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Ron Padilla

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Everything posted by Ron Padilla

  1. now I could be wrong, but I think that I read a while back where California of all places changed the procedure there. Where if you have bought a weapon recently they arent going to do a recheck everytime you go in for a new perchase.  coulld be wrong like I said but you would think that if you still have a current HCP you wouldnt need to go through it, thinking being that if you were a recently convicted individaul they would yank your permit.
  2. oh shoot, what triger type do you like to use for botha pistol and rifle build, and dont mean to hijack the thread.   Thanks
  3. There were 3 that passed by in the neighbors field 2 days ago 1 was gimping the other 2 following close by, by the time I got dressed and out the door with my cross bow they were long gone.
  4. Thanks . that is what I am refering to or a slight variation of those
  5. are there certain types of forward veriticle grips that are legal, I cant think of any brands or names at the moment, but they are the ones that have a small piece of horizontal mounting and small verticle grip, hope this question is understood
  6. dustbuster, any updates on that DD side charging setup yet, I would like to know what you Think about it.   Thanks   Ron
  7. Ron Padilla

    Anti seize

    That loctite stuff should be some good stuff to use.
  8. Ron Padilla

    Anti seize

    I wouldnt use the bearing grease, I would rather use the high temp anti-seize or lubraplate white grease, there is a difference with anti-seize, there is the regular that is silver looking and the extreme high temp that is copper looking, it is copper looking because it does have more copper in it, lubriplate is used when assembling engines on the main bearings untill oil starts to travel through the journels to the main bearings, so it has to tollerate high temps and lubricate at the same time.
  9. Dave my condelences to you and your family, take your time, there is still time left in the season for us to get out.
  10. Good deal, I put a call in to Dave today but did not hear back from him, I will try him again tomorrow to see when we can set up a time to get together to set up a time to head out to LBL to see if we cant diminish the herd some.
  11. regardless of the theory applied, time and motion will eventually take its toll on the process, and failure will begin to set in, unless there is a stringent maintenance process in place that will (hopefully) elliminate the potential threat befroe it take place, but then as sure as some enginer thinks they have it whipped, somthing else will become problematic that was not factored in.  so unfortunatly there will always be the Monday-Friday phenomenom, but it just might be on tuesday and wednesday.
  12. Sorry I went back and looked closer at the video and saw that it mounts 1 slot back now that I can work with.
  13. Dust, are indicating that it does not mount on the front of the rail but 1 slot back from the front?   Thanks
  14. I thought the DD was neat concept myself with the exception of 2 things, 1. cost and 2. the way it mounts, not sure what a person would do if they wanted to use a rail.  Unlessthere is one out there (rail) that would leave a space where it could be mounted.  Unless a person would have a rail machined to remove the portion that would but up against it and the upper, would like to see what all ya'll think.   Thanks
  15. long standing joke about Monday and Friday made stuff, to bad they dont mark the items with what day of the week it was made on, then have specials for the Monday Friday stuff.
  16. ok I will, I am hoping to get more hunting time in before the season is over, but the V.A. has me scheduled for a bucn of stuff between now and the 1st.
  17. well I got the barrel today now to get the upper and finsh out the lower and it will be off to the range to let it go bang bang
  18. there was one on craigslist in 45 I think
  19. I understand the feelings of not wanting to hunt alone, as well as the disabled part all though not know your issues, I too suffer from my disabilities that stop me from doing things that used to be everyday things in the past, I hope to get out there but am thinking that my season is closing in real fast.  I'll need to be traveling down to Nashville to VA for a few things and a shortage of cash will probably keep here where I have been going out to.  One of these days maybe we can get together and figure out a schedule where we can hunt together.
  20. Dave if you pull up the cadizrecord sports section or a recent press release from landbetweenthelakes.us to can see the article I was refereing to where they have opened up additional areas for archery hunting between now and the 4th for the cost of the additional license fee, I was hopeing myself that I could do it but my ssdi wont stretch far enough this month unless i can get my son to pay for it.  But look up the article or call 270 924 2065 for more info about it. if i can swing the cash I know Iknow it is only 25.00 more maybe we can get together and go get us some.
  21. I was sent a news paper article that lbl has opened additional zones to archery for the rest of the year, so I might just go ahead a pop for the additional 25 for the fed lic and hunt that area a few times throughout the remainder of the year.  I am not aware of what it takes to hunt Ft Campbell.
  22. well they are makers of barrels as well as other long guns, I just figured that some here might have one in use.  I noticed on another board there are some that use them but maybe not here.
  23. 70 looks and no comments, i thought for sure that a few people here would have one and could comment on it, or is the pistol craze in 300blk not that popular here?
  24. Thanks Dave, all info is greatfull.  I am loosing some drive to get out not seen much around here, I am sure the weather has something to do with it, and as usual I'll go and not see anything then later in the day will get a report of several being seen :(
  25. thanks for the info any idea what the license cost is for the lbl


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