the Clarksville area.
  21. Yes your correct I should have blocked out the trigger guard area, what I did after the fact was to take my heat pistola and heated and relieved the area just a bit. I wrnt to all the trouble of doing all that then she wanted it changed. But I am happy with the way it came out, that was done in a new taco press that I built. And yes my wife has recognized that the area she goes to in Nashville, Nolensville is somewhat questionable and wanted to be able to have it with her every time she goes down there.
  22. Might change the warfyter clip for a rubber coated strap and snap


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