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Everything posted by MCSCOTT

  1. I'm not even saying that the borders should be closed completely, but the problem just keeps growing and growing and we've now come to a definate point where something needs to be done. Better border control, better ways or incintives to force officers to enforce our current laws, whatever it may be. It's sad that we can spend billions in tax dollars to go overseas and prevent one foreign country from invading another foreign country that has absolutely nothing to do with the US, but we can't stop the invasion currently taking place right here at home. Once again I suppose I'm overestimating this country. Is the US going to get to a point where the people are safer if they are a part of a Mexican drug cartel, than they are by just being a legal US citizen?
  2. From the beginning article I had to question whether there was any truth to it or not, but when I read the denial from Pfeiffer it makes me think that there is alot of truth to the interview. To me that quote is just another way of saying: Seems to me that to deny the safety of our country would be definate grounds for impeachment.
  3. I didn't say the meat plant would move to Mexico, I was talking about companies in general. The current owners of the meat plant should be stripped of their business license and someone that's more responsible should be able to take the place over. I'm aware of all of this, but the simple fact is that the penalties to the employers are nowhere near good enough to deter them from hiring illegals. The costs of the penalties are more than offset by the length of time that they can get away with hiring cheap illegal labor, and also causes them to want to hire even more in the future to make up for what they lost when they got caught. Then on top of that, they are taught important lessons on how to get away with hiring illegals in the future by looking back at what lead them to get caught the first time. I say it should be plain and simple. Hire illegal aliens, and get permanently stripped of your business license.
  4. As bad as I hate to see the loss of anymore jobs, I personally think those meatpacking plants should be shut down if they're found to have even 1 illegal employed there. Companies like that are the reason we have such a problem in the first place. I know several Mexicans in this area that own businesses. From resturants, to hispanic stores, whatever it may be, and they all seem to hire Mexicans that are in this country legally. It's the American businesses that go after the those that are not here legally, and as far as I know all we have to offer is a small fine to those that do so. Simply sending the illegals home will not even begin to fix the problem as long as American businesses are drawing them back into the country in order to get cheap labor. Of course it is a vicious cycle in this country though, because American workers these days refuse to work for what those American companies can afford to pay them, which will just cause those companies to pack up and move out of the country.
  5. I would have probably asked them if they had a beer I could get from 'em, or offered them one if I had one and invited them to sit around and bs for a while. Sadly it never seems to take me very long to bond with trash like that , so I'm sure I would have felt comfortable knowing they wouldn't bother my stuff after they left. Actually though I think you did the right thing by leaving, I just didn't want to say it in the first part of my reply. Years ago I want camping with some friends of mine in a remote area kind of like what you're talking about, and when we were gathering up firewood we came across a small marijuana crop. We never did see anyone else in the area, but it definately gives you an uneasy feeling being in that kind of situation. Because of that I never camp anywhere anymore unless I know the area and what type of people I might run into while there.
  6. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if this type of thing ever happened at a funeral that I was attending then I would spend the rest of my life in prison and be happy in knowing that I made some examples out of these people.
  7. Yup, and when that happens our votes wont really make any difference at all anymore. I've said it since the beginning, it's terrorism at it's absolute best, and it's the people of this country that turned the country over to them by putting him in office.
  8. I'm not talking about the right to live Mike, I'm talking about his rights to fair trials and such. As far as the crime he's no different than any of the other murderers on death row, but those that are Americans sitting on death row have the rights to the trials, appeals, and all that crap that drags out their execution. There should be no chance for this kind of thing to happen with someone who is not a citizen of this country. Don't get me wrong though, I also don't agree with the fact the legal citizens who are murderers get all of this, and think they should be stripped of their citizenship so that they can receive a swift execution. If it were up to me I would eliminate a good majority of prisons all over the country by executing everyone who's crime was bad enough that they were given more than 5 years.
  9. In my mind I've killed off several today. I'm in the process of quitting smoking, so right now I think anyone that shows disrespect for our country or our laws, or even irritates me too much, should be executed, although several of my recent comments could be considered disrespectful. As for the difference between this guy and those in jail for murder that are American citizens, those in jail are citizens so we have to give them their rights accordingly. Free trial, all that stuff, and treat them fairly with the punishments. Those that are here illegally should not be treated in the same manner as an American citizen. If they are obviously and admittedly guilty of such a crime, then since they are not citizens there shouldn't be a fair trial, they should simply be taken to their nearest shooting range where the government could charge a small fee to let people take target practice at them. Heck, even give them a chance if you want, and tie them up at the 1k yard mark. Either way the end with us as taxpayers not having to pay to keep up yet another illegal.
  10. Nice father's day gift. I gave my dad a XD .45 weekend before last for his birthday. That's just going to have to be good enough to cover fathers day as well.
  11. He admitted to doing this, and all the evidence is there to show that he definately did the crime, and he has absolutely NO rights in this country, so why is he still alive? Punishments like what this guy is getting, and plea deals for information that may not even be true and will only waste even more tax dollars, are exactly what is wrong with this country. It's making us weaker, and more and more in debt every day. I'm gonna throw this word in the third thread of the day, but this guy needs to be executed as well as his common law wife for allowing him to stay with her illegally and allowing him access to the keys. If the common law wife was here illegally as well, then all persons involved in hiring her for the job that she had should be executed as well.
  12. Yeah the biggest problem would be that there's no where we could just send them. No matter how much a fine is, that's only a small punishment to alot of the people that hire illegals, and will just force them to use them that much more in order to make up for having to pay the fine. Alot of folks would consider jail time for these employers to be harsh as well, but I personally don't think it would be punishment enough either with the current state of our court system. In the end they would spend a day in jail maybe and be back in business again, and once again forced to hire more illegals to offset the cost of their punishment. Even if the punishment was that they lose their business and are never allowed to operate a business in this country again, there would still be no way of enforcing that judging by the way things usually go in this country. Maybe we should just start executing those that hire illegals......
  13. I don't think you're being too hard on her with that. She's got a history of voilence, and obviously has no respect for the law or for other people. She wont change, and as long as judges keep giving her a slap on the wrist she will only get worse. It doesn't matter if she's able to remain free on the street, or ends up in prison at some point, it's up to us as taxpayers to fund her way through life so that she can continue to break more and more laws. I personally think she should be executed.............yup..........sounds even worse considering it all got started because she was simply jaywalking.
  14. I agree with all of that, and since the problem just keeps growing in this country I personally think that anyone who hires an illegal should be stripped of their citizenship and forced to leave this country. Again I will say that things will only get worse until the punishments for certain crimes get more harsh in this country.
  15. If that's the case, then I would bet money on it that it is also the reason there just so happened to be someone right around the corner with a video camera. It was just another setup by someone to try to get a free paycheck, so the women involved as well as the one operating the camera should all be beaten to death to set an example for those that try to do the same in the future. Ok, maybe that was a little harsh, but at some point some of these judges are going to have to simply state that they realize what is going on in these situations, and make very harsh punishments for such.
  16. Sounds to me like we already agree on this point when you put it that way. I was replying to the fact that you were disagreeing to my comment of "blame". In that comment I did in fact use the word "blame", so that is were you were disagreeing with the word. Responsible on the other hand I do agree with you own. He IS responsible for his actions, but he IS NOT the cause of his actions.
  17. I agree with most of what you said in your post, and I also agree with the fact that he is a big boy and makes his own choices. I do have to say you're wrong on putting the blame on the officer though. Yes, he made the choice, but it was a choice that he was forced into. Do you really think he would have hit the woman in the face if she hadn't gotten involved? That's where I'm saying the officer is not to blame. The lady got into a situation that she shouldn't have been in. The other lady that he was trying to restrain should have complied. Had either of these two ladies done what they should have, the officer would not have been forced into taking action. Saying that the officer is to blame for punching the lady in the face is like saying that he is to blame for the whole situation and should have just left them alone to break the laws in the first place.
  18. In a big way I would imagine you're right in the fact that alot of officers wouldn't want a civilian getting involved. The officer's job is to protect everyone, so by a civilian getting involved it only adds one more person for him to try to protect. For me it would all depend on the situation as to whether I would stand on the sidelines or not. In this particular situation, had I known the women involved I may have tried to restrain one of them unless the officer told me to back off. Had the situation turned into one that put the officer in more danger I seriously doubt I could stand by and do nothing though. Having known several officers that were injured, even killed in the line of duty, I really don't think I could stand by and watch a lone officer be assaulted or even threatened by a group of people without at least letting the officer know that I was more than willing to assist him and accept any consequences in doing so.
  19. Reminds me of a guy I know that stopped in the middle of the road one day, picked up a young timber rattler that was about 2' long, and threw it in his Cherokee. Not in a box, cage, or any other container, just threw it in the floorboard and drove home. He kept that thing for a long time in an aquarium. Even though I wouldn't kill a snake unless I absolutely had to, I'm nowhere near crazy enough to be riding around with one crawling around in my floorboard with me.
  20. All very well said. Basically the country needs to spend less time making worthless new laws, and spend more time enforcing the ones already in existance, as well as making the punishments alot worse for every law out there. There is almost no fear of breaking any laws anymore, because the punishments aren't really that bad these days. So what if you got to jail, half of the criminials out there already have family in prison, so they get an expense paid trip to go visit them. Also while there they can get an expense paid college education, free cable tv, free food, a free roof over their head, a free gym membership, free acess to sports facilities, free laundry services, among many many other tax payer funded things. Not to mention the fact that they can resist arrest and fight with officers to try to get the officers to use force, and then sue the city, county, state, etc. to try to get out of the charges as well as a free paycheck. Our courts and the media are the causes of these situations, and things are only going to get worse.
  21. I'm aware of that. I suppose my post on that part of it should have read that he should not be to blame had he taken such action. It goes back to my post of how my opinion is that LEO's don't have enough rights to protect themselves while enforcing the laws.
  22. Exactly, and this is where public opinions on situations like this always piss me off. The officer is not to blame for the woman getting punched in the face. He would also not be to blame had he taken his firearm out and used it on all of the ones that were crowding him so that he could #1 protect himself, and #2 maintain order. It would be sad to see several people die over a simple jaywalking offence. However, the blame for such actions should fall on the ones breaking the laws, NOT the ones trying to enforce the laws while at the same time defending their own life.
  23. True, but their neighbors might put up one like this.....
  24. I think he handled it fairly decent based on what he is allowed to do. He's very luck that those around him acted in the manner in which they did, because there was potential for that situation to turn very badly for him. Both women involved should be charged, and should not even have the option of a lawsuit in this case. Personally the fact that police officers do not have more rights to protect themselves is the reason I didn't pursue a law enforcement career any further than I did. He shouldn't have to stand there and wrestle with her for so long to get her to put her hands behind her back. It should simply be comply or be sprayed, tazed, or shot. I would also like to see something done in our courts system about the whole race issue. It's the year 2010, so if someone in this day in time even brings up the race card in the courtroom their case should automatically be dismissed.


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