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Everything posted by npgunner

  1. Don't get too angry. I've noticed it too using my iPad (I use the site, not the app).
  2. Cool. Thanks. I don't know how much challenging I'd be down for, but I certainly pony up some cash for a TGO coin.
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/26/wis-sheriff-urges-residents-to-get-gun-training/ http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/27/at-least-5-die-in-shootings-on-bloody-chicago-day/ All you need to do is read the first bit of each article. In one I'm told BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER they can't protect me, and I need a firearm. In another I'm told that gun-free zones don't work and crime still happens (shocker of the century I know). Maybe I'll start printing stories like these off and attaching them to my rep letters and emails.
  4. Think my fiancée could give me a pass on my own wedding to come to this?!?! Sadly probably not so see you guys another time!
  5. Can someone educate me on what a challenge coin would be used for? The only thing that comes to mind is something like "Pogs" I played with as a kid ... ... probably not what we're talking about though.
  6. hadn't thought about that ... but you may be right. i hope you're not though.  my thoughts are once this cools off a little bit ... some of these "panic" buyers will need the cash for other things and will start putting the guns up for private sale.  the market will be flooded with "used" inventory, and you and i can sweep up some decent deals, once they realize we won't pay for them what they did at the gun show this month. i guess you could call it a "gun-bubble" ... kind of like the housing one, and the tech one, ... and any other evidence where government interference drives the purchase of some sector of the economy. just my :2cents:  
  7. A few links related to the same story ...    http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/27/obama-gun-control-advocates-should-listen-more/   and then for the interview from the source Fox reports ...   http://www.newrepublic.com/article/112190/obama-interview-2013-sit-down-president   In the interview he says: "moving forward on the topic [gun control] means understanding that the realities of guns in urban areas are very different from the realities of guns in rural areas."   Sir I have a suggestion for you ... if gun control is that important, and yet, has different realities for different areas of the country, why don't you provide the leadership, and let it happen on a state / local level ... if requested by the constituents of that locality?!?! That sir would be leadership, and not dictatorship.   ... also from the interview ... it looks like he's going after football too! ha  
  8. npgunner


    glocks are sexy ... i keep mine dressed in all black though. if you're ever down towards Atlanta, GA, drop the kids off for a field trip at the Glock factory and they will come home shiny, updated, and working as good as ever! only takes an hour or so.
  9. What a d-bag.  I'm also boycotting Arnold's movies as well.  And anything Wahlberg does ... which is sad, because I really liked Shooter.  And Matt Damon ... which throws out the Bourne trilogy ... ahh just see the list: http://www.holstersiwb.com/Famous-People-Who-Are-Anti-Gun-and-Pro-Gun.html
  10. i also have a 590a1 and agree that it would be a great addition to the party
  11. npgunner

    New handgun

    i'm a glock fan, would push you in that direction. not a fan of the sub-compacts a lot, i'd suggest a good compact like a 19 or a 23. 
  12. i saw it on TV too ... came from MSNBC so of course its true.  (on a side note ... i didn't know msnbc was still on the air ... i figured they would have sunk into some black-hole by now)
  13. Was googling around about this subject ... found this out of West Point.  It's long and I didn't read the whole thing.  Did read some of the paragraphs on "anti-federalist" movement.  http://www.ctc.usma.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ChallengersFromtheSidelines.pdf   "They also espouse strong convictions regarding the federal government, believing it to be corrupt and tyrannical, with a natural tendency to intrude on individuals’ civil and constitutional rights.  Finally, they  support civil activism, individual freedoms, and self government."   This statement by the Washington Times about the above quotation was somewhat concerning: "Given today's political climate, that definition could encompass much of the Tea Party and those who espouse conservatism."   The article from West Point serves only to characterize and develop an intellectual understanding of these "far right groups," it doesn't suggest any major government/military action to imprison us or anything.    Maybe my tin foil is wrapped too tightly this morning ... but it is somewhat concerning, all things considered.
  14. i wouldn't mind seeing this sign a little more often ...
  15. True.  Another thought ... if I sign up through the NRA, I pay $1000, which the NRA gets all of. If I sign up through the promotion, maybe the NRA doesn't get all $300, but it frees me up to send the NRA-ILA (and other 2nd amendment groups) a much bigger donation. I'm sure in the current situation we are in, it looks good for the NRA to say "we have 'x' amount of people sign up for membership, AND 'y' amount of people donating."
  16. Tried to find out if he's still smoking via a few google searches. Nothing definitive, but more things say he has stopped than say he's still doing it. Supposedly he stopped snorting cocaine earlier in life ... but with some of his policy decisions I wonder if that's true or not.
  17. Probably need to go look at more of his stuff. I've heard of him ... but was barely old enough to purchase a handgun when he died. Didn't really get into guns a few years later. All this to say ... I'm going to go spend some time on YouTube watching him now.
  18. Already at work for the evening. Will snap some pics tomorrow and post for ya!
  19. I like it! I'll be sure to spend some cash at these places soon.
  20. The things a man can do with a bipod and some unyins' ...
  21. difficult to say for sure ... but might be these from what I can see ...
  22. First thing that came to mind when reading you were based out of NY. Get out of those nasty state income taxes! Sorry it's taking so long. Got my permit when Bush was in office. Took less than a month. I doubt the current administration has much to do with the processing, besides the increased volume. Good luck though. Also, it appears that TN honors NC permits if I understand the map at usacarry.com correctly.
  23. My lady friend is having a blue/black one removed from her wrist also (different colors respond differently apparently). She did a good amount of research prior to it and went thru with it. After her treatments her wrist is blistered for a few days. She says its "uncomfortable" but not painful. Getting it hurt worse. She's only had a couple of sessions and its fading nicely without any bad scarring. Don't have any pics or I would share.
  24. Just so I'm not "that guy" who pretends to get it when he has no clue ... We are talking about the upside down flag as a distress signal? If so ... this guy has it spot on.


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