As an owner of a wide array of handguns, including the Hi-Point 9mm, it serves a great purpose for everyone's collection. Would never consider it as my primary home defense or EDC weapon, but is definitely what I take camping, fishing, keep in the toolbox, etc.
It is different, ugly, and heavy for its size but that's what makes it fun and to help develop versatility in your shooting. It's always a joy to shoot the nice, pretty, and expensive guns that also take expensive, pretty, nice ammo. A Hi-Point on the other hand will take any cheap crap you can find while still putting it down range-on target.
What's really fun to do at ranges is to have your Kimbers, S&Ws, Berettas, and such going, everyone is 'oohing & aahing', reach in the bag to pull out your Hi-Point with full white glove treatment. It's like some of their brains explode from confusion.
Welcome to the club, be proud your not a gun snob. The other remarkable thing about Hi-Point... rarely questions asked, life-time warranty that follows the firearm, regardless of original owner or if you're the 100th owner. Can't say that about everything else in my collection.