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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. So, next year when I renew my HCP it will expire in 2020 like my DL. This would make my DL 5 years and my HCP 4 years?
  2. Not on the the DL just on the renewal form
  3. I renewed my drivers license last Thursday when I received the notice in the mail. It was only good for 5 years and it stated I have an HCP. Was the HCP ID always on the renewal form or is this something new? Also didn't the state government pass the 7 year TN-DL? HCP renewal is next year.
  4. You can, I just asked the Easter bunny and he told me everything on the internet is 100% true ;)
  5. Or you could just get a Confederate flag and drape it with one when not playing. What is next, white sheets going to be ban... Sorry I had too.
  6. Both Jupiter and Venus
  7. Very cool, blood moon and Bethlehem star on the same night.
  8. Should have called the cops especially if he appeared drunk with a child in tow. Then he can example to the cops what he was doing in the parking lot drunk with a child.
  9. I can't understand why ;)
  10. And that person rides seahorses
  11. Also, as far as carrying in church YES and I would bet I am not alone
  12. I am so sorry for the families to have to go through this suffering and pain. Now for the sorry ass so-called man, we need to bring back firing squads that are not very good shots to execute him and put it on TV. I guess I've lived too long, all I wanted to do when I was 21 is play music, drink, fool around with women, hunt and fish. This is what a liberal country brings...hate with no worry of any real recourse other then the poor little boy had a hard life and didn't know what he was doing. Bulls..t
  13. I would go back to the location, if it wasn't there ask person in charge if there is a person in charge at the location. Then if not found at the location call the local police and explain what happened. If they have no knowledge of the gun report it lost & stolen or go to the station and pick up the gun.
  14. If I found it in a rest room or anywhere for that matter I would call the local police and ask if they want to come and pick it up or would they want me to bring it to the station. Keeping it or selling it IMO is not a valid option.
  15. Never mind it was just to simple. Remove cylinder screw and it comes apart.
  16. Let's recap. Two mods and owner posting and this thread still active and no ban. I want what they are drinking today so I can chill out. This thread is better than bersaguys corny joke threads IMHO ;)
  17. Does anyone know how to disassemble this gun. It is not the same as the LCR and for the first time in 40 + years I'm stumped. I have already tried searching the internet and can't find anything. Joe W.
  18. Reminds me of the gp100 champion. I got the email notification from Ruger as well. I would assume it is built like a tank. I'll still stick with the gp100, sp101, lcrx and the blackhawk's. At least for now ;)
  19. Same here, can't see new threads that were on the side under Facebook, etc, icons. I am currently using my iPod
  20. I watch local TV in the morning for news. The commercials that bug me the most are the ambulance chasing lawyer commercials.
  21. I resemble that remark
  22. Could have been worst. It could have been Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner calling Bill with the same compliant ;)
  23. News reported, it took them 10 seconds to get away with 14 guns.
  24. Since no one posted it I will. Was watching the news tonight and saw that a Gallatin gun store was broken into. They took 14 guns and two guys were arrested but only one of the stolen guns were retrieved. So there are still 13 guns on the streets.


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