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Everything posted by homeagain

  1. Grilled Tenderloin   I usually soak in milk in the fridge for 4-6 hours, but that's optional and may or may not really change the taste, but it helps get my wife and kid to eat it.   Anywho, I simply cut into bacon-width filets and dry off the meat well.  I rub with healthy amounts of fresh ground black pepper, coarse salt, and finely minced garlic.  Wrap with bacon (secure with a couple of toothpicks each) and brush bottom and top with 50/50 olive oil-honey mixed.   The secret is grilling on a cast-iron grate over a bed of hot hickory coals.  I keep some hickory shavings in a tin can in the center of the coal bed to add some smoke.  Make a 'tent' of heavy tinfoil to set over the filets as they cook to help retain some smoke/heat.  Sometimes I set a slice of onion on top while grilling, too.   I usually grill til med rare...or even rare for me....def do not want to overcook.  Wife and kid love it so much they forget to even use steak sauce (which for them is saying something). 
  2. Prayers bro.  Got a little girl myself.  I'm sick to my stomach for ya.  Let me know what you need for help.
  3. Yeah.  Even worse than when Zook was there.
  4. Yup.  I have several of them stashed in various places.  Some like the ones in the vid and some other variations.  I keep some 90% alcohol or some HEET with em.  Works well to purify a bit of drinking water or heat your beans.
  5. I'm thinking Franklin bites on an offer from a bigger-time program in the coming few years.  He's a really good coach.  I just don't see his career trajectory needs being satisfied at Vandy long term.  Vandy beating UT 2 years in a row is much like Halley's comet...happens just under every hundred years, pretty to watch, but not a permanent state.  I see UT building back to mid-level SEC consistently with occasional years where they challenge for the division title as the program rebuilds; and Vandy going back to consistent mediocrity when Franklin does leave.  After all, who would want to follow his act there with the expectations that have been developed recently? 
  6. Welcome!  :usa:  
  7. Additional to weapon access you may also consider keeping a barrier handy. In addition to two weapons (one on my person and one stored but accessible) I keep a briefcase handy with a threat level 2 vest folded double as a 'grab-n-go' ballistic barrier.
  8. The usual suspects typically get there at 4:00am for the 7:00am rollout at my local Wally World. Gave up months ago trying it outlast the retired resellers.
  9. Interesting concept to me is that (in my mind at least) the 'giving of the law' is either democratically ordained (majority rule) or inalienable (God-given).  If there is no 'god,' then no right (law or otherwise) is truly inalienable as at any point in time the majority can change (alienate the minority from) those 'rights.'  I have some friends that are atheists (very nice people, actually).  We agree to disagree on the issue of the existence of God (we do have friendly debates on the issues, though).  Question posed to them was if it were all of a sudden legal by way of democracy for me to wantonly kill your child, would it be 'wrong' if the majority of the populace has deemed it 'OK'?  Their answer was 'yes' of course.  But how could it be 'wrong', if that right to live isn't truly inalienable?  A 'right' cannot be inalienable unless granted by an authority greater than our 'pay grade' so to speak, as the majority can take it away.  Can't 'prove' a right, as we can't 'prove' God's existence.  So, in order for us to accept rights as inalienable, we (as a society) must have a majority of deity-believing people to do so. 
  10.   Yup.  I have a buddy in SS.  Routine stuff along with counterfeiting and kiddie porn.  Same division of labor that existed prior to the SS falling under DHS heading, so no tinfoil needed here.
  11. Gotta love the cop/establishment hatin' tone of the article.  Don't know what GA law is, but if it is similar to TN the officer may just have had reasonable cause to Terry stop the guy.  Don't really see how the search was unreasonable (don't really know if it was a consent search or not) but dude was apparently asked to leave and didn't so he got hooked for trespass.  It's funny, I've only met one cop that actually wanted to actively, on purpose, violate constitutional rights....and he's no longer in the profession.  Most cops are just trying to do what they can (often within fleeting moments of decision-making opportunity) to do their jobs, not violate rights (or at least find the best balance they can in the moment) and not get dead in the process. 
  12. Buffalo Bore +P, 90 gr. lead-free HP, followed by Buffalo Bore +P 100 gr. hard cast
  13. Yup. Grew up in Springfield and went to jr high at the old Bransford school on Richard St, cuz. Lol
  14. Here's a local article on a young Marine that just moved to our community.  I've had the opportunity to meet him personally, and I can't stress how impressed I am with him.    http://www.portlandleader.net/articles/2013/10/13/news/22607746.txt    
  15. Really don't miss Connecticut at all.
  16.   Or at least a handgun carry permit badge clipped next to the weapon, dark glasses and moustache......
  17. Thanks all.  For sure, she's a shooter.  I think at this point she 'owns' more of my guns than I do....she keeps claiming them, anyway.  She's already 'liberated' me of four .22 rifles, one Rossi .22/.410 combo, two single 20 gauges, a Survivor .223 singe, and my (her) Mark II.  Now she's also asking for her own compound bow.....looks like that's next.  It was at the Bass Pro at Opry Mills.
  18. Well, took the kiddo for her hunter safety course now that she's 10.  Was this past weekend at Bass Pro and taught by a couple of great instructors.  They were great with kids.    Was a bit worried that a 10 year old's attention span would be challenged by having to sit in class for 3 hours Friday nite and again all day Saturday, but she did just fine and passed with flying colors.  She did get a little upset and had to take a 5 minute break when they showed the dramatized video of the kid getting shot in a hunting accident.  Made her a little woozy.   Nevertheless, she got her head back in the game, scored well on the test, and really made her old man proud when it came time to shoot the .22 in the TWRA portable range.  2 shots at 50 feet(ish) and she puts 'em both through one ragged hole.  TWRA agents and instructors both commented that it was the best shooting of the day!
  19.   ^^^This!  I was a Glock-hater for a long time myself.  I still like to get all cuddly with my shiny 1911's, mind ya, but this may be the best Glock-analogy I've heard.   OP: nice home protection implement!
  20. http://www.wsmv.com/story/22888338/ex-officer-helps-portland-police-nab-suspected-gun-thieves   Well, some people in KY will be glad that these are found and returned. 
  21. ....and when in the limits of Coopertown, observe the speed limit.  It's quite the little speed trap.
  22.   Exactly.  That's how many governmental 'success' measurements occur.  Same concept as the 'budget cuts' that were actually reductions of proposed future expenditures that landed still above the prior year's expenditure. 
  23. May be an extreme choice on my part, and I am by no means anti-alcohol, but I became a teetotaler when started packing.  It is either literally on my person, or within arms reach 24/7 unless I'm in a location that prohibits it (I avoid them unless there is no choice in the matter, such as in a courtroom when proceedings are under way, etc.).  I simply never want there to be any equivocation present in the event of a voice-stress analyzer, etc.
  24. Yup.  Gonna be interesting, no doubt.  Anyone else here find a modicum of humor in the fact that the President of the NAACP is named Ben Jealous?


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