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Ron Padilla

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Everything posted by Ron Padilla

  1. for some reason I have struggled with getting it done right, not sure why thanks for the help
  2. the pad was bought from midsouth it originated from guntec, it only took a few days for midsouth to order in and they now have them in stock, and yes with that tube it should be legal to shoulder.
  3. Forgot to mention that it also has the jp bolt on adjustable gas block
  4. thanks
  5. http://postimg.org/gallery/h4eo9q6m/   try this again well it looks like it worked a little better, so now if some one looks at let me know if it is working ok and also what you think of the build.   It consists of a Anderson lower I think it was a Delton upper aries nib bcg devil dog side charger JP scs with 3 heavy weights Bergara 10 inch barrel 1-8 twist cmc 3 pound triger the  front rail will be changed out soon for a light weight keymod from midsouth The muzzle device will also be changed out for a SD Tacticle muzzle device the take down pins and the mag release button were all ingraved with infidel on them any questions or cons or what you think I could do better to it let me know this also has the phase 5 bolt catch lever installed instead of going with one of the bad levers that bolt on I went this route Thanks
  6. Thanks I am going to keep working on it
  7. well I am sory and not sure how to fix the whole thing
  8. doubled the post
  9. http://postimg.org/gallery/h4eo9q6m/
  10. Dont forget that tomorrow is a holiday, and the petition website only shows about 3000 signatures right now with 1000,000 needed by March so a long way to go.
  11. wat is er a what is it all about.  and where
  12. OOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooohhhh  NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo here we go again :) :)
  13. Well there is no budget per se, just wishful thinking to a degree.  I know I cannot afford the high end stuff, so i would need to stay at the bottom end of the affordable scope range.  I felt like others that Nikon was for camera stuff but then bought one because of the reputation of the glass they use for there lenses.  Then I heard about the vortex equipment and have put some thought in to that glass, the one scope that brings me back to Nikon and not sure if other companies have one similar is the dedicated 300blk scope.  With the thought that if they put out the effort to develop a scope for a 300blk it might be worth a shot.  I have never really looked in to or used a red dot and was looking at different options for my 300blk pistola.  So I might try a Vortex red dot for that, and if it such that I dont like it I can always sell it and try something else.  So that is what has driven the question thinking that most of you have far greater exposure and use of the different scopes, I had heard that redfield was taken over by leopuld and thought that maybe the product control might be a little higher but not sure on those.   So I am still in the game for trying a different scope and if they dont work out I can hope that I can recover some of my money or let me son have them and buy something else that is in the affordable line.  Still hoping for more to add thoughts along with what some have found to work with a 300blk carbin and a 300blk pistola.  I still have hopes of adding another remington 700 back in to my line up of weapons now that wally world is offering a 6 month layaway that is something i can budget for and will need glass for it.    Thanks
  14. so far 2 for vortex 1 negative for redfield and 0 for nikon, I am thinking about the p 300 from nikon for the 300blk carbine, and also thinking about the vortex strikefire2 with red green dot for the 300blk pistola that was completed after several months of building.  I am have trouble with the current nikon on my carbine and not sure yet if it the scope the mount or the rifle. but from all indicators it is the scope.  If it is I will have nikon repair and put it back on a remington 700 I want to get later in the year.  I had bought the current nikon for a remington but it ended up on the carbine, it is a lttle short for a 700 but it worked ok but seems to long for the 300blk.
  15. Was that before or after they were bought out?
  16. In the event I need to change my scope out on my 300blk carbin not sure which one to go with I have heard good things about all three, hae always held nikon glass with regard due to their camera equipment, have also heard good about the other 2 as well.  I also want to put a red dot on my ar pistola and not sure what to go with there.  Let me know what some of ya'll think and why.    Thanks
  17. Most feel that a large caliber is not needed here in Tn, you'll see any where from the Ar in 223 to the 308 being used, some have gone to 300blk, 6.8, 6.5, depends on if you want to build or buy your weapon and or reload as well.
  18. as a note I did check the muzzle device and it does not appear to have had any type of strike at all so that is one more item that can be checked off the list.
  19. it is a home built ar, what was noticed the other day was that even though the shots were high and left they were all very well grouped together.  It may take me a few days now to be able to pick up some factory ammo, but I had a few bucks left so I purchased the wheeler professional reticle leveling system today over at midsouth and going to try what was mentioned above and switch the mounting rings around.  I now have more levels than an I know what to do with, but hopefully I can get this figured out.  I didnt want to keep wasting ammo the other day with bad results, but as I mentioned last night I took it down to the point where I had levels on the barrel the upper and those were right on so I dont think it is with the upper, I am going to look at the muzzle device to see if it has had s strike and then go from there.  We dont have anymore hunting planned at the time but was really disapointed not being able to take it with me this past week end.  Thanks for all the pointers will get back with what I find out.
  20. the upper I have are not billet just the Ol ordinary forged type.
  21. I could try that tomorrow and see what happens, any clue why you think that might make a difference?
  22. That is what I am thinking I may borrow the one on my sons AR or pick up another while I find out if the one in question be checked under warranty
  23. well there are several factors involved, but I dont think it is with the upper.  It is a 300blk.  I went out to zero it in the other day and at first i thought it was me, I could not see a hit anywhere on the targe at 100 yards, then I discovered that I had hit the top of the target almost off of the target, but that was after several rounds.  so I droped the corss hairs to bottoming out the adjusment.  At that point I was still hitting about 5 inches high and this was with me aiming 5 inches below bullseye and was still above center by about 5 inches.  These were with a hand load, however I had checked each round for runout and had brought about 90% of the rounds into very close to zero runout.  So at that time I did not want to keep wasting ammo and went in to and spoke with Mr Binkley but he wasnt very helpfull at the moment as we was busy on another weapon,but there was another gunsmith there with him, so he and I started to talk and he felt it could be one of 2 things ther upper not being true or a bad scope.    Now I do not recall for sure if i ever dropped that scope but could have happened, so today I decided to pull, the rail and used levels on the upper as well as the barrel and found that both of them to be setting level and then used severel different levels and came out with the results.  I did think early one that maybe I had screwed up as I have to facing tool that I got from buds gunshop last fall and had faced the upper, but again after using the levels and this was after posting the question ealier I found the upper and the barrel to be level, so now I am thinking that scope is off, back when I had but the lazer bore sighter on it I had some of the same problem, but I was at max magnification, but again I brought the target in to 25 yards and had the same effect, so I think it might be the scope but would still like to hear what ya'll have to say. Thanks
  24. So I was wondering if anyone has used Binkleys custom gun shop off of Madison and farmer rd to have that done and what it might cost.  I was looking forward to taking mine out with me during this past weekend for the yote hunt but I could not get it to zero.  I have not take it completely apart to determine if I can find anything wrond with it, but thinking from past reads here on TGo that the upper might be off.   Thanks
  25. Yes enjoyed the fellowship and breaking bread with everyone and look forward to getting together for a range day or another round of sharing stories.


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