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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. Got the gun today and shot six 9mm's through it. All I can say is WOW, this gun is fun to shoot. It does shoot like a 22 and I shot 2 holes at 10 yards. The trigger out of the box is IMO excellent. Now, I ordered a Rossi 357 20" rifle to go with it. ;)
  2. SLOW death and special place in HELL for the so called parents !
  3. I just went to the link and it is gone.:( I was going to ask if he/she had more than one brick, at that price I would have taken 6 or 7 bricks. If you believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale. ;)
  4. Sounds like the beginning of an Olympic shooter on the USA team. Excellent job
  5. New Ruger Blackhawk 357 - 9mm convertible with a 6 1/2" barrel has been odered today. I should have it next week sometime.  can't wait to put some rounds through it  :)   Got it from Grab a Gun in TX for less then $520.00 shipped    Life is good!
  6. Hi Rob, Welcome from Gallatin, down the road from you. Me and my wife both have tn-hcp and shoot just about every weekend at Blue Line guns store in Gallatin. Joe
  7. Maryland's lose, our gain!
  8. I agree, but today, is tomorrow's, yesterday ;)
  9. I just drive my tiger tank around and when I need something I use the drive through window. Why because my tiger tank has ac for the summer and heated for the winter. No need to walk around in body armor when you can have total armor with a very big gun.
  10. thanks all for the replies. Will definitely be getting one. Back in the early 80's and 90's that is all I owned (revolvers, both double, single and combo actions), so I am not new to wheel guns. I just wanted to hear about this particular type. ;)
  11. Does anyone have one of these? I saw the 45 convertible one today which looked very interesting, but I am wanting the 9mm option. I don't have any wheel guns at the moment and I am thinking about buying the Ruger convertible black hawk. Any feedback both positive or negative on the 357/9mm would help me decide weather to get one or just get a 357.
  12. So, Mike have you sold your razor? Best of luck Joe W.
  13. They just don't make things that last ;)
  14. Resume updated and ready to work close to home :)
  15. Joe357

    great day

    Actions have consequences. Tell your parents what happened and find a new friend.
  16. Heard it was started in Alcoa, TN ;)
  17. I have a vizio, works for me.
  18. We have been talking about this for over a year, it still boils down to supply and demand. If we boycott buying ammo locally and on the internet across the country, going to the LGS and going to the ranges for a month IMO this nonsense would stop. Think about it, no demand equals no profit. The industry would have an outcry of surplus and no customers buying. Things would change quickly or companies would be forced to go out of business. The a**holes waiting to gouge ammo would have to get real jobs and everything would go back to normal.
  19. Almost sounds like Mayberry. He should only have one bullet, keep it in his front pocket and only be allowed to load his gun when needed  :)
  20. Doug, You need to bring him to a store and let him feel and possibly shoot different guns. For me s&w m&p or with less capacity a s&w shield, or Springfield xd or xdm. For less capacity xds. For metal frame guns Sig da/sa anything. If it is for home protection a 1911 in either 45 or 9mm would work or a commander size 1911. Again take him to the range and let him shoot as many different guns as possible before picking one. It is not only how it feels, but also how he shoots it and how it feels to shoot. I am not a big Taurus fan other than their revolvers.
  21. Joe357

    New pistol

    S&W shield in 9mm or 40 would be in that range or less.
  22. You guys have to stop this stuff. After reading this post this morning, I started reminiscing about the good old dayd going into the woods squirrel hunting when I was a youngster. This afternoon after work I went to my LGS just to look around and maybe find some 45 acp. While there I was talking about Henry rifles and how they are made in my home town. The guy at the counter says we have a couple of their 22lr in stock, so I go look at them and 10 minutes later I am the owner of a new Henry frontier octagon barrel 22lr. Now I need to get a scope (eyes ain't what they use to be) and do some squirrel hunting or at least some range time. ;)


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