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Everything posted by npgunner

  1. This season redeemed the show for me. Last few were a touch boring.
  2. Did not expect that accent out of morgan on talking dead
  3. This priest gets on my nerves
  4. Aren't most legislators married? I'd say it's a bunch of married men wanting to keep the singles from getting something they don't ...
  5. I will admit that I was aware that Blanton's had different "N's" ... ... but only because this guy, Mike.357 from TGO gave me a heads up about on the forum when I started my collection. A real class act that guy is! I was aware that Jefferson's is a non-distiller line, but aren't there many bourbons/whiskies that do this? I've been told that quite a few of the brands source their bourbon (and even more so the rye stuff) from Indiana? It seems like for smaller/newer "brands" it's a way for them to generate an income stream while they distill/age their own recipe. Mike, maybe you can shed some insight on those thoughts. I don't know ... all of that could be bad info, but it's what I've picked up from bourbon forums and talking to guys at different shops. ... but as far as picking up info from shops and on forums, there are some people here that swear the 1911 is a better platform than the Glock, so clearly you can't trust everything you read on a forum. ;-)
  6. Blanton's is a standard pour around here. I judge many others by this one. Wish it were a little cheaper ... this stopper collection is getting expensive. Edit: And yes, I've noticed it in a lot of TV shows also. I'd love to get my hands on some of their non-USA productions ... the barrel proof "straight from the barrel" version being one of them ...
  7. Didn't know quite what I wanted to sip on tonight ... ended up mixing/vatting the two. Elijah Barrel Proof and Elijah 12 year (50/50 mix). I must say, just after an hours mingle time it's delicious; I set aside 100 mL of the mix to try in a week or so, and 100 mL to deliver a friend. Hopefully he'll enjoy it as much as I do!
  8. This is my line of thinking also ... They want people from "out there" because they are tough, they are weak. Need protection ... and if they are tougher than they appear, then they want sacrifices. The whole story while on the supply run about losing someone, and then saying "we got our people." Something ain't right. Couple that with Troy's run over community and the beheaded and halved bodies/heads at the accident site. There's some nefarious character/group running around these parts. I agree the girl is likely a spy. Question is whether Carl can win her over ... Either way ... the exciting "on the move they're experiencing reality" episodes are over. They've camped in and now we'll see a few episodes with a few interesting scenes leading up to the finale where we'll learn of a plot twist, someone gets killed, and we're left on a cliffhanger until the next 1/2 season.
  9. On the features page it says it's one piece construction; the device doesn't come out of the holster ... ... so you're buying a block of plastic in the shape of a gun in a holster with a belt loop? I'm not saying it's the dumbest thing I've heard of, but it's not far from it.
  10. Got a call from my frequented store over the weekend that they had something in for me (referring to the barrel proof elijah). I picked up a few other bottles while I was there. Pretty good score for the weekend in my opinion.
  11. I've tried larceny ... I thought it was pretty good. It was better after it was open for a week or two. A bit sweeter. But the best part was it came with a $10 mail in rebate for a 750 mL bottle (a little tag hanging from the bottle neck). I actually got the rebate in about a months turn around from sending it in.
  12. I've seen him twice, both times at TPAC. Great shows both time. I plan to attend this one as well. Occasionally throws in references to the show (especially in encore as crowd requests); but mostly sticks to a routine independent of the show (although I do love the show).
  13. I would be willing to go in on this barrel idea.  I'd probably be up for a case of the juice as well.  I don't want the barrel ... and as far as who gets it, well ... we all wouldn't be here talking about an order if it weren't for the one guy who set up and maintains this place, so ... I'd say the choice is obvious in my mind
  14. 529 would be an option. Any type of retirement account (traditional IRA, roth IRA) would require him to have an earned income and file a tax return next year.   traditional savings account or money market wouldn't be a bad idea.  any of these types of accounts can be opened from any place like a traditional bank (regions, etc.) or an investment company (edward jones, fidelity, etc.).  
  15. Might you be able to offer any thoughts re: trained medical professionals and any responsibility to offer care to someone in a self defense situation? Example: Person A (with medical training) is attacked by Person B. A shoots B to stop the threat, but B is still alive. Is there any legal obligation for A to offer potentially life saving assistance to B. If there's no obligation, can/would A offering B assistance be misconstrued as admitting wrong-doing in shooting B? Or might it go in A's favor by showing empathy to his attacker? Seems like there was a thread talking about this in the last year, but for the life of me am unable to locate it.
  16. Wife and I have done the pottery/painting things and they are fun.  We recently did this with a group of work friends and had a great time: http://nashvilleescapegame.com/   They "lock" you in a puzzle room with a numeric lock on the door.  Your goal is to figure out the 4-digit code to get you out of the room.  Inside the room/rooms, there are hints that lead you to the next step to figure out the code.  They give you an hour to complete the task.  We had a fun hour with our friends, then went to have dinner elsewhere.  We plan to get our group together again to do one of the other puzzle rooms they have.  
  17. to clarify ... they moved the clock forward 2 minutes; leaving it at 3 minutes till midnight ... citing "global climate change" and "global nuclear weapon modernization" ... supposedly we are near the "end of humanity as we know it" ...    can't these guys think of anything else to do with their time?
  18. I'm in, but probably only for the 12th.  
  19. If teenage boys don't have enough sense to NOT race friends on the way to a movie; they don't deserve to drive.   For what its worth, I got my license as part of this program, and it never effected my ability to hang out with friends.  
  20. Thanks for sharing. Amazing how quickly he got through the door. Much like you; glad to have seen it, learned some things from it, but glad not to have lived it.
  21. Thanks! And yea, better he gets his looks from her and not me.
  22. Me and the wife at the top of Amicalola Falls and our 9 month old son.
  23. I could be wrong, and would venture to say I am ... But I'll take a wild guess that the NRA's biggest revenue stream isn't from membership sign ups. Likely from selling advertising, branding, or something else like that. I'm sure membership money helps, but I'm sure membership quantity helps more (when selling advert space, etc.); thus the frequently discounted rates.
  24. It was $500 when I did it 3 years ago also.
  25. One of two things ... Why did it take him so long to pick up his daughter, that someone had time to call 911 and the police to arrive before he could leave. No one except a LEO could physically detain him correct? (At least not without the possibility of some legal repercussion for holding him against his will?) ... Or congrats on the local LEO for such a quick response time ... Whichever of the above is true ... Definitely wasn't a smart move on his part.


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