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Everything posted by MCSCOTT
The part I can't get over is when the star runs what seems to be a half a mile in a straight line, with some form of aircraft overhead firing on both sides, but luckily not in the middle where the guy is running. Alot of times the guys around him seem to get killed but luckily the star does not. Of course it wouldn't be much of a movie if the star died early on, but at least it would be more realistic of what happens if you're running around out in the open like they do.
I've definately done my part here recently. I've put on about 45lbs since I screwed my knee up last year. I'm just now starting to think about getting the exercise that I use to get.........Key word being "think".......I guess I better wait a bit longer though to try to get us to the #1 spot.
Although I don't really have much of a problem with the fact that we have to have a background check or having to take the class in order to carry in public, you do make very good points with these statements.
McDonald v. Chicago SCOTUS Opinion
MCSCOTT replied to eapking's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I agree. If it is allowed to have a bearing, it could easily lead to the destruction of our Constitution, especially once all the illegal aliens are legalized and allowed to vote. -
My vote would be for a M113A2. It would make for a good bug out vehicle.
McDonald v. Chicago SCOTUS Opinion
MCSCOTT replied to eapking's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
"The people" should be allowed to implement certain desires through their elected representatives, but not in cases that go against the Constitution. To me it seems like the will of the representatives of certain states are direct threats to the Constition of the country as a whole. The issue of state and city rights vs the Constition is exactly why this country is no longer the "United" States of America. -
I hope I can some day get around to getting my M38 back to looking that good.
McDonald v. Chicago SCOTUS Opinion
MCSCOTT replied to eapking's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I really wish I hadn't read those comments to see how ignorant people are these days. Alot of folks seem to live in their own little world where nothing bad ever happens, and their mind can never be changed until something does happen to them directly. At that point they can see the need for people to have the means to defend themselves, but until that day comes they use their right to freedom of speech to speak out against their right to keep and bear arms. Personally I think the Constitution is written so that the people of this country have the power to protect their freedoms and the country. Freedom of speech should be used to help protect the Constitution, the same way the right to keep and bear arms can be used to protect it. Anyone who uses their freedom of speech to try to destroy part of the Constitution is basically attacking this country, and they should ALL be executed. There shouldn't have to be any lawyer fees or court costs, or any costs for that matter, to fight someone that is trying to destroy part of our Constitution because it simply shouldn't be allowed to happen. -
McDonald v. Chicago SCOTUS Opinion
MCSCOTT replied to eapking's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
X2 Could be several months before anything at all changes to the ban, and you can bet they're going to put it off as long as they can. This could also bring about new laws that everyone should become aware of before they "jump the gun". -
Is there an "all of the above" option?
McDonald v. Chicago SCOTUS Opinion
MCSCOTT replied to eapking's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
That's the way I view it as well. This takes away city and state rights as to whether or not they will allow their residents to own firearms, and gives that power back to the people of those cities and states. -
I agree in a way, but that statement could also go the other direction in that we may have to some day use our 2A rights in order to protect the entire constitution. Every aspect of the Constitution is put there for a reason, and could be used to protect other aspects of it. Like Mike said, people send the NRA money so that they can stand up for 2A rights, and 2A rights alone. This is the part where it isn't morally right for them to take that funding and spend it on something else.
This is exactly what I've been thinking ever since the first posts came up criticizing the NRA for their stand on this. The money taken in by the NRA is strictly for protecting our 2A rights. There are other organizations out there that people can donate to that protect other aspects of the Constitution.
I guess I just wasn't paying attention. I thought this forum was like alot of others in that posts in off topic discussion sections did not add to your post count. Most of the ones I'm on only add to the post count if you post in the tech sections.
Constitution aside I think most would agree with you, however just like several other situations the Constitution doesn't go into enough detail on the subject, so it leaves it wide open to be abused. This same thing happens with every law out there when someone can find a way around it because of how the law is worded, so these laws become updated in such an event. The same thing should hold true for updating the Constitution once what is written in it starts getting widely abused. Again I realize this could be a threat to our 2A rights as well, but at some point something is going to have to be done to get rid of those that use our Constitution against itself.
I guess this is really the only way we can look at this subject with the current state of the Constitution. I also think that it is becoming clearer that there needs to be some updating to it to cover abuses of rights such as this. I also think way too many people abuse the 1st as well, and there should be more clarification to that. It's definately risky to our 2A rights if they start making changes, and I definately don't think any changes should be made by our current POTUS. I also agree that if the illegal parents do not want to put the baby up for adoption then the child should be sent back home with the parents. Either that, or execute the parents shortly after the child is born.....I bet that would slow down some of this abuse to what our country stands for.
Exactly! And why should you be allowed to lead a country that you're not willing to fight for.
They should be deported immediately after they are born, along with the parents, and the hospital bills should be sent directly to their country of origin.
Fox News Poll - Should the American Flag Be Banned In School
MCSCOTT replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Anyone living in America who thinks the American flag should be banned from any part of American soil should be executed. That includes not only those 36%, but those that came up with this kind of poll in the first place as well. That is all. -
Nebraska Town To Vote On Illegal Immigration Measure
MCSCOTT replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
So it passed, but then again it did not. There shouldn't even have to be votes on this kind of thing since alot of these laws are already in place and covered by the fact that we're talking about people who are here illegally. Anyone that gives aid to them in the form of money, employment, housing, transportation, or anything else should be treated as an accomplice to the crime. Heck they're even there when the crime is taking place, because every second that someone is in this country illegally they are committing a crime. -
Strel, alot of times I disagree with your views on the issues being discussed here, but I for one can usually understand what you mean with what you type even though I'm about as southern as a man can get. Simple fact is like others have said, it's the internet. No matter where you're from someone is always going to criticize what is typed if it's not perfect, especially those that are trying to come up with reasons to argue with you.
Negligent Discharges: My own personal confesion.
MCSCOTT replied to Will Carry's topic in General Chat
The only ND I've had was when I shot my cousin in the back of the head. Luckily it was with a cheap BB pistol of his. I made the mistake of assuming that since my finger wasn't on the trigger the gun wouldn't fire. I was wrong. I was not aware that this thing would fire just by looking at it a certain way, so walking around the corner of the house behind him it just decided to go off. Because of this I'm sometimes overcautious with firearms, and no matter what I always make sure it's not pointing towards anything that I wouldn't mind shooting. -
Mexico files court brief against Arizona immigration law
MCSCOTT replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
This should be throw in the trash before any of our tax dollars get spent in court on it. This is the United States, Mexico has absolutely no say so in what goes on with our laws no matter who they pertain to. If our country can not support AZ with their enforcement of laws that are already in place on a federal level, then AZ and the states that support them should form their own country. As divided as our states are currently I would say it's getting about that time anyway. -
Nebraska Town To Vote On Illegal Immigration Measure
MCSCOTT replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I think it may all boil down to enforcement in the end. Way too many already existing laws are not being enforced these days. Those in charge of enforcing them would rather do nothing than to have to deal with the hassle, especially where any certain race may be concerned. Just like here in town, when they cracked down on illegal aliens recently it caused a big uproar from the Hispanics in this area. Apparently it's easier to just drop the issue and stop enforcing the laws than it is to have to deal with that kind of thing. Half the time the courts don't help much either in these cases because certain business owners know the right people, or some other crap that makes those trying to enforce these laws feel like they are wasting their time.