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Everything posted by 2000silverz28

  1. I'm excited! I thought it had only been 3 weeks since I did my fingerprinting but I checked the mail today and it was here! Come to find out it had been 4 weeks to the day today that I did my finger printing!
  2. Hell I was wrong.....its been 4 weeks to the day that I did my fingerprinting and guess what..............I checked the mail and mine is here to!!!!!!
  3. Why don't we just declare everybody in the world a citizen of the United States and be done with it?
  4. You can buy them yourself and then have them shipped to an FFL. There is a fee though.
  5. It's 3 weeks today since I did my fingerprinting.
  6. My instructor who is also a LE said it was ok to pick a child up as long as the gun was not handled while on the property. I don't know about leaving it in the car. I would think it would be ok as long as it was locked.
  7. For those that work night shift like me check out the history channel right now. There's a pretty good show on right now called "sharp shooters".
  8. If I didn't have so much going on tomorrow I'd join ya'll. My wife's sister has a high school graduation thing tomorrow and also my niece is having a college graduation thing. Maybe I can get with ya'll the next time.
  9. I thought this was pretty cool. http://jacksonsun.gns.gannettonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070425/GNSVIDEO50/70425001/-1/CAMPUS
  10. http://www.kansascity.com/105/story/87792.html
  11. I know exactly what you are going through. I had surgery right before I turned 18 for two ruptured discs and one that was partially ruptured. I got to the point where it hurt so bad I was in tears. It's been ten years since my surgery and I still have alittle pain if I move the wrong way or pick up something wrong. It's alot better than what I was going through though. I had the same problem as you with the pain shooting down my leg. It is something I don't ever want to have again. My doctor said I could possibly have problems again by the time I'm 50. On mine he said he completely removed the inside of the disc and only left the tough outer part. I don't know the actual name for it but it seems to have done the trick. He also said I have a narrow spinal canal and thats why I had problems so young. I hope you recover fast. Just do what the doc tells you to do and everything should be fine.
  12. I went ahead and got finger printed today. Now the dreaded wait...........................................................................
  13. got my application done today and I'm going to get finger printed friday. Then the wait begins.
  14. I'd recommend anybody to Shane Laney in Jackson for his HCP class. It was a great class and alot of fun. He answered every question that people had and I learned alot. Now I guess I need to go to the DMV right? I'll do that first of the week. I can't wait to get the ball rolling!!
  15. I'm taking my class tomorrow. I can't wait to get it all done and get my permit
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070418/us_nm/usa_crime_shooting_town_dc_1;_ylt=AlluunK91yUmhvZYReFx9QpH2ocA
  17. I've been looking around for a rem. 870 in black with a 18in barrel to use as a home defense shotgun. Anybody know anybody that has one in stock around west tn? I've checked a couple places but nobody has what I'm looking for.
  18. My money pit is my 2000 camaro z28. Has alot of mods with more on the way. I also have a 2004 silverado z71 that so far I haven't done anything to. I've been getting the itch though.
  19. I build elevators.
  20. yeah I saw it and its this weekend too. I'll be working so I won't be able to make either one.
  21. Well I guess I won't get to do it this month. I'm gonna have to work sat.
  22. Has anybody ever been through any training with Shane Laney? I'm thinking about going through his carry permit class this sat. Anybody want to join me? He is in jackson, tn for those that don't know.
  23. It says they have 180 members. Its 125 to sign up and 75 a year after that and you must be a NRA member.
  24. http://www.tnsportsfoundation.org/index.htm This is a club just south of jackson. Does anybody know anything about it? They have an outside range and they do a handgun permit class once a month. I found it when I was looking for handgun permit classes. I thought maybe some of you might be interested.


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