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Everything posted by MCSCOTT

  1. Maybe not in beating the ticket in some way, but I know in most cases around here where tickets get thrown out you still have to pay court costs, and recently they're up around $200 from what I've heard. When I was married, my ex-wife went to court with a speeding ticket because it was her first time of getting one. The ticket was thrown out, which kept it off her record, but she still had to pay court costs. Way back then, it was $80, plus she lost pay from having to take the day off from work. Had she paid the ticket, it would have only cost $110.
  2. My first experience with my g/f's father sounds similar to yours. She was nervous about telling her father about me, because he is a preacher and hasn't liked any of her past b/f's. One afternoon she was on the phone with him, and just up and told him about me. He told her to let me know he had guns, which I suppose was suppose to make me nervous, but I simply told her to let him know that I did too, and that I was wondering what all he had. His reply to that was "let me talk to him", and from there we went on for a while talking about guns. A week or so later we went to their house so that I could meet him in person, and by the time the evening was over my g/f was mad at her dad because he wouldn't stop talking to me and showing me different pistols and rifles that he's collected. One of the things I love about him the most is that he's got a story to go along with every one of them, and that's the kinda thing I'm interested in the most. Needless to say, I'm the only b/f that she's had that her father likes. Her mother and father both have their HCP's.

    Retread Tires

    This covers most of my opinion on them. High speeds, low tire pressure, or too much weight, all cause the tires to heat up which causes the seperation. I don't know you personally, but I wouldn't think you would ever put enough weight in your Jeep to where there would be any overload issues. I also wouldn't think you would ever be running fast enough to have issues. Your main concern should be with keeping an eye on tire pressure. Airing down for offroading would only be a problem in situations where you really had to beat on it to get over something. In those situations where you would be needing to heat your tires, you would just have to keep in mind that one might have a come apart, but the same could be said for non-retreads as well. Other than that, although I personally would be a little cautious about interstate speeds on really hot days, I wouldn't really worry about failures with them.
  4. X2 I've found that bacon usually has it's originally intended flavor once you add it to beans, even if it has been burnt. The only bad thing about a woman burning bacon is when you find out about it after the bacon has already been thrown in the trash. There's nothing worse than a house full of that fried bacon smell in the morning, only to go in the kitchen and find out that you wont be getting to eat any bacon.
  5. X2. A dog can help us in many ways in these situations, and most likely if it really came down to it they would at least be able to provide food for themselves, especially considering most dogs will eat things that humans wouldn't even eat in a SHTF situation. Heck I've seen several dogs that like to eat out of a cat's litter box even, and I think I will starve before I take up that kinda habit.
  6. Man, I know it is a bad situation, but I bet that sure was a funny scene when that gay guy came in to try to protect his sister.
  7. I'm glad to hear other folks that think Sandra Bullock, as well as Julia Roberts. I was starting to think I was the only one. My main issue with SB is the fact that my ex wife looks like her, so every time I see a movie with her in it all I can think about is someone who is a be-otch and likes to throw things. I've lived an eventful life, and done a whole lot of things I'm not particularly proud of, but it's all part of living. Looking back the only thing about my life that I truely regret was that marriage. The whole situation just ruins SB for me, so I could never think of her as hot. Julia Roberts I've always thought was ugly, and don't really see why so many find her attractive.
  8. Yeah, I really thought all cats were more agile than that. Musta been a really horrible noise.
  9. Just assuming here because I don't know about what happened at all, but I'd say the issue was most likely that he used too much powder. That may be what was said, and the extremely uneducated media decided to call it using too big of a bullet. They don't even know what all is involved in loading one of these guns, or they would realize how rediculous it sounds to say he forced too large of a bullet down the barrel of it. I've been wrong plenty of times, but I don't really see anyone putting too large of a bullet in a muzzle loader. If the boy knew enough to be able to sight the gun in unsupervised, then he most likely knew enough to get the bullet size right, but the amount of powder is something that lots of folks have screwed up on before.


    My sister recently had the same surgery, and was talking about how bad that gas in her shoulders was. Hope you get better soon man.


    I love those things. Ate through 90 of them when I had me knee surgery. I must say though, even taking 2 at a time every 4-6 hours I never did feel out of it like ol Homer there. In fact, they seemed to give me energy and make me feel like I was ready to tackle anything. Bad thing was I felt like that at a time that I wasn't allowed to put any weight on my leg at all, so I had all that energy built up but couldn't do anything but lay on the couch. I about went crazy. Of course at night time when I would take two Percocet and two Tylenol PM's the effects were much much different.
  12. That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't really see why there's any need for comments about whether traffic laws are right or wrong, because Punisher hasn't complained about getting the citation. The thread was about his experience in getting pulled over while carrying. Traffic laws are put there for a reason, and enforcement of those laws is to help keep innocent people from becoming victims. I agree that rolling through a stop sign when there aren't any other vehicles around isn't much of a crime, but I can also say that LEO's in this area enforce stop sign laws alot more than they do red light laws.
  13. Definately very sad. I wonder what type of muzzle loader it was and what caused the explosion.
  14. I'll have to check further on that, but if the paving around Elkmont will be finished by the time we're there then that is most likely going to be where we end up. I can't seem to talk her into going somewhere different, as usual with women, but we will definately be checking Cosby out while we're up there for a future trip. I also agree with Greg that you can find hotel room just about as cheap up there, but I'm just not a hotel room kinda guy when I go to the mountains. I usually get one of the secluded cabins when I go, but her family did alot of tent camping growing up so that's what she's really wanting to do this year instead of the cabin.
  15. It will be the end of September when we're there, so the weather up there will be fairly pleasant. Like I mentioned, I'm use to cabin rentals so I figured I better get going on making reservations for a campsite. Up until now I hadn't been to excited about it, but I've started to look forward to it here the last couple of days. Even though I use to tent camp several times throughout the year, it's been probably 5 years since I've even unpacked the tent.
  16. Welcome to TGO. Got any pics of your work that you would like to share?


    Sounds like I'm not the only one who was confused at first by this thread. A thread about this past superbowl would have been old enough, but this one goes beyond that even.
  18. If that email was to me, the main thing I would be pissed about right from the beginning is how many times she called me an Obama supporter. Either way though, I suppose we should all sign his birthday card. If not they will call us racists.
  19. Will do, and the pic with the gun in it may be easy to do since there's talk of her getting me a new gun of some sort for this occasion. She's still being persistant about Elkmont though, but I'm going to try to talk her into trying something new.
  20. Thanks Mike. I noticed the one at Cosby when I was looking around the web today and was wondering about it. Elkmont and Cades Cove seem to be a couple of the two main ones, so a campground that is off the beaten path is exactly what I'm looking for.
  21. You definately did the wrong thing IMO.. You ran the stop sign.
  22. So I'm running behind on reservations, but this year instead of getting renting my normal cabin in the area my g/f is wanting to tent camp. I've looked around at different places, but thought some of the fine folks on here might know of good campgrounds in that area for tent camping. I'd like somewhere that's fairly quiet if at all possible, and preferably somewhere close to one of the rivers or streams. Other than that I don't have many requirements other than maybe rest rooms of some sort. She's use to camping at Elkmont and Cades Cove, but I was wondering if any of you knew any good campgrounds in the area that I may not have heard of yet.
  23. Mike beat me to it.
  24. From the list in your sig line it looks as though you already have handguns, so even though you say the Remmy is more of a "want" than a "need", I would personally think the same rings true for the G26. It's definately time for you to add a long range rifle to that collection. I've got a 3-9x40 on my AR, but it only gets fired at about 100 yards for the most part. I would go with something bigger and better if the budget allows.
  25. I agree. Once you accidentally click on one of those sites it's hard to get them off of your computer. It's caused me to lose countless hours of sleep some nights, and I've noticed that it's even worse if I'm using my big screen tv as my computer monitor. I don't know what the rest of you have tried to remedy this, but I can say from experience that waiting for one of the videos to stop playing and then clicking on the next video under it will not help you exit from the site. I don't really know what else I should try though....


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