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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. Being from NJ most of you have no idea of crime.TN is heaven compared to cities in NJ. One example is Camden, NJ which is/was the crime capitol of the country. I still believe NJ's biggest problem is gun control. Only the criminals have guns, not the law abiding citizen, that sucks.
  2. Congratulations, but why?
  3. I think 1/3 for them, 1/3 for you and 1/3 for me. :wave:  
  4. Joe357


    LMAO, got any advice to putting it back? Never mind it's supposed to look that way at my age :)
  5. Nice Christmas gift. I have two RIA 1911 9mm GI's and they are 100%. Enjoy and Merry Christmas  :up:
  6. You wakeup in the morning/afternoon and the tent is up
  7. When a 29 year old posts to this thread. :(
  8. Took out the LCI's out of both guns today and ordered the filler parts from tandemross. That took all of 5 minutes per gun with disassembly and reassembly to take the pieces out. As far as shooting they both functioned perfectly not one ftf or stove pipe,nothing. As far as being accurate,these guns make me look good. I am very happy with these guns so far and would recommend them. The only thing I would recommend to someone who is thinking about purchasing one, is to become familiar with the take down and reassembly procedures (read & watch the online videos).
  9. How about leaded gasoline high test for $.25 a gallon. I bought a Buick Electra 225 convertible from DeFeo Buick of Amityville horror frame.
  10. What bothers me more is when LGS charge twice as much then you can buy it at wallyworld.
  11. When you used an abacus to do arithmetic.
  12. Last week I traded my Glock 19 gen 4 for a Springfield xd 4" 9mm. Today wife and I went to the range with our new Ruger 22/45 (both are excellent shooters), her Glock 19 gen 4 and my new Springfield XD. We started out with the 9mm's. I was shooting my new Springfield and she was shooting her Glock. Then she asks if she can try the Springfield and of course I let her. After she shot one magazine she turns to me and says I hope you like the Glock because this Springfield is mine :( Now she has the new springfield and I now have the Glock.
  13. I would guess most people here are not posting, because this is a public forum and they don't want the general public to know what they have, just in case :)
  14. Good thing the guy wasn't marrying his dog or pita would also be involved ;)
  15. Estate sales/ auctions IMO are a waste of time. Unless you like paying more than the guns are worth.
  16. Most of us are parents and know what you were going through. GOD bless Joe
  17. Thanks, I was thinking about replacing the LCI, I used tandemkro bushings on both guns. Going to put some rounds through the guns before I do trigger job or replacement. I missed out on the sale for magazines, maybe they will run a Christmas sale. Thanks for the links.
  18. Excellent, GOD always answers our prayers
  19. Sam is the man in this area. I think he can make a capgun shoot .50cal in 20 minutes if you buy him lunch :up:     Nice shooting from one old fart to another :rock:
  20. It is amasing how fast you learn, Last night I took apart the second gun, clean it again (don't know why), took out the mag safety, installed the new bushing put gun back together and it only took me 28 minutes with no cuts or anything. Life is good, just hope they both go bang when we pull the triggers. :)   On a side note, Ruger send these guns in plastic carry cases and thier 1911's in cardboard boxs, I don't get that. Cheaper gun in plastic box, higher dollar gun in cardboard box ????
  21. Mine, is a Ruger 1911 45 JHP in nightstand and s&w shield 9mm JHP on nightstand. Wife is glock 19 gen 4 9mm JHP in nightstand and S&W shield 9mm JHP in nightstand. 
  22. my prayers are with you and your family. May GOD keep her safe.     On my facebook page as well.
  23. Where are the LEO when you need them. She should have gotten three thickets. 1 for texting while driving. 2 for passing a red light. 3 for you can't fix stupid.
  24. Field striped and cleaned both guns today. Also removed mag safety and added bushing to one gun. Not as bad as I expected. Note to self: don't removed thumb safety. It took me an hour to get it back together by doing that other wise it wasn't that bad, but I did cut my hand taking the first one apart. After that I used a dowel made it a lot easier. Tomorrow round two with second gun. ;)


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