Maybe I'm ranting, maybe not. I learned at a VERY young age the firearm safety rules. They are all extremely important. I see people lose muzzle control and it drives me crazy, but the damn finger on the trigger sends me to a whole other place. When its people at the range it is bad enough, but when it is my friends I feel the urge to snap it off! Most of them continue to remind me that they grew up shooting and hate unsafe idiots (insert my mad face here) and I continue to remind them that they may get mad at me, but I don't care...if I see your damb finger on the trigger, I will tell you about it. I have no doubt that they grew up shooting, I've deer hunted with most of them. But I don't think they ever REALLY learned safety. A mistake caused by that kind of carelessness cannot be reversed, and I am really trying to help them learn. I have even had one turn away from the range with a pistol that they are "sure is empty" with the slide closed and finger on the trigger, pointed right at me. I don't know if the checked the chamber and then closed the slide or if the gun went click, and they figured it was ftf could be a life. Whew! Okay, I guess it was a rant!