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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. Merry Christmas, thanks be to GOD, the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen.
  2. OK Doug, I'll bite who was it, since it wasn't me lol
  3. Just paid my sumner county property taxes, yes it went up a lot and it sucks. Waiting on Gallatin taxes. Alaska is sounding better and better each day !
  4. I feel sorry for the 14 year old that has to live with the fact he had to kill someone. I am also very happy that he protected his grandmother and himself. That is one great kid. God bless him for taking the appropriate action when he did.
  5. Prayers sent and may our Lord Jesus Christ watch over you.
  6. that is just schitty :stunned:
  7. OK, what is this about someone wearing gloves, bad music or what? :down:  :surrender:
  8. Prayers sent for your grandmother, you and your family
  9. IMO, to me it looks like someone was trying to jimmy the lock
  10. If you run out of ammo you can just wave the gun in someone's face and make them dizzy, then run. Jmho
  11. Congratulations, makes you feel blessed, doesn't it!
  12. Thanks for posting
  13. I would go with a super blackhawk or Redhawk or the s&w. Remember if you do use the gun for bear or hog and you have the t/c you will have to reload for a follow up shot if needed, instead of just pulling the trigger again. Just something else to consider ;)
  14. Want a Howitzer, but wife said NO! :( So, it will be another Ruger wheel gun :)
  15. Sorry for your loss, prayers sent
  16. The only thing I will not eat is seafood (fish, shrimp, etc). Almost died from a fish bone when I was a kid, but I could go fishing everyday if I could.
  17. IMHO, it is priced high.
  18. Since I am carrying my Ruger sp101 revolver, I have 5 in the pipe ;)
  19. I am drooling
  20. I don't remember who was asking about 9mm revolvers, but I was at Sumner Gun and supplies and they have one in stock. At least they did at 1:00 pm. I think it was priced at $475.00 but don't quote me on the price. Joe
  21. I rest my case. Daniel from Guns and Leather does it again. Let me tell you, he will take good care of you!
  22. I think you have to add all cost before buying online and of course local availability. For cost when buying online is price + shipping + background check and transfer fee vs cost - cash discount + transfer fee and tax. In most cases it is not that different. Example: online sale = gun 550.00 + shipping 25.00 + nics 10.00 + transfer fee 25.00 = 610.00. Local 580.00 - 3% 562.60 + tax 9.25% 614.64 + nics 10.00 = 624.64. Note: nics is not taxed. That is only a 14.00 difference which you may or may not be able to negotiate. Even if you don't pay shipping online that is $39.00 which maybe negotiated down. Just so you know I buy both ways online and locally. If the local prices are way out of line I will buy online or if the gun is not available locally again I buy online. Just my .02.
  23. Forgot to mention the Gallatin Papa John's had a gun buster sign on the front door and as always I was carrying. I had to walk back to the car put the gun in the glove box and then walk back to the store to get the pizza. That is the last pizza I buy from them, unless they change this policy and remove the sign.
  24. Freedom ammunitions is running their $5.00 shipping special again this weekend. I just bought another 1000 rounds of new brass 9mm 115 gr. for around $208.00 shipped and the remanufactured stuff is even cheaper. Why shoot 22lr with prices like this.


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