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Everything posted by MCSCOTT

  1. X2 I think if anybody handles them they would. I've looked around at several other places myself and didn't come up with anything other than ordering online, but I actually lucked up and found a decent doner hiding at my dad's house that he himself didn't even realize he had.
  2. I kinda feel sorry for the state of Indiana if the Colts win. No telling what kinda new plans or taxes he'll have in mind for them.
  3. I saw that same story on the news. If I remember right, they went for several miles with the throttle hung, and they did indeed all end up being killed in the wreck. I feel sorry for these people and their families, and don't mean to sound bad about it, but there are just some people that should NOT have a driver's license. Also the ones reporting the story should have shifted a little of their focus on telling the public what to do in this situation, instead of making Toyota look bad by acting like there's absolutely nothing you can do and if your throttle hangs you're going to die. I've driven alot of junk in my dad, done alot of offroading where things break all the time, and it's far too easy to throw the vehicle up in neutral or simply shut the key off. This applies to just about any vehicle there is, but I'm not sure how you would shut the key off on some of the newer push button start vehicles. At any rate, neutral is easy to find. I think people have forgotten why vehicles have an N at the shifter. I think in order to get a license everyone should have to take the driving test in a vehicle with a manual transmission. That would teach them more about what things do in a vehicle rather than just "push this lever to R to back up and D to go forward".
  4. He wasn't really a draft dodger, but the studio he worked for made every effort to make sure he didn't go to war, and threatened him with a lawsuit if he enlisted. From what I've heard he always kinda regretted not serving whether he would have been sued or not, and this kinda thing is probably one of the reasons now that employers can not interfere with and employees military service. I agree with Mike though, he did more for the moral by making the movies that he's made. Heck, still to this day I bet there are alot of young folks that sign up for the military that are influenced in some way by his movies. He is and always will be the one and only original movie bada$$. The way movies are written nowadays even the newer bada$$ get the heck beat out of them before they ever come back and win a fight they're in. Other than him, Robert Duvall is one of my favorites, and Clint is in there somewhere too.
  5. The break action rifles seem to be catching on in the hunting world ever since the T/C Encore came out that you could buy interchangable barrels for. If you watch much hunting on TV there are more and more people all the time hunting with them. The only ones I've ever shot were a 30-30 and a .243, but both were really accurate. They're alot of fun to shoot, because when we're target shooting I usually load my bolt action rifles one round at a time as well anyway, but personally I don't really have much of a use for them. When hunting I like the option of having extra rounds in the rifle just in case I need them.
  6. And if any of the Glock shooters owned an XD so they could really start to notice the small differences they wouldn't be complaining at all. I too have a Glock 22 in .40, but my XD is a .45. Calibers aside, the XD is just a much better feeling handgun. The action is much smoother, and the grip just feels alot better to me. Although I did fondle a Glock 22 Gen4 the other day and there is a huge difference between it and the one I have. On the original question, I would take a .40 over a 9mm any day, and the XD's are great. Price is a little high, but not really too far off especially if you know the history of the pistol. And yeah, the XD gear isn't much of an added bonus. Mine never comes out of the case.

    Circuit Judge

    I'm no expert by any means, but being as the cylinder has to rotate, and that plate does not, I don't see any other outcome than it forcing the gasses towards the shooters face. Granted the pressure wont be as much as if someone put their hand in front of it, but it's still sending it all towards your face. Definately another firearm that I don't see any use for.
  8. I think that's something that alot of hunters out there don't understand when they ask someone if they can hunt on their land and are denied. The landowner is responsible for any accident that may happen on his land, and even though I'm sure most cases don't end up this way, the landowner can be sued for damages from the accident. Add that on top of the fact that the hunter themselves may just be irresponsible and shoot into the landowners house and kill him, and it really makes you realize why they want to make sure they can trust you before allowing you to hunt on their land. Personally I don't trust anyone until they have earned my trust.
  9. I agree with taking the stand and leaving the contact info. My first thought actually would be to simply take it so that you would have a good stand if it's one you want, but that doesn't help you find out who it is that's been hunting on your land. If the guy hunting the land were to contact me in that situation I would give him his stand back with the understanding that I would no longer be allowing any hunting on the land. If it's one that someone has built in a tree, that they wouldn't want back anyway, there are other things I would do that I can't really mention on a public forum because they may or may not be legal. Definately give him the benifit of the doubt starting out though unless the owners say they have a bad problem with tresspassing. Even if they didn't give permission, he may just not realize the layout of the land, as I've been in a similar situation before myself.
  10. That would be correct. My boss' son-in-law lives up there and just had to go through the whole process in order to buy a handgun. Took him over a year or so, and all he really wanted was the ability to keep one in his home. Down here things are much more relaxed, there's no way I could ever live in NY. And welcome to TGO.
  11. Yup, somebody pretty soon is gonna think he supports this type of thing and thinks firearms should be banned in all workplaces.

    Beretta Tomcat .32

    +1 They're pretty good pocket guns, but my personal preferance would be something in a .380 like the Kel Tec P3AT.
  13. It's looking like I'm gonna finally get into turkey hunting this year as well. At some point here or there I've hunted just about everything else here in this area, but never turkeys. After talking with my dad last night we've decided to give it a go this year. Plus, even though I have 6 or 7 different shotguns, this gives me an excuse to buy another one. After all, everyone knows you can't hunt turkeys with a shotgun that's not all camo. They will see it and you'll never get a chance to shoot at one........At least that's what I'm gonna tell the g/f to justify why I need another shotgun.
  14. I was gonna ask why you didn't bring along that awesome Davis .380 chrome, but I'm guessing that it's much too powerful to have in the workplace. I'm glad we don't have a policy like that here where I work. I don't even have my HCP yet, but on a regular basis there are handguns and rifles laying on my desk or sitting in the corner. We don't get alot of walk in business, but it's fun to see some of the reactions some of our customers have when they see firearms laying around everywhere.
  15. Kinda an old thread, but since it's here I'll post. Only thing I have right now is a Remington R-15 VTR. I have plans of either buying or building an EBR in the near future though, but it's going to be a bit still because I'm gonna sink a ton of money into it. Pay no attention to the EBR in the pic, that would be my paintball gun so it's only slightly evil.
  16. I'm betting they didn't adjust anything. Most likely what they did was bleed the system if you have a small leak. If pumping the pedal helped, then you almost definately had air in the line from a leak somewhere, and by them bleeding it that would put it back to feeling good. However, if there is a leak or a failing cylinder simply bleeding the system wont last too long. I know you checked and said that it wasn't leaking, but if the fluid level was just above the min and below the max as you stated then that sounds to me like it was a little low. If the slave cylinder is leaking, it's possible that it's leaking into the bell housing where you can't see it. Plus if it's a small leak with the way hydraulic fluid is you most likely wouldn't notice it at all unless you're use to what to look for. However, even the smallest of leaks can allow air to get into the system and cause the pedal to feel spongy. Basically just keep an eye on it and hope for the best. Since they've done enough to get you by, you may want to do some reading up on the vehicle so that you might be able to do the work when the time comes. Factories now on alot of vehicles sell the clutch master cylinder and the slave cylinder, line and all, pre-filled from the factory so that there's no need for bleeding. You may be able to buy the whole setup and put it on yourself cheaper than you would pay someone to just put one or the other on for you.
  17. I already have most of my wish list as far as what I would actually use. The only things I'm really lacking would be a Remington 700 or Browning A-Bolt in .300 WinMag. This would need to be synthetic stock in some form, and stainless. I also need a good lever action .45-70. I also need another AR of some sort, preferably in .308, and it would also need to be black since my other AR isn't an evil black rifle. This one would have an ACOG on it, and I would also need another AR, maybe in .223 with an Eotech EOLAD-2 with a magnifier and a tactical light of some sort. Other than that, all I need are a few AK's and a Barrett .50 BMG in case I need to make a really long shot. I think that should do it other than what I already have as far as handgun and other rifles and shotguns for different purposes to cover both defense as well as hunting. What I would really like if money was no object in SHTF situations would be a good tracked APC, and if I'm going to stay put I would like to have a good underground shelter from these people.... Radius Engineering International Inc. Yup, that just about covers all of my survival needs.
  18. I would hate to know my cell phone scared me that bad. He probably accidentally shot his window out while he was going down the road, and that is what scared him so bad he ran off in the creek. It is after all California.
  19. I agree, and I still stick to my previous statement. If you let the LEO's clear the house, they may or may not catch the BG. If they do catch the BG he will be taken to jail and most likely be out the next night. Now, he knows the layout of your house better as well as what you have and where it's at because he's had plenty of time to look around without being interrupted (unless he comes to where you're hiding). He can now come back at a later time and steal everything you have, sell it to pay the lawyers from where he was caught last time, and get off pretty much free and clear. You on the other hand have lost all your stuff, and even though you have insurance to cover it there are still things that just can't be replaced. Then you have to try to sleep at night wondering if and when he's coming back. Nope, that kinda thing isn't for me. I'm not one that wants to ever have to take another person's life, in fact I really hope it never comes to that. However, after having the house where I use to live broken into, I believe it would be easier for me to sleep with it on my conscience, than it would be to try to lay there wondering if someone was going to break in my house again. Especially knowing I did it because the BG forced me into having to defend myself, my family, and my property.
  20. Welcome from just south of Columbia. I too have some inherited firearms that were recently handed down to me. Some aren't worth much, and some are worth alot, but either way there is no amount of money that could make me part with them. I have a wide range of cheap, and expensive firearms, and some of the most fun I've had shooting can come from some of the cheaper ones.
  21. After thinking about it, you may possibly be right. If the slave were bad I would think it would be leaking, which the OP did mention that the fluid was a little low. However, on brakes, if there is a hard pedal it's the booster that's bad, and a soft pedal is the master cylinder, but we're not really talkin about brakes. Basically without looking at it in person I don't think anyone can internet mechanic the situation. You're best bet if you aren't use to mechanic work would be to take it to the dealer since they apply the diagnosis cost to having the work done there.
  22. In most cases if it's the master, the clutch pedal is hard to push. That's why when you mentioned hard to shift, I was thinking you meant the clutch pedal was hard to push.
  23. If they diagnose it for $95 and take it off if you have the work done, you're only looking at around $200 either way most likely unless you just want to have it all done. To me that doesn't sound bad, and it keeps you from wasting money on replacing parts that end up not being what the problem was.
  24. My bad, I read the first post wrong where you mentioned the shifts becoming hard. I think you mean it's hard to shift, and the pedal is soft, which means it would be the slave. However if this is the case then it could also be the clutch worn out. Your options are to either replace the slave and hope that's the problem, or pull the transmission to check the clutch before you buy anything so that you know you've bought the right part. Just know that if you go ahead and replace the slave cylinder that it could still turn out to be the clutch itself. Shouldn't be the master in this case though. This is all based on the slave being external, if it should happen to be internal you'll have to pull the transmission anyway.
  25. Great, now my boss is wondering why I'm laughing so much about the quote I'm (suppose to be) working on.


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