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Everything posted by TacoBubba

  1. I thought that I would receive mine later in the week because of living in upper East TN. Not the case, checked the mail a few minutes ago and I found my package. Talk about one sweet knife! Thanks for making this happen Willis! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Thank you! You have a nice buck yourself! I agree on the shaking, the day I quit, will be the day they lay me in the ground! Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  3. I shot this 8pt around 8:30 this am. He came down the trail looking for love. I sprayed some rinks in a scrape and on a couple fallen logs on my way in. He came right to the log which was at nose level. He kinda got jittery and acted like he was going to turn and go back the way he came. He presented a quartering to me shot. I put it on his shoulder knowing it would hit him I'm the ribs/ liver. Which it did. I found him about 15 minutes later after I quit shaking. I'm stoked! First deer for me in a couple of years. I didn't have this guy on film. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  4. Earlier this year I purchased bass pro shops 100mph gear. The jacket and bibs. I will say that I mostly use it for fishing cold weather. That being said, I have stayed dry and warm. Running the boat in cold weather had no effect on me either. I was able to fish comfortably all day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Nice! I can dig one of those. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I bought one of these. My first time using classic and a first c&r. Not a bad experience. I'll post a pics later. For some reason I cleaned it up and didn't take any pics....duh! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Just sent my payment via pat pal. #9 two tone.
  8. This happened at our sister station. We sent crews up there to help out. This hits close to home for me. It's what I do for a living. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I live in Unicoi, welcome!
  10. Seeing the mood of the mood of the country shift in a total opposite direction in just a few days, I want to mention to any of you who are scv members to keep the good fight. This morning before work members of our camp attended a moment of silence at some of our ancestors graves. In other news, one of our members was verbally threatened Sunday night for having a scv tag on his truck. Thankfully a few good ol boys broke up something that could have quickly escalated. The member that was threatened is deaf due to being around artillery in service of his country. The harnessing offenders were not caught. They had their license plates covered due to the pre planning of this harassment. As always, stay safe! Stay alert! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I'm in on this one. I'll take number 9 to match my runt. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Praying for a speedy recovery, and for your family. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. The good thing about it. Keltec just sent me a shipping label that I'm fixing to print off. So, I'm going to let them have a look at it on their dime. Looking at it and looking at that frankenbolt it looks and feels in good shape. Something is making it kick straight back. Like I mentioned in a previous post above. Hot brass down the a@@! Woo-hoo that was a thrill lol. .
  14. I ran the gun pretty hard yesterday of various different types of ammo. Ran around 300 rounds. The gun hates jhp rounds. Will not feed them at all. When it did, instant stovepipe! I've been shooting guns for a long time, I've shot other keltecs before with no issues. I can handle a gun no issues. I did notice that my finger touched my mag release. I adjusted for that. But, I will not carry a gun that I don't trust! And now I've lost my trust in that gun. Hopefully, keltec can get it right. I hear good things about them and customer service. Maybe the little gun can earn my trust once it's all fixed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Well after a week and a day of ownership of my little pf9 it's going back to keltec. I am having extraction issues, ftf, fte, stovpiping a jams. I would guess that around 75% of the brass came back toward my face or arms. I even have hot brass down the a@@ which was not very pleasant! As soon as the shipping label is emailed to me off it will go. I will say this; so far customer service has been quick. I have never had to deal with a fun return, so this is all new to me Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Great movie! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. The sad thing or should I say sorry thing about the media is that this is the May book for ratings. Unfortunately, the media will only get worse, and all in the name of ratings. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Any opposition to carry 147 grains in these? I don't see why it couldn't handle the load. But for those who have owned and carried them, what are your thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I don't have a problem with it. To be honest, and this is just my opinion. I wish they would set a limit to 4 on one side. I think it would make the quality of hunting much better in the long run. Another thing, harvesting a doe should then allow one to obtain a buck tag. But, that's just my opinion. On the flip side of that,hunting in the eastern end of the state differs from middle tn and all points west. We do have some good mountain deer in this region. I would like to see them grow. The limit would keep hunters more selective. But, hunt for meat as well so I can see both sides. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Picked up a little pocket 9 today. Stopped by my lgs looking for a summer carry pistol. Found this little PF-9. Not my first polymer pistol, but it is my smallest. I came home and grabbed a bite to eat and field stripped it and loved it up with some ballistol. Grabbed a box of 50 and went to the range a few miles up the road. I hate going to public ranges, to my surprise, not a soul in sight! Jackpot! So, I grabbed my box of ammo and went to shootin. Found some unused targets which was nice. Initial impressions: the little gun ran like a champ. Granted, more shooting will be needed before shorts season fully arrives. Another thing that I noticed is that the slide lock is STIFF and I do mean stiff. It's slowly starting to loosen up. But, I can live with that. One last thing, make sure to move your fingers away from the magazine well. Magazines hurt when they pinch the skin. That's some free advice [emoji6]
  21. I will keep that in mind. My mount is on route via usps. I'm going to wait till after turkey season to mount and find an optic. I need a durable one that is easily adjustable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. The Redfield is not bad looking for the price. I went to the link that was provided. Thanks for the info Dave!
  23. I'm not opposed to buying a quality optic. I've envisioned one of those sights on that gun for sometime now. I've had that gun since the mid 90's when companies first started the dipping on their guns. It's old school advantage cammo. One sweet shootin shotgun!
  24. I have a cz 612 hcp. Good gun, but I wish it didn't have the pistol grip. I purchased it when they came out 3 or 4 years ago. Got a good deal. However, it's not aftermarket friendly. I probably will end up selling it and hope to buy a benelli supernova. Ammo wise, 3.5 mag turkey loads followed by 00 buck shot does the trick for me. That ain't your typical bird shot. And will lay a whoppin on anything that crosses it's path. I will admit that I could use more training. But I will defend and hole up in the bedroom along with my wife. Not about any sweep and clear mode.


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