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Everything posted by MCSCOTT
There are alot of good topless steakhouses throughout the country. I'm sure most of those are over 21 only, or at least over 18.
Honestly the boy was 15, so we're not talking about a kid playing here. That's plenty old enough for someone to know exactly what they are doing and the risks involved. Those rocks were weapons being used against agents, and the situation should be treated as such. Don't get me wrong, it's never good when someone ends up dead, but at some point this country is going to have to start making examples out of people. If those Mexican agents pointed guns at our agents, then they should have been shot as soon as they crossed the border as well.
Publishing Company Under Fire for Putting Warning Label on Constitution
MCSCOTT replied to Fallguy's topic in General Chat
Sounds to me like exactly what they were trying to do with such a label. To me it seems obvious that they knew this type of thing would stir up some controversy and get them more attention, but personally I think it should backfire on them in the form of the boycott mentioned. Heck I really think in a way there should be alot more done to those involved, but once again they can hide behind our Constitution in order to say and write that go against that very Constitution. At some point the people of this country are going to have to get some kind of handle on this type of situation, but like with every other thing wrong with this country nothing will ever be done. -
I just watched it on the DVR and man what a good finale. Now I'm looking forward to a rainy Saturday sometime soon where I watch all 13 episodes in a row.
That is exactly what I have been saying, but it is completely opposite from your first post that I replied to where you said you should be allowed to say that all LEO's suck. By your original way of speaking if one soldier committed an atrocity then people should be allowed to say that all soldiers suck and should be fired. That kind of thing wouldn't be allowed to happen here either, so you may say that soldiers get special treatment as well. Personally I don't see it as special treatment, I see it as a common sense way of keeping things peaceful where those risking their lives to protect us are concerned.
Personally I don't see it as any group getting special treatment. There are other groups that get similar treatment such as the situation I mentioned, and I don't see it as "special treatment" at all. It's simply a manner in which to limit certain types of discussions here to non offensive, adult conversation. I agree that some folks are overly sensitive to certain comments and should just be able to read them and ignore them, but at the same time these comments should not be directed at those that are risking their lives for our protection. How would you feel about someone posting threads that always lead to the bashing of the soldiers of this country? Personally that kind of thing would more than piss me off, and shouldn't be tolerated either. So how is that any different?
You are exactly correct. The issue is that there are several folks who can't discuss their outrage toward the specific officers involved, and choose to make ignorant comments toward ALL officers. It was becoming obvious that this was the type of thing TMMT was constantly trying to get started on here, and at some point it had to come to a halt. Think about it. If everytime someone posted an article about a crime that took place in Memphis, people only came into the thread to post about how everyone in Memphis is a criminal and talked about them like they were no better than the BG, don't you think that would stir up the good people on here that are from there? That kind of think simply shouldn't be allowed on a forum full of good folks like this that are here for friendly discussions. No good can come of it, and it only causes more work for the mods and more banning when the conversations get more heated.
I'd say you have the right to "say" it, but not the right to post it on David's forum because his job, as well as the other mod's jobs, is to keep some sort of peace and order to this forum. Statements like you just made can only cause trouble, and are fairly childish. It's like saying everyone from Memphis is a criminal, it's simply not true and not something people should be posting in a place like this. Sure, there are a few who abuse their power, but the majority of LEO's do NOT abuse their power and are very good people, and those that are on here do not want to be put into the same category as those that abuse their power. No offense intended for those in Memphis, only using that as an example because the issue of some of the comments toward Memphis folks was one of the first things that came to mind.
Hopefully I'll get a chance to catch the season finale tonight. Starting out I wasn't too sure about the show but it's definately grown on me. At this point though I would still have to say SOA is a better show, but the whole show to me was left in such a huge mess at the end of last season that I don't know what this next season will have in store, and hope the show doesn't turn to
I agree with what was done as well after seeing the thread a little while ago. TMMT was posting quite a bit of threads every day on the same subject and it was apparent what his intentions were with these threads. A good bit of them resulted in members getting banned, or at the very least had to involve moderators warning someone, and alot of those threads had to be closed in the end. It may just be me, but common sense would tell me that if this was taking place in threads that I kept starting, maybe I should stop posting threads on this subject. The way I see it he was given warnings on several occasions and continued to push the limits with what he was posting, so he basically gave David no other choice. It gets old after a while seeing people jump into threads like that to bash LEO's simply because that is the type of thread it is. In alot of them, especially the one in question, I personally think the officers are in the right to do what was done. For example, here recently I was dropping my g/f off at her apartment here in town so that she could go to work. At the time, she was going in a 3 a.m., and it was during turkey season so I was heading to my hunting spot and it was easy for me to bring her in and drop her off. I was waiting in the parking lot as she went up to her apartment to change clothes, when an officer came pulling up to question me. The folks that like to bash LEO's would be quick to get mad in this situation because in their opinion the officer should have no right to question me for just standing there, but those folks never seem to actually think about these situations before they post. He even kept asking her if she was sure everything was ok, which would have probably made others get even more angry at him. Personally though, I was greatful for him questioning me like he did. She is often in and out of her apartment at that hour leaving for work, or going back there on her lunch break. His actions let me know that she is safer when coming and going from her apartment. I mean come on, it was 3 a.m. and a guy in camo was standing in the middle of the parking lot. I know I would think something strange was going on as well. Just my usual long winded .02 worth of rambling there. To me I saw that TMMT was basically given every form of warning he could possibly be given and chose to continue to post these types of threads. He was basically begging to get banned.
Wow. This opens a whole thread on some weird ideas for special instructions to give the pizza places and acutally see if they follow them....
Never had a 795, but I do have a Marlin 60 and several 10/22's and my vote would have to be for the Ruger. The only issue is once you get one and start looking at what all is available you will often sink way more $ into it than you originally wanted. As far as breaking the rifles down, I don't see how much simplier it could be than the 10/22. Never seen the trigger group on a 795, but the one on the Marlin 60 is something I don't really want to tackle. The 10/22 trigger group has alot less parts, and is simple to take apart and put back together.
Definately very nice. I opted to just use one of my other 12ga shotguns for this year, and since my turkey hunting experience kinda got ruined by someone that wasn't suppose to be in the area on more than one occasion I decided to give it up early in the season. I wish there were any places left to hunt where I didn't have to worry about other hunters that just walk around wherever they want without paying any attention to who the land belongs to.
This will teach you not to go messin' round in Maury County!
MCSCOTT replied to a topic in General Chat
If he's like everyone else in this county, I'm sure he will learn from his mistakes and steal something worth more next time around. -
Don't really remember if I've visited West Memphis Arkansas much. I will say from visiting other places in Arkansas that I think I would much rather be in Memphis Tennessee. Last trip down there was just field, field, hell hole...field, field, hell hole. Maybe there's better things in the state that I have yet to see, but so far I see no need to drive in that general direction ever again.
Federal law does, but no in most cases it doesn't get enforced. As was mentioned the other day local LEO's can't be the ones to arrest them according to what someone else said, they must wait for some form of immigration officer, and most choose not to waste the time from what I've seen.
Good to hear it was handled that way because personally if he had wanted to argue the point with you in the situation I know for a fact that I would never attend one of their shows. Also gotta applaud you for taking the situation as far as you did, because if it weren't for guys like you these situations would only get worse.
X2. I use to be alot better with a blade than I am now, so I'm sure if the need should arise it wouldn't take much practice to get back accurate with them. Then even if the BG is too close for throwing, you can still use them as close combat weapons.
That's easy. He will twist the situation around to where the incident was caused by the recent AZ laws. Either that or he would somehow use it as another excuse to push for amnesty.
Like I said, the ol M38 isn't much to be jealous of in it's current state, but my dad had always wanted one so this was added to the collection. The only pics I have of it are from the day we got it. About the only things it needed were a hood, windshield glass, and an engine since the PO had put an F134 in it instead of the L134 (that's the reason for them butchering the hood). All of those are easy and fairly cheap to get for the old flatties. It looks rough in the pic, but surprisingly all of the rust was only surface rust except for a little on the passenger side. Still trying to decide if it's going to go OD green, or back to the original AF blue. I really need to get off my lazy behind and finish this thing up. If I had spent as much on it in the last year as I have firearms, and put a couple months work into it, it would already be in great shape.
Wow. My first thought was that it was edited somehow but I see there are lots of other ones of the same bear using different sticks.
My "air between most of the parts" got to a point where it was spread out between four counties. Having to run back and forth all the time to get whichever part I needed was another reason that I kinda got burnt out on the whole thing.
It's not much to be jealous of in it's current state, but this particular one wont really take much at all to get back to 100% once I finally get back around to it. One thing the extreme side taught me is that you don't necessarily have to beat one up in order to get where you want to go, you just have to have good patience and a good spotter. I still don't think I'll ever be able to do any big amounts of offroading in this one though.
Nashville DUI Officers Warned to Arrest More People - Or Else
MCSCOTT replied to TMMT's topic in General Chat
Yes, leading the officer to believe that I'm under the influence by my actions is definately a reason for him to run me in. From there I can only hope that the officer's training will let him know that I'm only nervous and not under the influence, but either way if he is lead to believe that I am, then doing his job of protecting and serving means he should get me off the streets until it is proven that I'm not under the influence. I do agree that THIS situation appears to be one of revenue collection, but at the same time since the one arrested chose to plead guilty in order to speed up the process then the subject should be dropped from there. If he wanted to take it any further, then as you mention he should have opted to spend more time on it and not plead guilty to breaking any laws at all. -
I haven't seen much of anything mentioned about them being LEO's, but then again I haven't read the entire other thread on it. I know several LEO's and out of all of them I can't think of one that wouldn't have given the option to put the ammo in the car or at least given him the option to leave the event. From what's been described, I've seen this kind of attitude from security guards before. Seems that the ones that have no training or license are also uneducated as to what powers they actually have, and in general seem to think that they make the rules and whatever they say is law. I don't particularly care for those with this kind of attitude. Years ago I was even harassed by one who somewhere in the argument quickly flipped out his Texaco card (for some reason I was suppose to find this intimidating). He demanded my ID, so I handed him my police ID since at the time I was an explorer with the City PD here. It was fun to watch his attitude change so quickly.