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Everything posted by Joe357

  1. Congrats on getting your HCP. Now, carry on ;)
  2. All I will say is, born there, done that, never again. I know before you say it: damn Yankee ;)
  3. Agree it is not correct. Also you no longer need a HCP to have a handgun in your car. That said IMHO, if I am stopped, I always hand the leo my DL, HCP, and insurance card. I so far been thanked and my HCP was returned immediately.
  4. Just wanted to let everyone know that Nrange in Madison is opening another store and range in Mt. Juliet. The tentative opening date is October. Maybe when they open I will ask if they would like to be a sponsor of TGO.
  5. Joe357

    Condom joke

    A man takes a sex enhancing drug and has an erection that has lasted for over a day. So, he goes to his local drug store. He goes to the counter to talk to the pharmacist who is a young lady. He drops his pants and asks her what she can give him for this. The lady pharmacist asks him to wait there because she has to go into the back room to talk to her sister. After two minutes she returns and says. She can give him $10,000.00 and half share in the business ;)
  6. I vote wood. Looks right, feels right, is right.
  7. Congratulations, I have also stopped smoking cigarettes and it does get easier but, I now vapor. Went from 24mg to 6 mg of nicotine in less then two months. Next month I will get down to 3mg or 0. I am more into the flavors then the nicotine. I do German chocolate cake, caramel, cherry cake and some mixed fruit. It has gone from almost $100.00 a week to about $5.00 or $6.00 a week.
  8. We have three in 9mm and I had a few in 45acp, both GI and Commander. I did replace all the recoil springs,but that is just me. I had one slide stop that wouldn't hold the slide back that armscorp replaced. I also changed the grips, because I think the ones that come with the guns s**k. Other than that they have been 100%. For the price you can't go wrong
  9. I agree with Doug. IMHO, some people should not be aloud to breed or if they do they should be required to go to parenting classes and learn to put those damn cell phones away. That wouldn't have happened in my family..
  10. What I would have done is get into your car, drive to where your phone worked, called leo, told them what had happen,where you were and asked for assistant. I wouldn't have gone back without the police with me.
  11. My current preference is striker fired, S&W shield in 9mm. May change to Ruger GP100 357 mag with 3" barrel for winter carry.
  12. I use factory ammo in my carry gun. If I ever had to use my gun in self defense I wouldn't want to have to defend reloads.
  13. In September I will be celebrating the 31st anniversary of my 28th birthday, does that count? I vote dump the girl, get off your a**, find a job, move out of your grandparents house and start your way to adulthood. Harsh yes but true.
  14. Dolomite, After reading your story, you Sir are a true definition of a real man. I don't know you personally but hope to meet you in person someday just to shake your hand. Joe W.
  15. I agree with everything that has been said. What does the so called girlfriend have to say about this situation?
  16. Has anyone talked to them about possibly becoming a sponsor here, since they are now local?
  17. Mike, I can't believe you never heard of a whatchamacallit. :(
  18. I had the same problem with the ruger lcrx,because I couldn't grip the gun high enough on the frame. I shot two cylinders and that was enough. I could shoot the LCR without pain, but I only shot 38's. I have a few gp100's and never had that problem even with the 3" barrel. I carry a s&w shield in 9mm and shoot a few round through it every month. For winter carry I will carry one of my gp100's with 357 mag or a Beretta m9 or shield in 9mm. I did carry 45's but my hands are old so now I stick with 9mm or 357 for carry and 38spl or 9mm for target shooting. JMHO ;) Joe
  19. I don't know if it is just nicotine that I was/am addicted too because, the first few days after stopping cigarettes I felt very jumpy/nervous, now I don't. I will say I went out to lunch with one of my vendors last week(a good bye lunch) who smokes and when he lite up the smoke smelled terrible and I was thinking it didn't smell like that when I smoked. Man how our senses change.
  20. I'll have to check them out. Most likely Springfield store. Are they on the main drag. No pun intended. ;)
  21. What is the name of his shops..is it tennessee vapor kings?
  22. Had both GI and Commander both were excellent never had a problem with either. If my hands weren't all skewed up I would still own and carry them. Buy one you will not be disappointed. The only real problem I know of was the front sight on the commander breaking off, but I think ruger has taken care of this. jmho
  23. I here you. I have already saved $300.00 in just one month.
  24. Well after 45 years of smoking 2 packs a day, I haven't smoked a cigarette in over a month. I am now doing vapor and have gone from 24 mg of nicotine to 18 and will work my way down to zero mg. I do enjoy the different flavors of vapor more then the nicotine content.
  25. If not farce, then "you can't fix stupid"


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