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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. I agree get the rock island
  2. Joe357

    Ruger SP 101

    I have all three versions of the sp101. For carrying the 2 1/4" or 3" for plinking the 4" would be a good option. Now, if you want something just for range use the gp100 4" with the compact grips would be excellent. If I had to pick just one for both carry and range use it would be the 3" either the sp101 or gp100. Did I forget to mention the gp100 in 6" is my favorite range gun. You can shoot it all day and not feel any pain from recoil with either 38 or 357. To me shooting 38's in this gun is like shooting 22 mags.
  3. Me wnat 1....fursure.... Sorry just had too.
  4. Need to fix your front page because android doesn't support flash. So, some people will get a "plugin not supported" error.
  5. Doesn't matter what decade you were born in, wheel guns IMHO are number 1.
  6. I will pray for your father and you and your family. May God have mercy on your father and give all of you strength and healing through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen
  7. I was asking why they were showing the new style grips on their website and the gun I received from the dealer had the grips that are shown in the photo above. I then asked are there any other parts I should check, that is when he recommended to just replace the recoil spring. I ordered new springs and just replaced them and through the old spring(s) away.
  8. Just an fyi, if you change grips to slim grips you may have to change grip screws and bushings. Also the only thing that RIA customer service recommends replacing, is the recoil spring with a better quality spring. They recommended to me wolf springs. When I asked why they didn't use them to start with, he stated to save money. I must say I never had a problem with any of their 1911's that I have owned in both 9mm and 45acp. They were all single stack, series 70 GI.
  9. Good thing he didn't ask for a million Bucks and a hot chick ;)
  10. Check out www.gunbot.net they have lists of stores that have in stock starting at .28 a round.
  11. Thanks for all the responses. I didn't think he would be able, just wanted all of your input.
  12. Doug, I am sorry to hear what is happening to you. I agree find another doctor(s). I'll say a prayer for you. Try to keep cool and all will work out. Joe
  13. I'll answer this way. If you can shoot a revolver better, don't have problems loading, unloading, cleaning, getting ammo, etc.then a revolver is right for you. If cannot load magazines, take the gun apart for cleaning, can't shoot it, have problems clearing ftf, etc, because of hand problems again a revolvers are right for you. If you are married and your wife cannot handle a semiauto again a revolver is right for you. If none of the above is true get a semiauto. I can shoot either, but I learned to shoot revolvers and my wife shoots and can handle revolvers better than semiauto so we only now have revolvers. Also, both types will do the job when and if needed.
  14. Looking for an opinion on this. I have a friend that is bipolar, taking meds and collecting social security. Would he be able to purchase a handgun from a dealer and be approved through NICs?
  15. I'm I going to need a carry permit to buy a can of corn ;)
  16. Beautiful just beautiful
  17. Doug, Just read your post. May GOD the father, Son and Holy spirit watch over you and keep you close. You are in my prayers. Joe
  18. If you like Glock a 34 or 17 gen 4's would be a good choice. Both have different back strap's that you can put on them or just shoot without them. If you don't like glocks and want a range gun in general the sky is the limit. I would recommend you go to a range that has rentals and try different guns until you find something you like. Your gun may be worth IMO somewhere around $400.00 to $450.00 on a sale depending on condition and around $300.00 on a trade at a LGS if it is in excellent condition. Just my 2 cents.
  19. Make more money so I can give more to Charity.
  20. Happy New Year
  21. Thanks Wayne, I'll give them a try Joe
  22. Has anyone ordered grips from this company, if so, how did you like them? Happy New Year Joe
  23. Joe357

    S&W 296

    If I remember correctly it is a 44spl which IMO is like shooting a 45. The price for the gun is good if the condition is exceptable to you. Ammo is expensive for plinking if you don't reload. The only reason I sold mine a couple of years ago is I just don't like da only guns. Now my hands can't handle the recoil on the 44spl or for that matter 45acp. JMHO Joe
  24. 14 of 15 correct.
  25. Prayers sent


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