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Ron Padilla

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Everything posted by Ron Padilla

  1. Some would say that an AR round is to small for deer, and others will say it is ok.  Alot is going to depend on the twist of your barrel
  2. I finished my build not long ago and was looking at all that was out there as well, and also what would work with a can when I have the funds to do a trust and found Izor Armory they just came out with one that will work with the cans that they make,  i have purchased the Flash device from them but as yet have not tried it to give any input, you might want to look at it although it might not be what you are looking at just thought i would through it out there.   
  3. JP that is going to the extreme unless you are (pushing my leg) :)
  4. There is some interesting posts over on 300blk site about some of the same type of feed problems that I and others here have experienced, as well as comments on the D & H mags.  But was hoping that some here would chime in use of the mags.
  5. I called D & H direct and spoke with them, the photo might be generic?  But the customer service rep indicated that they did extensive testing, and had follow up reports that there was only 1 or 2 rounds that would not cycle, I was hoping you would see this Dolo, in fact I would like for others to call them as well, they do not sell direct, only through resellers Weideners reloading being one.  If this mag does as they say it will and will load a 30 round mag without any problems that would be great, as I mentioned I did call them and the other question I asked was about other capacity mags and the gentalman I spoke with indicated that they would most likely build lesser capacity, a 10, and 20 rounder but not larger.  Oh and Dolo i meant to post this in long guns but can stay here would like to see a lot of info on this move if you wish.    thanks
  6. I actually ment for this to go in the long guns section oops
  7. who else uses them for their 300blk, at 28.00 per mag they are a little steep but made specificaly for the 300blk. So would like to know who if anyone is using one yet, I just ordered the other brand that is sort of clear (drew a brain fart on name) but I think you guys now which one I am talikg about.  Let me know what y'all think thanks.
  8. In fact I just ordered one from them for 300 blk the only thing that was a killer is their shipping rate they realy get you on that.
  9. Thanks G, that was very informative.
  10. thanks for the response, but suredly there must be others out there that some of the ones on the market and have more opins.
  11. very informative info in the videos thanks for posting.
  12. there are few different ones out there Hornady as well as some independent mfgs but wich one do you own use and like and based on what info?  Thanks
  13. I would love to meet some of you guys from around here, but, thats church day and definitly cannot meet at least that early in the morning.  Have a good time enjoy the ambiance.
  14. I got the email as well but I hate the way it opens up so didnt realy look to far in to it.
  15. Ya I loaded 35 last night with 20.3gr and it was right at the top of the case, when we did it, sort of gives an unnerving feeling that something is going to go wrong when those rounds are fired.  I am curious to find out how they are going to shoot, will know soon enough.
  16. i did call sierra today, and the tech did say that the info on the website was correct, and that the charge of 20.3 is correct for the minimum load.  I mentioned that at that charge that it was near a full cartrige and he said that was correct, go figure, but I will load a few test and see.  thanks for the response.
  17. ok thanks
  18. crossbow is going to be new to me this year so i am sure there is some to lear so, is that device for removing the old to make room for the new?  and if so where does one pick one of those up.   thanks
  19. 30 cal  110gr for the 300 BLK?  I looked up the loading specs for this and it indicates 20.3br for the lightest load, now it is late at night so I cant call them but I am in the morning when I get up.  But the problem is that when dropping the powder for 20.3gr charge it seems as though the case is full to the top something is ary here, so if anyone is using this and I almost forgot to say that I am using 4227 powder.  And again I went back to make sure on there website that I was lookin at the correct specs and it calls for min of 20.3gr and tried to charge several cases and all would be overfull.     Help!!!!!
  20. it has been tough, I know that you guys are very busy David and do appreciate what you do, as you know timing is everything and sometimes our schedules dont mesh, or time and money dont mesh.  sometimes when I have the money your not in town and when your in town I dont, being on a tight budget the first of the month is when I can pop for goods unless one of my children can then pitch in but you know how that goes.  But again I do appreciate everything that you do.
  21. ok well hopefully someone is there to spend some cash with.
  22. I have done business with Dave, he and his daughter are very nice people, however they arent doing Nashville anymore and not sure about the boro show.  As well as the fact that they are very busy prepairing for and doing other shows that it at times makes it very difficult to to buy from them, and as you mentioned would like to have another source to buy from.  I am right around the corner from midsouth but even with them powder is an issue, and being on a slim budget I have to set asside the funds for future buys, so if I cant get it from David or midsouth I need another source.   Thanks
  23. The next show there is the 6-7 of sept, so I was wondering who sells reloading supplies there or in Nashville, and I thought that there was going to be a show in Nashville the 1st weekend in Sept.   Thanks is advance.
  24. we have a few squirrels in the back yard as well as or did have some rabbit, have seen a few deer feeding in some of the corn fields in the area, not sure about the other areas but here in Sango, Clarksville there is a whole bunch of corn growing this year.  Now we havent been here long but I have to figure that with the amount of corn growing that should also make for a bumper year in turkey as well as deer, and well fed too boot. 
  25. and when were not hunting with them we could be crossing gaurds, but hold on I have only seen one here is Clarksvul and not sure he wears the style.  :)


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