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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. Does anyone here have any dealings with this LGS?
  2. If I am not mistaken, the 224 only comes in 40sw or 357sig. I don't think it comes in 9mm
  3. I carry a 45 (record) because my record player broke
  4. If you are looking for a training gun for the 1911 platform then get either the SIG or the GSG. They are both made by the same company. I got SIG because of the warranty. I also added the enhancement package and took out the magazine safety on mine, but that was my choice. The only problem I have had is with the finish. It is easily scratched. The gun does function well and is very accurate.
  5. Happy Birthday and GOD bless
  6. The gumsmith in gallatin full name is Sam Hoster- his phone # is 615-206-0075 Just trying to give you an option
  7. Sam, in Gallatin can do it for you
  8. Since both the first gun and the one you now have are new, why not send which ever one you keep back to the manufacturer for repair. Either one should be under warranty.
  9. Been having a little problems with one of my sig 1911 22's. so, today I took the msh off to replace the MSH spring and couldn't get it back together. Then to make things worse took the other one apart to see what I was doing wrong. Two hours later and two drinks, I remembered to decock the hammer and had both guns back together in 5 minutes I guess when you get old you lose two things. The first is your memory and I can't remember the second ;(
  10. Sounds like a split personality to me ;)
  11. For me, a discussion like this is very enlightening. It shows how diverse our board is. Very refreshing
  12. Are the girl scouts allowing lesbians to join or are the lesbians not being as vocal and demanding as the gay men? Makes you wonder doesn't it
  13. Here is an idea; We have the boy scouts, the girl scouts, why not the gay (Male genital parts ) scouts and the lesbian (female genitals) scouts I only went as far as a life scout (20 merit badges), order of the arrow and junior assistant scout master. Sorry all I just had too ;)
  14. Why don't you ask this question to the kids both boys and girls that were molested or watch the documentaries on this. It will show you what has happened in there lives both physically and mentally. In my opinion there is to much politically correct attitude in this country and not enough moral behavior.
  15. Joe357

    S&W Shield 9mm

    Was at blue Line in Gallatin around 5:30 pm today and they have a S&W shield in 9mm for sale. Didn't get the price because I am not into 9mm. Just passing this along in case someone here is looking for one.
  16. Couldn't pass gay scout masters the first time. So,let's take it one step at a time. Step 1 - gay boys Then after this is accepted we can go to step 2 Step. 2 - gay scout masters
  17. So why even have boy and girl scouts as separate organizations why not just have scouts co-ed. If the boy scouts isn't a religious based organization why does the oath have and I quote 'On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to GOD and my country' I haven't been a scout for over 44 years so maybe this has changed. I think the devil finally did it. The first thing he did was have people believe he didn't exist. Once he accomplished that, it was easy for him to make people believe GOD doesn't exist. This country is going to hell
  18. IMHO a hoarder is someone who buys let's say ammo and has no intention of using it but must have it. I personally buy ammo to shoot. when I sold all my 9mm handguns I didn't keep any of the ammo, I sold some and gave some away. Did I make a profit on the guns or the ammo? NO. I now have 45's, 22's and wifes 380's. We shoot the 22's weekly and go through 200 rounds a week. I now have a ten week supply. When we are down to 600 rounds then I'll look to buy more. Do I have 45 and 380 ammo? YES, but we only shoot 25 rounds of each once or twice a month so I have enough for ten weeks. I only have 2 box's of each for defensive ammo and that is all I need. You may say what will you do if you cannot get any range ammo at reasonable prices? Well that is easy, stop going to the range! Sorry for the ranting
  19. I have a sig 1911 22, after a few mods it shoots anything I feed it.
  20. I'm in Thanks for the heads up
  21. Joe357

    SIG 1911 C3

    I have a Sig 1911 C3 two tone and use iwb holster. As far as a carry gun, take it to the range and shoot different types of ammo through it. Mine is 100% and my carry. Never had a failure with FMJ or hollow point. I trust my life with it.
  22. Joe357

    My New SR1911

    Ordered Ruger eagle wood grips and hard plastic case. Grips are back ordered until June 15 :(


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