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Everything posted by TacoBubba

  1. I just ordered a saddle receiver mount for my winchester 1300. I have two barrels one rifled and one smooth. Not wanting to change out optics (it is drilled and tapped from winchester, but I'm not a fan of big honking scoped on a shotgun) from season to season, I'm contemplating a reflex sight to put on the saddle mount. I like they way that my eyes pick up the sight on them. But will they hold up to turkey loads and ruffled slugs? Any thoughts or alternate ideas would be appreciated.
  2. Really nice! I like that knife!
  3. I could see myself getting one of these. I have been wanting to do something similar to my 17. Buy a custom slide/optic. That's something else I'm saving for as well. I have been wanting a glock with rails and optics. It's nice to now see that option from the factory. My glocks are older. 2nd gen gen17 and 3rd gen g26.
  4. I will say that they are addictive. I came from shooting and owning glocks. This being my first 1911 I really didn't know what to expect. But I do know this; I really enjoy shooting this gun! Now I'm not gonna rid the safe of my glocks. But I have a feeling that the glocks are going to have to make room for more 1911's
  5. I'm open to anything really. I was just using the DW as an example. I know that there are plenty of high end 1911's out there. I'll find something. I have been lucky so far. I bought my Rock blindly. I had not shot one until I purchased it. Which was a first for me. I like to test things out before I buy them. It's doubtful that I'll ever shoot a high end 1911 before purchasing one. I'll basically go on reputation and word of mouth. I really appreciate all of the information that you and everyone has given to me.
  6. Here are a couple from seasons past.
  7. Its too late for me! I have already started saving for my next 1911. I have some extravagant taste that's for sure. I plan on doing just simple upgrades, nothing crazy. As far as extravagant tastes go, a dream gun would be something like a Dan Wesson. Honestly though, its hard to justify paying that much for what in my opinion I consider a tool. A very well maintained tool, but a tool none the less. But a feller and dream right?
  8. I know that i'm not flintching or bucking. Just to reassure myself, I let the ol man sling some lead down range and the same result happened with him shooting. I am either going to take a file to the front sight, buy new ones or just keep on trucking with it. I know what I can do with it and know how it shoots. All I know is that I love shooting this gun, and I am going to continue until I wear out or the gun wears out.
  9. I will do that the next time that I shoot. Thanks for the tip!
  10. It has a Novak style rear with dove tail front blade. One of range officers suggested that try thr 185 as you have mentioned. I was going to try those, but 185 has been hard to find. I did pick-up some 200, I haven't shot those yet.
  11. Thanks! I try to improve each time that I go. I'm just trying to figure out, do I file the sight down, buy new ones, or reduce the load that I'm shooting.
  12. Went to the indoor range over at Barnetts Guns in Hampton. I worked out the 1911. I put a couple of hundred down the pipe. The more I shoot this gun, the more awesome it becomes! So far, I've put about 500 rounds down the pipe since buying it in February. I have noticed that it shoots low. I'm having to aim high a 3-4 to get it to hit where I want. I can adjust easily. However, should I go down to a 180 or 200 grain bullet to get it to find the sweet spot? Currently, I'm just shooting 230 round nose. Mostly just getting the gun broke in. Here are a few pics from my day. Another of the same type of target.
  13. Here is a pic of my Taco. Great truck. I had a pickup back in the 90's, thing was tough as nails. I found this on the Tacoma forums. Couldn't resist!
  14. Received mine this morning. Thanks for such a wonderful knife! This was my first group buy for anything, looking forward to another one. I now have a new hobby in knives. Thanks again!
  15. Oh let me look at fundage... I'm interested
  16. Looking forward to it! Thanks!
  17. Unicoi here
  18. We can scream and yell until we're blue in the face, but until we get these bums that make the laws out of office, this will become the norm.
  19. I was out and about today, went to the range ect... Stopped by my local Walmart to restock on some ammo. My cousin is the ordering manager for his area of the store. Sporting goods happens to be in his section. We both shoot, so he knows about this latest ammo scare. He told me that the store sold 180 boxes of 5.56 on Saturday alone. Wiped out their entire stock. They have just a little bit of .223 left. I wasn't looking for that caliber, but I do shoot that from time to time. It amazes me how quickly panic starts. On that note, if you haven't called, emailed, sent letters or raised a big stink, now is the time to contact your representative and the batfe... our rights are in jeopardy!
  20. Here are a few from my honeymoon from Niagra Canada and all points north. I like night time photography and landscapes. A big fan of the manual focus.
  21. I wanted to mention that I officially was sworn into my camp earlier this month. It was one of the coolest things that I've done as an adult. My camp Lt. Robert J. Tipton camp 2083 is growing. We've had some new members in the past few months, including me. Surprisingly, a lot of younger guys like me. It's nice to see people who care about our past.
  22. You should try working in the news business and dealing with this. It is different in the upper eastern end of the state and SW VA. Directed two shows today and it was nothing but wx after wx story and maybe some nascar. But knowing our meteorologist, whose done this for 30 years; I could tell a difference in his voice. Either way we're getting something. Yall stay safe out there
  23. I saw the billboards, unfortunately work requires that I be there instead of the gun show.
  24. I own two of the ailen gear holsters. One IWB and the ther OWB. Both are very comfortable. The shells are swappable, the price is good and quality thus far seems top notch.
  25. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/index.php?/topic/85557-I-bought-a-tank Here is a link to the thread


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