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Everything posted by .357SIG

  1. I was able to find out charges, court dates, and other info when my brother got arrested, by looking on the county clerks website. Granted he was arrested in Davidson county. I think I had to have his name and D.O.B. and maybe his social.   Hope this helps!
  2. That is awesome and long overdue!!!
  3.   My first dog, Pal, was a rat terrier, and he was bigger than most rat terriers. I got him when I was 5 and I can remember watching him kill them. He would catch them out of their holes and run circles around them until he could get behind them. He would then grab them by the neck and bite and shake until he broke their neck. I have seen him kill groundhogs that weighed just as much as he did. I had him for 10 years and he would kill 3-4 every year.   I am not saying that groundhogs aren't fierce little fighters. The don't go down without a fight and I have had to doctor up cuts and scratches on Pal after some of the kills he made.
  4.   And all four of the venomous snake species are pit vipers, meaning that they have pits located on the sides of their heads that allow them to sense heat from potential prey.
  5. It is a brown snake, not a copperhead. It may be a juvenile but they don't get much bigger than that.
  6. Rat terrier or a .17 HMR are both very effective options in my experience. I have also heard that after you kill them if you put human hair trimmings in the hole it will deter them from re-inhabiting a previously used hole. I do know that if you just push some dirt in the hole new groundhogs will open it back up and reuse them.
  7. I grew up in Nashville and we always used Dr. McCormick. He is located on Bell Rd. just off of I-40. He and the other vets in the practice are very experienced and compassionate. They might not be the cheapest but when I move back I will continue to use them.   On one occasion my mom's dog ,Bella, had a severe allergic reaction. Dr. Kahr treated Bella and asked if she could take her home that night so that she could keep an eye on her. It is personalized care like this, that will keep me returning for check ups and whenever the need arises.
  8. I carry daily. At home if I am not carrying, there is one within arms reach. If I walk out the door, I have a firearm on me.   It is against the rules at work to have firearms, so of course I follow rules that limit my ability to protect myself. :bs:
  9. Never mind I found it!
  10. How obvious is it? I am looking and haven't found anything yet...
  11. It was the paper price tag that is on the peg, not the actual items bar code. Either way it seems to have gotten the point across
  12. If you take them and put them behind the fish tank display, and then either remove the bar code sign or put an x over it with a sharpie...then they seem to get the point that customers don't want them sold.   That is how "someone I know" took care of the problem at the two locations that I frequent. But I would never think of doing something like that....
  13. With the way the bill is worded, is it legal for someone with a HCP to carry a loaded long gun "one in the chamber", in their vehicle, if the person claims it it for self defense? Or is it only legal to insert a round in the chamber if they feel the need to use it for self defense?
  14.  I started smoking when I was 16 and I just turned 25. I was smoking about 1 pack a day. I decided about two months ago that I wanted to cut back on smoking. I bought a vaporizer to use as a substitute. I really had no intention of quitting, I really enjoyed smoking, I just wanted to save some money and I knew cutting back would be better for my health.   I found that I really enjoy the vaporizer more than cigarettes. The first week I smoked 1-3 cigarettes per day until I finished the pack. The second week I had basically quit. The third week was a stressful week mostly because of work and I went out and bought a pack and smoked 5 that weekend.   I still have the rest of that pack and it has been almost a month and a half since I smoked. I don't crave them really at all. The vaporizer produces a much more satisfying "smoke". Even at first when I felt cravings and would smoke one, I realized it was the habit that I was craving not the cigarette.   When I got the vaporizer I told one of my coworkers, my brother, and my mother about them. All three of them have either cut back to just a few or done the same as I have. If anyone is thinking of quitting smoking I HIGHLY recommend getting a vaporizer.
  15.   Did you have to show me that? Now I REALLY want one!   Thanks for the info
  16. Thanks for the clarification. I knew OS was well informed on the subject and figured I was wrong?
  17. Would the forward pistol grip not make this an SBR and not a pistol?
  18. I am not a falconer but I have worked at Reelfoot Lake State Park. It is a bird of prey rehabilitation facility. It was definitely the coolest job that I have had, i mean who wouldn't enjoy working with Bald Eagles. I was able to rehabilitate and do programs with the majority of the birds of prey native to the state. I learned a lot working there and will probably look at getting into falconry in the future.
  19. The pattern is similar to the northern watersnake, but this is a corn snake. This snake's color isn't as bold and distinct as most corn snakes but the pattern is the same.   http://www.reptilechannel.com/images/care-sheets/normal-corn-care-600.jpg
  20. It is a corn snake (non-venomous). They can get up 7 or 8 ft. Many people raise them and they are generally pretty docile.
  21. It is truly sad what the capitol of our nation has become!
  22. The bullets should be loaded in a magazine, and the scope is backwards.
  23. Well there goes my night...   How did I miss this?
  24. I am interested depending on the price.


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