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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. I stand corrected. I don't carry my license when I am not hunting or fishing. Does your ID show state of resident? If so I would have done the same thing..
  2. That is exactly why I commented, if you (not meaning you David) make a statement and say they wouldn't accept your ID why not go into a little more detail to make yourself more credible.
  3. First post and you're putting down a store?????? Doesn't sound valid to me..... IMHO
  4. Joe357

    Which Ruger?

    I still regret selling my ss blackhawk in 357. I'll get another someday. Maybe sell or trade in my Ruger 6" barrel blued gp100.
  5. Joe357

    Which Ruger?

    Yes blue blackhawk front sight is welded to the barrel. It can be removed by a gunsmith but.
  6. Joe357

    Which Ruger?

    With the blackhawk the blue version front sight is not pinned but the stainless version is. Just something to think about if you want to replace the sight. As far as which one, all I will say is get one of each and then shoot the hell out of them.
  7. I agree a decocker on a striker fired gun is a waste and could cost someone their life. A decocker on a da/sa you can pull the trigger and the gun should fire. Even on a sa gun with an exposed hammer you can cock the hammer and fire ( still not a great idea). Having to rack the slide cause a possible jam you may just not have one in the chamber at least then at minimum you don't waste a cartridge. Also, IMHO money isn't the reason the choose a self defense gun functionality is.
  8. RIA series 70 on the low end, Ruger series 70, Springfield series 70, but have a mainspring lock which is easily replaced. You would be in the $450.00 to $750.00 range. These would be good starters in my opinion. If you like stainless steel at a good price look at the Ruger. I think Springfield and RIA has stainless versions as well but at higher prices.
  9. What is your price point and caliber?
  10. I here you...groovy
  11. She is beautiful. I'll say a prayer for her good health and long life
  12. OK thank you Joe W.
  13. The form that is currently loaded is different than the one that use to be there. Is this the new form that TGO is now recommending? Joe W.
  14. OK thank you Sir Joe W.
  15. I am trying to print out a bill of sale from the trading post forum and I keep getting an Oops something went wrong message.   Is this form no longer available?   Thanks for your help   Joe W.
  16. When I carried 1911's it was cocked & locked. Most of them were series 70 so they only had grip safety and thumb safety. Do I trust these safeties NO. Why you may ask, IMHO any mechanical safety can fail.
  17. Happy Easter
  18. Nope, I wouldn't pay that. I have seen LGS come and go. Only the fair and honest local ma and pa stores will be around after this nonsense subsides.
  19. I had both the ss and blued version of the para expert GI and had no problems other than gritty trigger on both guns. But, after a good cleaning and a couple of hundred rounds through them the triggers smoothed out. I also replaced the recoil spring but I did that to every gun. Over all IMO a good gun for the money.
  20. Sorry for your lost. I will say a prayer for you and your family. God's blessing Joe
  21. I would add that just being able to shoot the gun that she feels comfortable with is only half the battle. You may also make sure she is capable of field stripping,cleaning and able to reassemble the gun. Some semi's like Glock are very easy while others require strong hands. She may also want to shoot a revolver, much easier to load, clean and clear.
  22. I hate painting not because of painting but because of the time I lived in PA. The last year living there I took a two week vacation. The first week was painting the outside of the house. I was on a ladder and I fell 15' good thing I had the ground to break my fall or I would have got hurt. Anyway on Friday I finished the house. Now it's time for fishing. It rained from Saturday through the entire next week. I should have gone fishing instead of painting. Then used the line I can't paint the house because it is raining. Ever since then I hate painting and standing on ladders.
  23. I just read this thread and gained 20 pounds.
  24. I have multiples of 4" & 6". I shoot the 6" and wife likes the 4". I do have other barrel length and models for carry. So, I would say keep both of them. Note: the SP's make better options for CC.
  25. I did and use a Tesla mod with an aspire 5ml tank. My favorite juice is triple mint and ice beard. I Vape 3mg of nicotine. Not bad for someone who smoked cig's for almost 45 years. In May of this year it will be one year not smoking cig's.


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