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    Columbia, Tn
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    Carpenter Bee tending to the hive


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  1.   I just can't like that enough... (The smiley face was a great touch too)
  2.   Yeah, it's worth it. Difference between getting on a bike in your drive way and heading out in to traffic and taking two-three days with a riding instructor in a parking lot learning the basics of stop, go and turn.
  3. Got so that you could toast a marsh-mellow from all the radar hitting you... Those guys would pull you over just for looking fast.   I don't like all the crowds there, just too many bikes whizzing around for me to keep track of.
  4. Never had a problem seating them, had some give me fits trying to get 'em out. I think that was my fault as I had tried soaking them in Simple Green instead of tumbling them. Let them sit for a few days to dry and they were super glued in place... Had to tumble the lot and they freed up just fine.
  5.   The chase bike is a red goldwing, had that guy pass me going up early last Fall. I got it somewhere on helmet cam, he was really riding that wing. I waved him through my lane and he blew the chrome off the left side on my Harley.   I generally avoid that area but it's located near some beautiful riding
  6. Termites like to get under concrete, rocks and such. Concentrate on those areas around that deck as well as the house foundation.
  7. Heck, anybody would be wore out taking a tree down with only that. I'd say you are in better than average condition to get it done as quick as you did. If you are worried about it though, I'll go room and board and you can tighten up by trimming my fruit trees, I just hate pruning trees
  8. Dropped the pan on my 99 Ford, still had the cherry in it at 167K. Pan was full of crap and the filter definitely plugged. Pulls and shifts allot better but I'm budgeting for a new tranny now. My daughter is driving my old Corolla with 200k on it, fluid changed every 50k or so. It starts acting funny when it's time
  9. Poor_Dog

    Body Found

    I used to dive Kentucky lake, in the back of my mind I always feared grabbing a body by the ankle in the dark... Gave me shivers to read that story, hope the kids will do okay.
  10. From what little hunting I've done on WMA property, I've never had a problem parking where other hunters have, normally it's fairly obvious, a side road here or there. Never, ever-never go driving down a fire road though unless it's clearly marked as such. Around here they have a folding plastic post that indicates roads to stay off of. You can walk down them, just don't drive.
  11. Some of those stores video tape all of their transactions not for security, but to check that every restricted purchase is carded. The clerk can get fired for selling beer to his mother for not carding.
  12. I've dealt allot with A&H, never had an issue like this with them.  Any complaint I ever had was handled by something like 'Grab an extra handful until you thinks it's right attitude'. He always throws an extra handful of brass/bullets in the bag and rounds down the final tally on every purchase. I personally think his prices are a tad high but still like doing business with him.   I'm not aware of what transpired and am not disagreeing with the OP, just saying that I've had nothing but good experiences with him even when something wasn't right. Could be that he had an epileptic fit or was bitten by a rabid dog, I dunno. It's when twenty people get on here and are having problems with a vendor that I would pay attention.
  13.   I seen that very same thing at a girlfriends house back in the 70's. It was like the nest was split right in two, could watch the little bastards tending the hive.   As far as the widow is concerned, if they aren't in a common use area, I tend to leave them alone, but them Recluse are bad mojo and I kill 'em every chance I get. I got tagged slipping my britches on one morning and it was a terrible mess for several days after. If you spot a BW, it will likely be in the same place week after week doing whatever they do, those Recluse roam all over and get in to awkward places and they will bite you in even more awkward spots. 
  14. Okay, I gotta find this game, any Zombies and such involved?


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