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Everything posted by MCSCOTT
That backpack wouldn't be a bad idea. If I had a dog that's the route I might go, but not for carrying dog food. Most likely I would let him carry spare ammo. When hunting for my own food, I would also be hunting for food for the dog, because I'd just let him eat the same animals........or people........that I'm eating.
This is where it pays to know a good body man. Talk to one if you know any, and if not see if you can find a friend of a friend and let them know you want to have it fixed but don't want to turn it in on your insurance. My '01 had 78 miles on it when I took it to WITC and slid backwards into a tree, caving in the whole passenger side rear corner on it. A friend of mine was good friends with the owner of a local body shop here in town. I told him my situation and he ended up fixing everything with perfect blending of the paint job for only $350. Jeeps are suppose to have dents though, but I can see where you're coming from when you have one that's new like that. I finally gave up on mine though. Took it out about a week later and ended up with a dent in the rocker panel under the driver's side door. A week after that, a hail storm came and did $1400 worth of damage to it, and since I went back to the same body man he fixed the dent under the door with the charge built in to the hail damage price........About a month later I hit a log on a backroad that flew up into the exact same spot under the door. I decided to throw in the towel and just not get that dent fixed. Weird thing is, after having it nearly 10 years now it hasn't gotten a single other dent in it since, but I bet if I had that one fixed under the door again something else would happen soon after.
Not so much that I didn't learn anything, but I plan on having a cooler full of beer up on that roof with me. I fear that if I stay low, they will try to come after my beer instead of just trying to get into the truck.
This gives me ideas. I think I'm gonna start watching auctions to try to buy me a used beer truck. I can park that in the yard, climb up on the roof of my house, and shoot zombies while they're trying to get in it. Will there be any laws against hunting zombies over a baited area?
That was my first thought. None of my prior zombie knowledge included anything about them being beer drinkers. On another note, it sure would suck to be those guys if a zombie attack did occure while they were dressed like that. They would most definately end up shot in the head.
That's why they don't keep any here where I work anymore.
I doubt that it's too high. Personally I would have the whole A/C unit replaced. I'm not neccessarily saying I'm completely against the lifestyle for other people, but I just don't like anything or anyone being gay around me and especially in my car. Seriously though X2 on what MacGyver said. If you know what you're doing go with the Autozone route first and do it yourself since your compressor is kicking on. If it cools for a wile and then goes back to doing this again you most likely have a leak somewhere.
Ok.....Maybe I really am getting old, but aside from the stupid trend of having to put a lift kit on a 2wd vehicle in order to fit big rims under it, what the heck is the deal with painting them up with cereal ads? There's one here in town that's ugly as sin, painted up with a Trix theme, and one other one that I can't remember right off. I just thought it had something to do with the owner's nicknames or something, but surely someone's nickname isn't Cinnamon Toast Crunch.........Not to mention the fact that this guy even goes as far as to put the bar code and nutritional facts on his car. This type of thing really shouldn't be in a thread titled "Why?", it should be in a thread titled "WTF?".
The stainless would be the main rifle I would be interested in. That particular rifle has the longest barrel (my other 10/22's are carbines) and would be the one that would come closest to get hot because it usually sees more use than the others.
X2. I've never understood why anyone would want to risk so much over poaching a couple of animals. If I were starving and had no other way of feeding my family I would take the risk, but most poachers are far from that and are mainly looking for an easy kill on a trophy animal.
I've got a buddy here who put a 90's model Cavalier convertible on Toyota 4X4 running gear. He loved his truck, but he also likes to drink and work on things, so that's what he ended up with. It actually turned out pretty good, but my question to him was the same as yours....."Why?"....Weird thing is that his answer to my question was also "Why not?".
Any ideas on what the limitations on types of barrels he can do this to? Stainless, Chrome moly lined aluminum? That's not a bad price for having something like that done if it works. Like I said though I rarely shoot even the 10/22's to a point where the barrels heat up very much, so my issue is mainly in keeping the bore clean. I usually take plenty of time between shots, and switch between several different rifles when I'm shooting. As far as sand in the bags, right now I'm just using play sand like Mike said in mine, and that is in the front bag. I also agree that I'm not particularly happy with it though, and really should look into either filling it with something else like walnut shells or maybe just buying a new bag that's filled with something else. My rear bag is filled with the same play sand, but I've only ever used it a couple of times. I too always use some kind of front rest when target shooting. My thinking on that is that if I can be accurate enough to shoot something as small as .22 brass at 50 yards from a fairly good front rest, then when I'm in the woods I should be accurate enough to hit a squirrel's head from just about any kind of position. Not always true of course, but so far I usually don't miss.
Most of the time I'm using a sandbag in the front and my shoulder in the rear. If I'm doing a good bit of shooting and want to do it accurately I usually clean the bore after every 20-30 rounds or at the very least after every 50. Accuracy goes out the window with a hot barrel, but it also goes out the window in mine if the bore isn't cleaned. My main 10/22 gets used alot, and for me it's to the point where I can watch the rounds be off 1" and then moving on to as much as 2" as the barrel heats up or the bore needs cleaning. I'm nowhere near being a competition shooter, but I've shot enough that I can pretty much tell you with every shot whether it's me not doing my part, the bore needing to be cleaned, or bad ammo. As I mentioned I usually switch rifles around when I'm shooting so the barrel heat doesn't come into play as much for me.
I'll go just about anywhere if it's a really good shop and I'm really in the mood. There are several that aren't that far away that I haven't made it to yet, but I also have to admit that I've been known to plan a vacation trip that's based around the fact that there's a particular gun shop in the area. Heck, on a regular basis I drive 50 miles (or a little more depending on which one I go to) one way just to get ammo from a certain Wal-Mart.
The Federal bulk ammo and some Remington are the only two that I've tried. When I talk about the accuracy issues I'm mainly speaking of what I think is acceptable for me personally. As long as each hole touches @ 50 yards then I consider it close enough as far as bulk ammo goes. As far as the rifles go I only have one older model Remington to go by because the others that I have are single shot bolt action and don't see much use anymore, so maybe it's just that that particular gun fires really good, it's hard to say until I get another bolt action for more comparison. Either way I never seem to notice the issues with these that I do with the semi autos. On the semi auto side I have a stock 10/22, a 10/22 with the VQ bolt assembly, a Marlin 60, and even one of the AK-22's, and for whatever reason all of them have the same FTF issues unless I'm using good ammo. Also in the semi auto's I do get the occasional light round that only half fires and naturally there's no accuracy with those, but again for whatever reason those kinda rounds are common with the semi autos and rare with the bolt guns. Also like you say once the barrels get hot none of them are accurate anymore, but generally I swap back and forth enough during target shooting that they don't heat up too bad, and I also do some field cleaning after shooting for a while. My whole opinion may be because of doing more shooting with the semi autos though, it's kinda hard to say because they all see about the same amount of shooting, except for the AK-22 which I really don't have much use for. Either way, I can stick to CCI or better ammo and not have any issues with any of them much as long as I keep them clean.
VQ parts as well as other upgrades didn't really make much difference at all in my main 10/22 and the failures I was having. And Mike, I'm the exact opposite of you on what I will run the cheaper stuff through. In my bolt guns I don't seem to have anywhere near as many failures with the cheaper bulk ammo, and haven't really seen too many big accuracy issues in some of it. In the semi autos I simply hate failures myself.
You just about have to be with a .22. After tons of FTF's, FTE's, and about every other FT you can think of, as well as some accuracy issues, I've come to the conclusion that it just isn't worth it to try to skimp on even .22 ammo anymore.
Had to go with Mike's shotgun because I'd like to see that thing shine again. It was a toss up for me between his and Greg's. Call me crazy though, but I personally think Greg's looks good the way it is.
Personally I have to agree with this law, because everything has it's purpose. I've never really understood why anyone would be afraid of snakes, because for the most part if you watch where you're walking you will see them with plenty of time to stop, and let them get away before you get too close. Everything has a reason for being here, and it's what keeps things in the proper balance in nature, so they should all be left alive unless it's impossible to do so..... Except for wasps.........They are the devil and should go back to hell where they came from.
Chicago's tough new gun ordinance goes into effect
MCSCOTT replied to jeremy155rr's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm with you on that. It only gives the government an easy list of people should they ever decide to start going door to door taking guns away. Personally I was raised to never let anyone know what all you have, because if you do eventually someone will steal it from you. I try my best to be a 100% law abiding citizen these days for the most part, but if our government ever decides they want to push certain issues too far then they will force me into being a criminal. Personally I have the experience from past events, as well as the know how, to be fairly good at not obeying laws, so I've already made up my mind that if our government ever decides they want me to be a criminal then so be it. -
www.woolysoffroad.com Not far at all.
Anyone else disappointed that these weren't real zombies?
Wooly's is a great place to go that isn't far from Nashville. Might also check out Wheelin In The Country down in Summertown. I personally wouldn't drive a stock rig like that down there, but you might go ride around and watch other vehicles in the trails so that you know what you're in for around here. Tn trails are often very slick and narrow where the trees will take most of your glass and metal off of a street vehicle like that. I was VP of an offroad club in this area for a long time, but finally sold just about everything except for a couple of my stock Jeeps after I screwed my knee up last year. There's tons of other offroad parks in the southeast these days, or at least there were when I got out of the hobby.