Okay guys, are you ready for a laugh at my misery? I'm in big trouble! I just told my wife that I'd like money for Christmas and I was going to put it towards a shotgun. Any extra money I got from my parents, etc would go in the pot as well. At this moment, my daughter and wife both turn around, and glare at me. "Thanks for ruining your Christmas present you JERK! We were going to get you the dang shotgun since we saw you looking at it on Thanksgiving and won't shut up about it!" :rofl: On the flip side of that coin, she also informed me that she's already got her present ordered and I just owe her the money lmao! Well, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect present guys and I'm so excited! I also asked her if I could add a little money to it and get the one I want and she's cool with it................I'm doing cartwheels over here...with stares still coming at me.