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Everything posted by npgunner
Good point about the Angel's Envy. I broke down and bought a swig out tonight. It was ok, but not worth what they charge for a whole bottle. If I remember correctly in Nashville it's 60-70 dollar price point, closer to 80-85 for the rye. I too like the Ocean. Have a bottle that I finally opened and have put in the back of the stack so I'll keep my hands off it. You ever run across any Jefferson's Presidential Select? Haven't been able to find a bottle of that to purchase or sample from. Haven't had a hard time finding Blanton's around Nashville, although the price does seem to be creeping up a bit. Word around here is the producers "didn't expect this kind of demand back when they were barreling it" however many years back. I don't work in the industry, but that seems pretty weak to me ...
Frugal MacDoogal in Nashville has had Eagle Rare the last few times I went in. I found a smaller 375 mL bottle at a local joint in Nashville for my first tasting of it and really liked it. Picked up 2 normal size bottles from Frugal the next time I saw it. I've heard a lot of good things about the Noah's Mill. Been thinking of trying and just might get some for the buddy. I've asked around about Pappy's a lot, and the overwhelming opinion I've heard is that it's over rated compared to some other options available. I've never tried it so I can't speak for myself. What do you think about Angel's Envy? The Rye or standard? Did you get to try any of the recent Jack Daniel's Rye release?
Anybody tried anything new lately? I've been sticking to the standards: Elijah Creek with the occasional Jefferson's thrown in. Did manage to pick up 2 bottles of Eagle Rare. Need some suggestions to help a buddy celebrate a new baby. Any good ideas?
Any other Game of Thrones fans? ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***
npgunner replied to reed1285's topic in General Chat
I still wanna know who lets birds fly around in their pie. Or did I not understand and there was the bird area separated from the pie? -
Depending on price I'll take 33.
In my mind, this is one of the BEST things we could do to turn this country around. Take out the withholding, get everyone real good and pissed off come the next April, and watch what happens. Good point ... I've actually tried to talk my wife in an "on paper divorce" (would still live together and be married), just so as a single mom who can only work night shift part time we could qualify for some of this American hand-out. She won't do it ... and needless to say, now that I've put my plan out on the internet, we'd probably end up in jail if we did it. Oh well ... I was only 25% serious anyway ...
This is true. One of my wife's step-sister's sells the stuff. We took the free samples she gave us. It was ok ... I mean as "ok" as artificially flavored fruit powder can be. It sure doesn't beat my steak and bourbon though ... although I probably won't loose much weight on this diet. As far as the pyramid scheme thing goes, she hates to admit it, but when I called her on it, she had to say "yea, ok, it kind of is, but I still believe in the product."
You guys are all wrong ... they made a movie about this some years ago ... http://youtu.be/u6Squ9a2kO4 http://youtu.be/amYzBQMT4VI
Saw this in Hermitage the other day, and don't understand. Doesn't this kind of defeat the purpose of an undercover operation?
[quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1127296" timestamp="1395297005"]Got it. That's all I was really asking. Seems rather dumb to me, whoever made that up, using 5 characters a short for 2. Like "abbreviating" Alex by using Alexander! - OS[/quote] Yes ... when you write it out it doesn't make a lot of since. But when you say it: el-duh-bull-ewe (4 syllables) v. el-dub (2 syllables)
[quote name="CZ9MM" post="1126460" timestamp="1395167076"]The majority of my auto bill payments are setup on my bank's side. The E-Bill gets sent to my bank. There are settings on my online banking that I can set (pay when bill arrives, pay 10 days before due, pay 3 days before due, etc). I trust it more than making payments in the mail.In fact, the only issue I have had since adopting the strategy is one time my bank sent my rent payment via USPS (a it always does), and USPS lost it. It was taken care of though. Keep in mind, if you pay by check "they" already have your account information. It is printed on the bottom of the check:)Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/quote] Good point about the account info. When I auto-pay or e-pay through my bank, it sends a check from the bank on my behalf, so my actual bank account info is never seen by the third party. The only info on the check is my name and the account number with whomever is being paid (I.e. my water company account #). I try to do all my e-pay this way and not through the other companies websites.
Picked up a couple new bottles today; haven't opened either yet, but will give opinions when I do. Have any of y'all tried either? Jefferson's Ocean batch and Eagle Rare
Anyone catch the strange Galifianakis-Obama interview?
npgunner replied to Erik88's topic in General Chat
Certainly not Presidential ... but the theme and feel of the interview fit in with the other shorts of the same series. ZG does them called "Between Two Ferns." Some are quite hilarious ... this one, an obvious ad for O'care, not so much. -
Haslam signs Senate Bill 1701 into law
npgunner replied to daddyo's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="QuietDan" post="1122241" timestamp="1394377779"]... this has been beaten with a stick more thoroughly than Glock vs. 1911 arguments.[/quote] There's still an argument over that? I was under the impression Glock won that argument many moons ago ... ? -
Gun confiscation is on the table in Conn.
npgunner replied to jphillips63's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
By the way ... I understand the guy was a terrorist and were probably better off without him around ... ... but soon any white male openly 2A defenders may also be deemed terrorist (see: [url="http://mediatrackers.org/ohio/2014/02/10/ohio-national-guard-training-envisions-right-wing-terrorism"]http://mediatrackers.org/ohio/2014/02/10/ohio-national-guard-training-envisions-right-wing-terrorism[/url]) -
Gun confiscation is on the table in Conn.
npgunner replied to jphillips63's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="RobertNashville" post="1116593" timestamp="1393366455"]By the way; just what unregulated assassinations of U.S. citizens are you talking about???[/quote] A quick google search lead me here ... I didn't search the forums but I'm sure it's been discussed. There are some other, slightly more unreliable reports of other uses of drones to take out American citizens ... http://www.cnn.com/2011/09/30/politics/targeting-us-citizens/ -
Gun confiscation is on the table in Conn.
npgunner replied to jphillips63's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="RobertNashville" post="1116518" timestamp="1393356942"]If you are really that worried about it then you probably shouldn't be posting anything on a firearm-related forum. :panic:[/quote] I understand that ... and am not personally that worried about it. ... but also don't bury my head in the sand and turn a blind eye to events that people say the Constitution will protect us from. -
Gun confiscation is on the table in Conn.
npgunner replied to jphillips63's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
[quote name="DaveTN" post="1116327" timestamp="1393332230"]Hitler was in Nazi Germany, Connecticut is in the United States. You may believe that the cops will kick in doors and scare people into compliance; but I do not. What Connecticut is doing is wrong; they will have to be told that, either by the voters at the polls or by the courts. Anything is possible, but without exigent circumstances or plain view, they need a warrant to kick a door on a house. One incident is all it would take. I believe they will make these arrests as they come into contact with these weapons and owners. Traffic stops, Domestic violence calls, burglary calls, house fires, etc. A person threatening to kill cops doesn’t scare anyone. Vanderboegh will soon be in prison or a mental institution. He’s just another one of these nut cases that thinks he wants a war. He would die where he makes his stand; as a criminal. But he won’t; he’s just a bunch on noise.[/quote] ... Boston, post-marathon bombing, hundreds to thousands of police trolling the streets forcing any and all out of their homes at gun point for warrantless searches ... ... gun confiscation after Katrina ... the .gov recording and tracking phone calls of millions of Americans ... unregulated assassination of US citizens by unseen drones ... but this would never happen in America -
I'll thirdsy the GA stuff ... never had a problem with them. I usually make a day trip out of it from Nashville. Drive down, drop the Glocks off at the factory for a factory refinishing and inspection, run to GA pick up some ammo, pick up the babies from the factory on the way home. Good day had by all.
If I had a nickel for every time I read you type this ... :2cents: **edit** Not saying you shouldn't continue ... whenever I start reading a thread like this one I think to myself: "how many posts before OS comes in"
google fiber?! but my benefiber already does the trick ... i don't need google involved in my bowel habits, they're already involved in everything else in the world :poop:
Glad they added some positive changes. I'm downloadin now, but won't get to play till tomorrow. Have you been able to play much of Chjna Rising? Every time I go to a CR server (Im on PS4) it's a ghost town on those giant maps.
[quote name="Mike.357" post="1113204" timestamp="1392784512"]Yep not distilled here abouts. I seriously doubt you know distillers in Indiana[/quote] Not me personally ... but I didn't claim too. A guy I work with is friends of the owners of BMB.
Diagnosis of diabetes is typically made on a few lab results. One shows what your blood sugar is now, one shows what your average blood sugar is over 3-4 months (called your hemoglobin A1C). There's a little more too it, but you wouldn't be diagnosed with diabetes based soley on the "now" result, rather more likely what your a1c shows (you can take the a1c result and figure out what the average blood sugar is over that time frame). There's 2 types of diabetes; type 1 is where your body doesn't make insulin; type 2 where your body isn't "sensitive" enough to insulin, meaning that you make insulin, but it doesn't do it's job well enough. Type 1 will require a person to actually take insulin. Type 2 will typically be aggressively treated with diet and weight loss measures first (depending on the initial a1c number), or an oral agent to "sensitize" your body to insulin. There are a bunch of different medications that can help in type 2, but insulin supplementation is usually reserved for later in the treatment algorithm. Good news is, if its type 2, if diet management is good enough, many people may not require any medication. Sorry to be long winded. Happy to offer more info if you want. To shortly answer your original question though, it's more likely your fiancée has had elevated blood sugar for sometime now. Blood sugar is much like high blood pressure. Most people don't even know its high until they go to the doctor, or something REALLY bad happens (diabetic coma/DKA from diabetes, or heart attack or stroke from blood pressure).