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  1. You would think they would be all over wanting this to pass in hopes of more "If it bleeds it leads" headlines.
  2. I've gone through the class and permit process in Tennessee twice after moving out of state and then back. Both times I took the class there was more than one person who had never owned or even shot a gun before they took the class. Second time around there were three who had to rent a gun because they didn't own one and they were not sure if they would ever buy a gun. WTF?
  3. I don't think it's an immediate concern of them but it's on the radar and what ever they will try to pull off will happen before the 2022 election cycle. We probably have nine months to a year before they begin their full on assault.
  4. I just went to the side of caution and didn't carry while I was there. Just struck me as odd that the signage had changed since it was very obvious in the past.
  5. Never lived anywhere but TN or GA but go ahead with your assumptions... Just remember the first three letters.
  6. TN Department of Homeland Security and Homeland Security are completely separate state and federal agencies. I know some people that work for the Federal Homeland Security and they wish the state of TN came up with their own name because they get sick and tired of getting calls about drivers licenses and such and then get cussed out because they tell them they are separate.
  7. Last year when I added a motorcycle endorsement (and every time before) the door had all kinds of signs and gun busters saying you can't carry at the DMV. Last week I went to the DMV for my son's Learner's Permit and none of that signage was there and the printed out letters saying the same thing were no longer there. Did something change that makes CCW legal at the DMV?
  8. Humm.. I thought Colt was already out of the AR business and on the verge of bankruptcy for some time.
  9. I thought I was going to end up with a handy list of companies to stop doing business with. By the time I finished reading the list I realized there wasn't as single company on the list we do business with.
  10. I know several people who are into sporting clays, hunting, etc that have this exact mentality. "I don't own an AR or AK so it won't effect me" thinking that if they sacrifice what other's like they would never come after their shotguns and bolt action guns. No one eats an elephant in one bite....
  11. Can you share with us what is so vague? Reading the language posted by Garfua I just don't see the innocuous language that would enable the government to start confiscating guns or create a registry of some sorts. To me this looks more like an advertising campaign that's designed to bring about awareness in properly storing guns safely.
  12. She is just looking out for American jobs. No import ARs, just ones make in the USA.... Moron..
  13. I've never understood the push back to this. Maybe it's because I like to keep my guns and don't want to make it easy on some thief trying to take my guns.
  14. The difference with the bumpstock vs. a suppressor is that bumpstocks were not tracked. They had no serial number and no record of who bought and sold them plus their intent was to exploit a loophole in the law. A suppressor is tracked, has strict guidelines on who can own them, how they are stored, transported, etc. The press and their masters in the DNC has not picked up on suppressors like they did bump stocks. I never understood how Bumpstocks lasted as long as they did before they were banned. I wonder how many thousands of people out there have them and don't even know they are banned now. I do wonder if this guy had a legitimate suppressors or did he buy one of those "solvent traps" from the idiots at a gun show. I stood there in amazement at one gun show in Chattanooga while the nimrods selling the adaptor to put an oil filter on the end of a gun openly talked about using them as cheap suppressors. I've not seen them at the last gun show or two. Maybe their dumbasses are in jail.
  15. Switching to an online class vs an actual class. How do they know you are the one that took the class and someone didn't do it for you?


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