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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. I saw that last week. I have a few of the gp100's in 357 mag, I just can't justify paying a couple of hundred more for a 22lr then the same gun in 357. I have the stainless convertible single six in 22lr/22mag which to me is an excellent shooter and two different calibers for a lot less money. Yes, I know the single six is SA and the GP100 is DA/SA but these are not IMHO self-defense gun's just fun range gun's. Sorry Ruger not this one.
  2. Still have my certification from the state and NRA but haven't in a while.
  3. None that I know of.
  4. Congratulations, she is beautiful. I'll say a prayer for her to have a long and happy life.
  5. If Christie would win and be the GOP Presidential candidate, I would write in Mickey Mouse and vote for him before I would vote for Christie.
  6. Think you have the title incorrect. It should be "wife shooting her new toy" ;)
  7. It can be done by cutting the grip frame, drilling for the mainspring housing pin, replacing the mainspring housing, replacing the grip panels, buying smaller magazine's, but why since officer size 1911's are available. If it were me, I would sell the commander and buy an officer size 1911 or just keep the commander and buy an officer 1911.
  8. You can pick your friend's but not your family. Their house their rules. Leave the gun in your car and enjoy their company. Life is too short to alienate your family.
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you Doug and all here on TGO Joe
  10. Larry, it is closer to 3 years since you got that gun, if it's the one I'm thinking of....time fly's when you're having fun. ;)
  11. The judge should have made it life, not just a few years. Although a few years maybe life. One can only hope. IMHO
  12. [quote name="musicman" post="1326210" timestamp="1448030136" I'm planning on getting my buddy a Mossberg Maverick 88 12g as his wedding present/first gun next month. Just buying normal stuff with these 2 cards is basically paying for it for me. Not too shabby! Anywho, hope all your ammo shows up soon. Range report required on a test for the Underwood vs Freedom 10mm![/quote] Don't you mean you're getting the shotgun for the bride's father ;) Sorry just couldn't resist. No offense.
  13. Good deal, let us know how long it takes to your door and how you like the ammo. When I order it is usually two or three thousand rounds of two or three different calibers.
  14. I have ordered from them on many occasions and never had a problem. I am talking thousands of rounds of 9mm, 45acp and 38 special. All fired without issue and delivery was uneventful.
  15. TS, may be incorrect about the warranty. It states on their website that the Warranty starts from date of purchase not manufacture date. I have not owned one of these but I do own a Ruger. The Ruger is a nice gun for the money. It is the stainless steel version of the single six convertible.
  16. I think the scope which is about $150.00 new plus a used 10/22 of around the price of around $150.00. You are looking at a used value of around 225.00 tops + the $75.00 cash for a total of around $300.00. Not seeing a picture of your gun IMHO this would be a fair trade.
  17. Congratulations
  18. I also said 'GOOD'
  19. I have had peak vise for a few years now, works like it is suppose to. No problems. Because of eye sight, etc. I only tie down to a size 18 and up to a size 8 hook.
  20. Sorry for your loss. Prayers sent for you and your family.
  21. Both wife and myself already received our flu shot.
  22. Sorry I didn't see this sooner, but congratulations Doug. I'll say a prayer for the baby to have a long and happy life.
  23. I too was diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes. I changed my lifestyle and my glucose is now normal meaning a1c is now 5 and glucose two hours after eating is in normal range (less than 140). I am taking drugs for blood pressure but nothing for diabetes. I am 5'11" and weight was 205 lbs. My weight now is 165 lbs and I eat only foods recommended for diabetes. I feel good and will continue. I am 60 and going. You can do the same by losing fast food and not eating garbage. I know it maybe hard to do at first but it does get easier and well worth it.


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