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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. Ordered and have eaten.
  2. I to am pulling for KC.
  3. I'm in, great idea Doug
  4. When I carry my revolver I also carry a few speed loaders in a carry case that I keep on my belt just like you would do with extra magazines.
  5. I would vote for Guns and Leather. Daniel will take care of you and I think they do finger printing on site. Also they are a sponsor here.
  6. Another vote for a Ruger gp100 357 mag in either 4 or 6 inch barrel.
  7. Beautiful, enjoy
  8. Mike, If I were you I would not tell anyone they are rated or could handle +P ammo since you are selling them in the store. If someone uses +P ammo and something goes wrong you and the store owners could be liable. Jmho
  9. You will need 50 rounds of ammo and will be firing from 3, 5 and 7 yards. Use the gun you shoot on a regular bases and you will do just fine.
  10. I used the blackhawk just as an example. I know the chapter arms rimless revolver doesn't use them, but I couldn't think of it when writing. As far as moonclips being used on all defensive revolvers I will have to disagree, I use speed loaders and have for years. jmho.
  11. What I think Ruger needs to do with this line of revolver is eliminate the need for moonclips. They have done this with the blackhawk revolver line by creating a cylinder that is for 9mm without the need for moonclips, they should have done the same thing with this revolver,create the correct cylinder for the cartridge. If they had done this I would be ordering one today. Then in a later release create the da/sa version, like they did with the other LCR version (LCRx).
  12. I just looked at the sr9 vs sr9e and what I see is the E doesn't have adjustable sights and only comes with one magazine. Are there other differences? If not the Ruger would be my pick.
  13. I carry an S&W shield in 9mm.
  14. It has ackk MD which I think is short for Acokeek MD.
  15. Wife shot her inox yesterday and she has small hands. After I put the adjustable rear sight on it, it shoots at poa for the both of us. I also added stainless steel guide rod because I just don't like plastic. I also own M9 that I did the same mods too. Both guns function without problems. I like both, but wheel guns are my thing. Mike just buy one you know you want one. ;)
  16. I think you should put on the factory grips and send me the others. ;) I personally like them all.
  17. After watching this on the news, I think I will bring one of my Beretta's to the range this weekend to show it where it's new brothers and sisters will be made ;)
  18. Great idea, let us know how it works out for you when you do this :)
  19. I am a big fan of the gp's. I have 5. Very nice pair. How are you feeling Sir?
  20. On the original (first posting) at the bottom you will see edit. Click on it make your changes than save. Don't use the one on the top which has the lock. Also if you locked the post you will have to unlock it before you can do the above. Hope this helps Joe
  21. Did you notify anyone at the church of your wife's condition. Sometimes we take it for granted that they know of our problems. You may want to give them a call. Just saying
  22. Nice to here MJ police are being professional.
  23. But will his girlfriend and or her new boyfriend start posting in this thread?


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