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Everything posted by MCSCOTT
I'm with ya in a way there. It's not something I could ever use because I'd be worried about scratching it. On top of that I just don't know if I would trust the reliability of a double barrel bolt action rifle like that.
That's not a bad price for a Fuch like that. There's also a matched pair of single barrel .375 H&H Fuchs on there for $225,000 right now. I'll never be able to afford Fuchs like that though.
I keeping thinking about that subject as well. I really like intelligent women, so it would be interesting to have one stop by and give an intelligent sales pitch telling me about what all services she has to offer. Maybe she could even prepare a spreadsheet......... As far as the kid asking to mow, that type of thing is becoming very rare these days. Seems kids no longer have to do those small law jobs in order to save up for anything because most parents just buy them whatever they want anyway. It takes them a long time, if ever, to learn the true value of a dollar because they grew up not having to do anything to earn it. I'm with Mike in that I would have probably come up with some little something he could do to earn a few bucks.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head for me as well. There's absolutely nothing like the feeling of being up before daylight and being able to sit outside quietly watching the new day come in. No matter what I have going on or what I'm going through in my life, that is the time of day that can really calm me down. For some reason seeing daylight come in is like mother nature's way of telling me that everything is going to be alright. On my vacation every year I usually end up in a cabin in the Gatlinburg area, and out of everything that there is to do up there the only thing I look forward too is sitting on the deck in the early mornings, drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette while watching the new day come in.
Man.... I guess I would be in jail right about now if I were in your shoes.
Even though I mentioned how I personally would rather go bolt action or lever action, if you're looking for something with adjustability that you can also enjoy you might want to check Dick's Sporting Goods. I picked up a 10/22 there with an Axiom Blackhawk stock a while back that I like so far. It was $100 more than a normal 10/22, which is the cost of the stock, and since it came with both and I was needing the wood stock for another project I figured I'd give it a try. It's super light, and adjustable, and the fact that it's a 10/22 means that there's tons of options for things that she (or you) can do as far as customizing the rifle as she gets older.
McDonald v. Chicago SCOTUS Opinion
MCSCOTT replied to eapking's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
X2 If they were trying for an ordinance that had any sensible parts to it then it might be possible for it to get passed, which would greatly weaken the SCOTUS ruling. -
There are several different options to choose from these days for smaller kids. Whichever way you got I would have to agree with getting something like Bronker posted. If not a lever action, look into getting something bolt action. From my experience young shooters seem to stay more interested in these actions than they do with semi-autos. Going this route is a little bit safer as well.
LMAO "There's a difference between ninja and ninjer". Great vid.
Yeah I really don't know if I wanna go through all this crap again.
The idea of door to door prostitutes is one that has really gotten me to thinking. Myself, and I'm sure most of the folks on here wouldn't solicit a prostitute on a regular basis. Heck, as far as I'm concerned I don't ever see me doing so in my entire life. However, if they were going door to door offering their services, depending on how they looked, I wonder if I could tell them that I wasn't interested.......... Hmmmm......
Wow. At 8:50 pm someone at my door is likely to be greeted in such a manner that will force him to go home and change his pants, but either way they will get the message that I'm not interested. If that person were to then return at 7:50 am the next morning I would imagine the LEO's would have been there by 8 to take me to jail.
It's been about 8-10 years since I've seen a single JW. My last house was in a very rural area where there were only about 3 houses on the whole road. I was standing on the back deck one morning after a long night of partying, completely naked, smoking a cigarette, and drinking what was left of a 40oz Bud Ice. I'm not sure if they went to my front door first, or what made them think it was ok to come around to my back deck, but that particular JW woman and her little boy got quite a surprise to see me standing there like that. I've moved since, but I've yet to have a single JW come to my new house either. Makes me wonder if they put me on a list of people that definately isn't interested in becoming a JW.
Early results of SCOTUS McDonald ruling
MCSCOTT replied to Worriedman's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Holy moley! Someone in power that seems to have common sense and the ability to read and interpret the Constitution. -
Personally I'd pass on it. With that kinda deal you would be getting bottom dollar for your XD-M, and no more than the smaller handguns cost I would save up for a P-11 or similar as a BUG. Once you get one you can then have the XD-M as a house gun, or carry both when you feel the need. That's just me though. It's a very rare occasion that I would get rid of any firearm once I own it.
I'll probably be mowing the yard on the 4th. I also have some more tree trimming to do. Other than that, I'm going to try to sleep a little later than 5:30 on at least one of the 3 days that I'm off. At some point I'm going to do some rearranging on my den. That's where I always work on my firearms, so the plan is to get everything in order and set all of the parts out for my latest 10/22 project. If they're all sitting out like that it will drive me to finish that thing up finally. That's about all I know of since my g/f will most likely have to work every day.
Wonder if there will be anything in the movie that shows anything about him getting in good with terrorist organizations while he was growing up and his goals on the destruction of America by becoming President and making a mess of things so badly that the country ends up in another civil war.............Hmmmm......
Wow, glad it didn't do much damage. I personally wouldn't have handled the situation very well, especially if I was driving something like that. I would have moved my vehicle away from his, and then calmly walked over and light his vehicle on fire. I say calmly, because I'm really trying to contain any road rage issues that I may have had in the past. If you light someone's vehicle on fire in a calm manner I don't think it should qualify as road rage.
unemployment creates jobs, and at least we are not 15%
MCSCOTT replied to Mike.357's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm seeing this type of behavior more and more from the people around me. The bit O made it so you can draw unemployment for almost 2 full years, and on top of that from what I've been told you can file two extensions after that to make it up to 6 years. More and more people are working the system where they draw close to what they were making to start with from unemployment, and also since they have all that free time they can work on the side for cash money and make much more than they were making when they had a real taxpaying job. I know of one in particular that was making right around the same amount of money as me when he had a job, and now he works 2-3 days a week and brings home nearly twice as much between the cash job and the unemployment. Kinda makes me sick to see how easy it is for them to get away with it and be just another drain on us taxpayers. Personally I honeslty don't think it is in me to be this type of person, and I applaud you Boogieman for making things work when you could be drawing a check while you're going to school. I understand there are folks out there who do need government assistance from time to time, but if our government doesn't get a handle on this type of thing then our country simply wont last much longer. When the immigration issue is brought up someone always throws in the fact that illegals do "jobs that Americans wont do" and the fact that most Americans wont work for minimum wage. This is true, but it is because our government allows Americans to make more money to NOT work than what they could make getting these types of jobs. If some of these handouts were cut out, I would be willing to bet there would be lots of Americans willing to do any job they could, which is how things should be. It's hard to believe that our government is too stupid to see this, but everytime they hand out more of our tax dollars to people who are able to work, it becomes more evident that those in charge are complete idiots. Either that, or they are doing it intentionally so that those of us who are willing to work and pay taxes are nothing more than slaves. Everytime our taxes go up, it means we make less money for our work so that others do not have to work. -
I'm just wondering when such a large portion of our country forgot that it was a crime to be in this country illegally. I'm not the most educated feller out there, but from my understanding it was a crime to be anywhere illegally. In fact, I've been under the impression that it was a crime to do anything illegal. I'm slowly starting to learn that the majority of the population of this country only believes it is a crime to do something illegally if you are NOT a minority. If you break the law and are a minority, it is racist for anyone to arrest you. Someone mentioned the movie Idiocracy the other day in one of these threads. I'm really starting to believe that there is alot of truth to that movie than I originally thought. Someone needs to round up all these dumbasses and execute them before it's too late.
There's good and bad in everyone depending on which area you're in. As I've mentioned before on here some of my good friends are Hispanics and they would be more than willing to help someone in need. However I've been on the other side of this as well back when I was driving a truck and was trying to get unloaded in a plant just outside of town. I was told to go to where the fork truck was and have someone there unload me. Oddly enough, all of the hispanics that were around the fork truck (and obviously had been using it for what they were doing) suddenly could not speak english. I had strap everything back down and drive back to the office, where I was told that they do in fact speak english and must just be too lazy to do it, so the foreman had to come unload my truck. Situations like yours are also why I don't think I could ever move to another town. I've broken down several times over the years, flat tires, all sorts of things, and have never had to walk or even wait for more than 5 minutes or so before someone stopped (and that was only on rural roads that didn't have much traffic). Heck, on one occasion I had a tire blow out, and by the time I got to the side of the road and opened my door to get out a guy had already turned around and came back to help me. I didn't have a spare, so the guy brought me all the way in to work and wouldn't take a dime as payment. These days though, I seem to know alot of people in this area and chances are real good that if I break down the next car that comes down the road will be somebody I know. Either way, I don't think I could ever be in such a rush that I would leave someone stranded anywhere if there is a slim chance that I may be able to help them out.
I really don't think that it's too much to ask of legal citizens to carry some form of identification. I may be wrong, but from what I understand you could be asked to show a passport in every country on earth, and if you don't have it on you there is the possibility of arrest. Heck, I was born in this country but if an officer stops me and I do not have some form of identification I risk being detained until they find out who I am.
Strel, for once I agree with you in a way, but Mark is right in the fact that illegal aliens are a drain on our economy. They abuse our system to get all of the government aid that Mark is talking about, and they create a need for more and more law enforcement officers which are a waste of time because the illegals do not have to live by our laws. If you think I'm wrong in this then you obviously haven't spent much time in the poorer neighborhoods across the country. Personally I've hung around with all types of people, so I've seen first hand just how many out there take advantage of our tax dollars, and a good portion of these are either illegals or are using government aid to support illegals in their households. I see the point that their cheap labor may save us half the cost of construction over the course of several years, but at the same time if there were no illegals living here to cause the added government expense our taxes most likely wouldn't have to be so high. Also as I've said before I don't really blame a child that is born here in these "anchor baby" situations. I do however think that the parents should be deported as soon as the child is born and given the option to either take the child back to their country, or have it taken away from them.
In all honesty, that is one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time. Those guys act like holding a ball up with their hand, and then putting it in the other hand, is such an amazing thing that would be absolutely impossible with any other ball. Someone should really get up there beside them with a rock, empty bottle, or anything else handy, and show them how you can hold things like this up with your hand without any magic.