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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. I know exactly how you feel, same experience here. I will never rent a car from then again.
  2. Everytime time I see this I also think about the Roll Stones song as well.   Also Welcome
  3. I have reviewed their website and FB page, and IMO this would be the same as an Nintendo game. What kids need to learn is when you do something like shoot someone or something it is permanent not just press reset and everything goes back to normal. Death is final on this earth not a game. Before starting a kid or for that matter an adult safety training should be first. The reality of pulling the trigger and on and on. When I was a kid they had toy games in a smaller scale like this, we also had targets at carnivals using 22 rifles. It's time we pull our kids away from games and TV and get them outside for sports,hunting and fishing. I know my statements are going to get a lot of flack, but this is my feeling and belief. Sorry if I offend anyone.
  4. I agree with Mike. I have two, one I carry and the other wife carries. Both have been 100%, but still very tight. We still only have 150 rounds through them.
  5. Prayers said
  6. I to can see criminal charges. Going outside to confront the person when you are safe inside and have a phone to call LEO IMO is a big no no.
  7. Based on the very short article, this student may have been up to no good. They don't state much of anything other then loaded gun and multiple magazines. I wouldn't say the student that notified police was a rat just someone afraid for their lives, since it is illegal to carry on campus with or without a HCP.
  8. The robber should have been killed to save the tax payers money. The good Samaritan should be given a metal for his bravery and for being a hero. We need more people like him. For the robbers family, screw them.
  9. Already ordered two Bam bushings ;)
  10. 65 isn't old. You are just celebrating the 36th anniversary of your 29th birthday. I will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of my 29th birthday ;)
  11. Just ordered 2 new Ruger MKIII 22/45's with replaceable grips to replace my Sig 1911 22's. Seems like everytime I take the sigs to the range and shoot a couple a hundred rounds through them I have to work on the slide to get one of the barrels to come out and put back in without rubbing the slide where the recoil spring would fit(this is the 3rd time). I only have about 5000 or so rounds through these guns. I have done the ccw mods to both these guns when I first received them so I think the warranty would be void. I should have just bought the Ruger's to start with. Do you all agree the ruger mkiii 22/45's are good shooting and long lasting guns?
  12. JMHO, I think you will be hard pressed to find a gunsmith that will do what you are requesting because of liability issues. What you are looking to do could cause the gun to blow up even on the first round. If it has a steel barrel maybe but not aluminium.
  13. The locals may have thought it was bigfoot walking around the woods :)
  14. IMHO, something about the OP question doesn't sound right. If you are a resident of TN you are required to have a tn-hcp to carry a handgun in this state. When I moved here from FL I had to surrender my fl-ccw permit and apply for a Tn-hcp, because I was no longer a resident of FL, I am a resident of TN. That was over 10 years ago, but I don't think the law has changed.
  15. Nice find, enjoy.
  16. So, is this just a rumor?
  17. Sleeping is so over rated ;)
  18. I also vote for saving private Ryan.
  19. Has anyone heard of any black Friday sales at any LGS?
  20. If I am not mistaken Glock already makes a 380, but it is not for sale to the general public or it is not available in this country.
  21. I would say that you will shoot when the time comes. If someone breaks into your home and you feel danger to you and your children I have no doubt you will pull the trigger. With a taser you will need to be to close. Use the gun and get an alarm system that is monitored. That will give you peace of mind and protect you and your children. Just my humble opinion.
  22. hard to believe it only took him 2 + years to find this thread :yuck:  :down:  :rofl:  
  23. tankerhc,   any updates?
  24. I was listening to a talk show today and they were saying you can apply for and get the insurance but the payment part of the system was not created as of today. So the insurance companies that are part of this healthcare system will not be able to collect payments for the insurance they issue. You got to love it. Obama's way of having a one insurance company nation


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