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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. 2nd degree and some 1st degree. The 2nd degree only hurts when I touch the gauze pad or bump it. I would post a picture but it is gross looking. The Dr. didn't think it looked to bad based on what had happened. He just send the ointment made it worst. I just don't like taking antibiotics, but I don't want an infection so I take them. To add a little humor, when the nurse was giving me a shot I told her that needles make me faint. When she finished and she still had whole of my arm I acted weak kneed. Her eyes got big as golf balls, then I started laughing and so did she. I said I just had to do it ;)
  2. Ordered 1000 rounds of New 9mm 115gr cartridges on Saturday and had the ammo that Thursday with free shipping. That was last week. Why don't you give them a call to see what is going on with your order.
  3. Just came home from the doctor. One needle, antibiotics, and keep it dry. Will take about two weeks to heal. I made it worst by putting on the neosporine. He Washed it out with peroxide and that wasn't fun. What really stinks is no fishing for two weeks because of possible water contamination. My nickname is swims with fishes, so falling in the river is a good possibility, so no fishing :(
  4. I made a pot of coffee last night and after it finished brewing I went to pour a cup. The handle broke and I had fresh brewed very hot coffee spill on me. When I ran into the bathroom to remove my pants in a 3" x2" part of my calf the top layer of skin came off. The rest of my calf was only red. Today I will be going to the doctor. It looks worst today then last night. I put neosporine on it and covered the wound with a sterile pad. Guess I shouldn't make coffee at night :(
  5. Excellent, congratulations
  6. Very nice, enjoy.
  7. The reason I am asking is, I have been saving my 38spl cases and was wondering if they had a trade value. I am not picking up other people brass just been collecting my own.
  8. Two month old thread and now a response from someone in MS? Something wrong with this picture.
  9. How many pieces uncleaned and not deprimed 38spl brass would be equal to one 50 round box of target grade brass 38spl factory ammo for trading purposes ? Also this once fired brass.
  10. The reason the plunger isn't affecting it is because it is in the up position which releases the firing pin. Try putting a thin punch in the firing pin hole and see if you can push the plunger out or try hitting the slide a few times in your hand to release it.
  11. Also, just an FYI, you should not use the slide stop as a slide release, it is putting undo wear on it. Just pull the slide back a little and let it go to release the slide.
  12. If it is a series 80, which I think it is there should be a lever on the frame that comes up when you pull the trigger as well as the plunger on the slide. The plunger is spring held to push it out.
  13. Just another item to look at. The para a series 80 with firing pin block(correct) and did you have your finger on the trigger?
  14. Joe357


    Not a big fan, but yours are very nice. Good job ;)
  15. OK, didn't you say you were not buying anymore guns this year or was that in December of last year ;)
  16. Is the hammer(following) hitting the firing pin when you used the slide stop to release the slide? Is this just happening on the first round assuming you have more then one round in the mag?
  17. Hey, I resemble that remark
  18. Edited, just count me OUT!
  19. Here is another option http://www.tandemkross.com/SR22-Wingman-5-Magazine-Bumper_p_112.html Joe W
  20. Since I have a revolver that shoots,357,38spl and 9mm I pick both.
  21. I have seen/touched some of Sam's work. You wouldn't be disappointed.
  22. Joe357

    1911 question

    IMHO, you should not have to press the mag release to fully seat the magazine. I have owned a couple of para experts and a few other 1911's and didn't have to press the magazine release to fully insert the magazine.
  23. Mike, Sounds like you need to buy another Glock ;)
  24. I will pray that God will grant you the job position you request.
  25. Prayers sent.


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