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Everything posted by NoBanStan

  1. I went to shoot there twice (under both owners) and it was probably the worst indoor range I've been to. Both times I left coughing and wound up with a respiratory issue because the air scrubbing was terrible. Hate to see any small biz go out like that, but I wasn't a fan.
  2. That's the important bit right? I do wish they would drop all of the F-bombs they have on the site and their merch though. The grabbers already see us through a certain lens. I would prefer not to feed it when possible.
  3. Well, despite the lack of account management section, they certainly aren't short on pages to donate money: https://secure.anedot.com/firearmspolicycoalition/fpc?amount=25&source_code=donate https://secure.anedot.com/firearmspolicycoalition/march2023_joingaw?sc=joingaw https://secure.anedot.com/firearmspolicycoalition/join_the_fpc_grassroots_army?sc=joinfpc https://secure.anedot.com/firearms-policy-foundation/quick_donate?sc=quick_donate Also, don't fall into the trap of signing up without paying (yes you can find that along your adventure). That only puts you on the email distro, despite the site saying you're a supporter. The support page seems to have some better details, it even has a renew link, which seems to be the same as the join link. https://www.firearmspolicy.org/support Note for anyone who may do work for FPC: Please, please, please go hire a UX person for a few months.
  4. Here's a side-by-side of that page if you're logged in vs not
  5. https://www.firearmspolicy.org/hotline
  6. Still available? Have boot
  7. Oddly, I found it under "hotline" at the top of the page. If you're already logged in, it will tell show your name and status, otherwise you get a signup/returning supporter popup. somehow they've managed to make this more confusing than the NRA page... which is a noteworthy feat.
  8. Aint that the truth? Society is after every LEO because of how they inforce law. They want to drum them out.. but they'll keep the politicians who overstep and make stupid laws?
  9. Legalizing it didn't do much to reduce the criminal element from what i've heard. Cartels are using their money to create grow operations and i've heard they take out the competition. California is still full of illegal grow ops. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-07-11/illegal-marijuana-grows-have-overrun-the-california-desert https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/marijuana/mexican-drug-cartels-are-taking-full-advantage-of-colorados-marijuana-laws yes, these are older links. I'm not read-in on the latest details but i can't imagine things have improved.....
  10. oh my post above intentionally drew that monster into the light
  11. ugh, this reminds me that i need to do the same. Last time I sealed (about 2-3 years ago) it cost me around $600. Now I think they've gone up to around $130 a bucket....
  12. Not to take this in a different direction, but I'm pretty sure the super chargers also wear out your battery faster, yes? Maybe that's a fast charger? I have no clue. I burn dead dinos
  13. NGL, I have not heard of a "Black Collar Pork Sword" until today. Not even kidding that I googled it (with safe search) first to ensure I wasn't dropping into the onlyfans portion of TGO. Now that I know better... this is pretty darn cool
  14. I see these sells on gun broker for 3x the price all day long
  15. Your a good seller, how does I sells like u?
  16. NGL, surprised this hasn't moved...
  17. the real scary part is that the entire ring is gone, so i don't know what other key is missing....
  18. If it helps, I've been safe shopping today....
  19. I may or may not have acted like a toddler upon the missing key discovery.
  20. Don't get me started..... Short version: I bought cobalt drill bits, came home to start the work....wth, where is my cabinet key?? Wife and son had been using my keyring and suddenly it's gone. I don't have a backup. So now a month later, I've gone through the wringer with the company to get a new key shipped out. This is my life.
  21. looks like he smelled a fart
  22. There was an incident in Mount Juliet recently where police had to launch in investigation regarding a breakin. they sent out alerts to the community looking for a white male in a hoody and basketball shorts who broke into an apartment and fired a gun after a struggle. After some sleuth work, they determined it was a lie and that the lady was trying to commit suicide. I'm guessing it was an ND or she lied about that too. You can bet your bottom dollar that she got some charges.
  23. They even wrote a song about it
  24. I asked a LEO I know. He wasn't sure, but pointed out that people hunt turkey and deer in the dark hours of the morning... So if you're in the county, on private property, perhaps it IS ok to pop off a shot? Personally, it sketches me out.


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