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Everything posted by NoBanStan

  1.   I can agree with this. I certainly don't A.) want to see my stuff get taken B.) want to see some thug allowed to wander the streets uncontested. But at the same time I really don't want to shoot someone unless i have to.   Tough call really. We can speculate all we want but at the end of the day... the law said he was justified, so our opinions don't matter. The criminal got what he deserved, the victim is ok and the law was alright with it. Sounds like a win to me.   Now the guy robbed just needs to keep tabs on when they let this bozo kid go because i'm sure he'll be seeking revenge.
  2.   Is that a blinkin quote from men in tights? :D
  3. I'd mount it back and on the left though so i can get that FPS look with the front of the barrel :D   That would be pretty cool for running a shoot house or something similar.
  4. Holy overpriced batman!   I have a gopro though, maybe there's another means....
  5. well, at the very least, we should get another chance to see the northern lights here again :D   Provided it's not a massive coronal ejection, stout enough to blow away our atmosphere. Then we can just see our eyeballs on fire.
  6.   and a woman no less
  7. That one's way better than the recent versions.   This is the one that always slayed me as a kid. Still funny   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aCgSwmm5Ho
  8.   Any issues with battery life or brightness? Also how tight is the beam? Not really worried about measurements, i just want to make sure it's not like using one of those old plastic flashlights with dead spots in it if that makes sense.
  9. Before you buy someones girlfriend for that cheap you should probably check her rifling for pits....   just sayin....
  10.   Getting into the finer details isn't what makes the story for most folks, certainly we all notice it here... but it's because it's our hobby.   I for instance notice that the baby is HUGE for being a few days/weeks old. I also wonder how that tiny little basket of formula that Michone brought has sustained it for so long. My first child PLOWED through forumla. (2nd was on the tap :D )  Also they don't mention diapers. Herschel's daugther would be up to her elbows in that slag pit black poo from a newborn by now!
  11. Yeah i'm still at work so i haven't taken the time yet to hunt down reviews/videos. It certainly looks solid enough.
  12. A friend of mine showed me these and i'm curious if anyone has tried one. The price seems right, i'm just curious about reliability   http://www.gunsholstersandgear.com/2012/02/07/inforce-wml-weapon-light/   http://www.inforce-mil.com/rifle-carbine-lights.php   did a quick search and didn't see a topic, so sorry if this has already been addressed.
  13.   I imagine he'll show back up at the tail end of some battle and bail rick and crew out, thus gainig their trust. But, keeping in line with how things go on the show... it'll be after some tragic loss for the suriviors.
  14.   There were reports that he didn't share his fathers views on how NK interacted with other countries. I don't remember the exact quotes, it was on the news so it's probably a load of crap anyways.
  15.   I honestly wonder if he's even in charge. Weren't the early reports about him that he was more westernized and laid back?
  16.   Wow, I actually knew that and typed the wrong title! Curse you Uriel Septim!
  17.   Well, despite the obvious comedic value, we really shouldn't under estimate them.... after all, it only took a few guys with box cutters and a copy of microsoft flight sim to cause one of our worst national tragedies.   They're obviously trying to invoke a reaction from us, but to what purpose? They can't honestly think they can take us by sheer force of action. There's got to be something more devious here.
  18.   Honestly, at this point it feels like bait...   With all the Chinese and Russian cyber attacks going on. It almost makes you wonder if NK isn't some form of trojan horse.
  19. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/9881881/Barack-Obama-in-flames-in-new-North-Korea-video.html   Another day, another video of us burning alive, this time including Obama himself.   Top it off, they used the theme song from Skyrim. *facepalm*
  20. Sadly, this has been going on for awhile. I remember reading an article several years ago where China had infiltrated a large part of our power companies and left a backdoor which would allow them to shut off the grid.
  21. In case of rape, violently deficate and snort like a pig while convulsing.
  22.   Yeah, but that's true of any comments section. I don't know what it is but when people see the words "leave a comment!" they read it as "Get Retarded!, SH*T C**KS!"
  23.     Were they Dill? Because if i'm the sun god and these trollops are chucking sweet pickles at me... I'm gonna start melting faces.
  24.   He means they had REALLY GREAT... personality traits.
  25. Good, maybe he and his hero can be tied at the wrists when they're dipped in the lava pools.


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