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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. I liked his movies but I like beach movies too. As stated war is hell.
  2. If it is a carry gun, I like and carry a Sig 1911 45 C3, costs around $900.00. I put 3 mag (21 rounds) of ammo through mine and it functioned perfectly. IMO it looks great, it is two tone.  
  3. Up north they wouldn't know what you were talking about if you ordered sweet tea. The waitress would think you were calling her sweety ;)
  4. Thanks for all the repiles. I ordered some tw 25b since that is what sig puts in with their guns . 
  5. my favorite is fries with brown grave (I must be a Yankee redneck)
  6. you don't want to know!
  7. We have been shooting both these gun for a little over a month putting about 100 round per-trip per-gun for a total of maybe 600 rounds a gun. (yes, been finding acceptable deals on 22lr ammo, but still way over priced)   I added the CW upgrades and polished the barrel, Have had no problems with FTF, however we are  starting to get a lot of soft hammer hits. This weekend we will try a different brand of ammo first just to make sure it isn't the ammo. If that doesn't make any improvements the guns will be going to Sam for new springs   These two guns are starting to show wear to the finish and I would think that Sig would be doing a better job on at least the finish. I know they are made by GSG and just has the sig name on them. Will be contacting Sig but since I made the mods I think I am SOL.   I clean the guns after every trip to the range becuase of the nature of the ammo and training. 
  8.   Think it would HELP!
  9. Factory loads only, just in case.
  10. It looks great I am also making a few changes to my Sig Tacops. I am adding wood grips, stainless steel bushing, stainless steel recoil spring plunger, stainless steel slide stop and 17 pound recoil spring I may or may not change the black safety to SS.
  11. Viracnis That's it thanks Joe
  12. Sorry a good stock of what?
  13. Joe357


    Go for it. It is only money. I picked one up on Saturday. Haven't shot it but I am sure it will function perfectly.
  14. Any Sig except 250 and 290. I just don't like the da on these, the 1911 in 45 fit me as does the ruger 1911
  15. Ok
  16. John,   Just to hide the little bite of metal sticking out on the 8 round magazine. This way I can have all 8 round magazines and just hide the metal when I am using the compact.   What I am looking for is something like Ruger has for its sr9c. You can use the full size I think 17 round magazine in the compact and there is a sleeve that fits onto the magazine to hide the exposed metal of the larger magazine    Joe 
  17. Does anyone other then Wilson Combat (Out of Stock) make extended base pads for 1911 mags.   I just got a Sig 1911 c3 which comes with 7 round mags. I would like to use 8 round mag's but without the extended base pad the gun looks stupid when I put the 8 round mag in it. 
  18. Yes
  19. So based on your comment I personally will never buy anything from them. Thanks for the heads up
  20. OK, you start. I'm thinking favorite places to eat ;)
  21. Of course there is a difference between an informed buyer and a panic buyer. An informed buyer will pass up over priced items and when things calm down will not shop the over priced store A panic buyer will pay any price until they realized they have been riped off. Then they in turn will move on and remember not to shop at that store again
  22. It was 29.99 for 50 rounds not 555 ;)
  23. I had a p290 and I just didn't like the long pull. If the one at G&L is used it maybe the one I traded. Nice gun but not for me You may want to look at a da/sa. Long pull on first shot then short follow ups.
  24. Joe357

    Sig Pro SP2022

    I have one that I carry. It has been 100%. The only place I have seen magazines is directly from Sig


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