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About rmidgett

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    target shooting, amateur radio, boating, reloading, electronics, metal fabrication
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  1. Just a guess on my part, maybe the change has to do with collecting of sales tax for online orders. Many/most online businesses are doing that now.
  2. If wobbly bipods are appealing, the Magpul would seem to fit the bill.
  3. I'm trying to help a friend determine the value of a 1873 US Springfield 45-70 Trap Door rifle with bayonet. Can anyone on the board enlighten me as how to best go about this? The rifle will be listed for sale once the value can be determined.
  4. Greetings to the group, Having purchased a Savage model 10 in .223 Remington, I'm interested in handloading ammo with very good uniformity for target shooting. I'm new to this sport, so there's lots to be learned. Reading about the different methods of dealing with lacking concentricity & with proper bullet tension, neck thickness & run out & such, I'd like to know if any of you have strong opinions on whether the bushing style, collet style or ball style neck sizing dies give the best results in terms of concentricity and bullet tension. Keep in mind this is for a bolt gun which will see only the same fire formed brass repeatedly.
  5. I like my pair of Howard Leight Impact Pro powered muffs. They easily allow me to converse and hear what's needed while wearing them. The volume dampening happens VERY quickly when a shot is fired, providing protection. The auto-off feature saves battery life. They also have a convenient input jack for portable devices, although I don't use that feature. The two downsides I've found are that one of my ears is a bit larger than the other so a portion of my ear gets pinched under the muff, which isn't a reflection on the product, and that the muffs are too big & get in the way when I shoot *some* rifles, particularly the KelTec Sub 2000, as the shell of the muff bumps the stock making site picture acquisition difficult...on *some* rifles, not all. There are other models that take the size of the lower muff shell into consideration & thereby avoid this situation. Overall, I give it a 4.5 out of 5. For the $70 I paid, I'm well satisfied. https://goo.gl/MwG2vw
  6. I have one of the Henry .22 rifles with the octagon barrel..really like that rifle. I'm trolling for a deal on one each in .357 & .44 magnum with the brass receiver. 
  7. I have a few of the Chip McCormick magazines for my SR-1911, they feed very reliably in my limited experience. Lube & polishing couldn't hurt, either.
  8. I have a 3 die set of used RCBS dies for .357 Herrett available. I acquired these in a trade, I've never used them & I don't know how "used" they are. A new set costs a few hundred bucks from MidwayUSA. I think this set should be worth $100. 
  9. I think you'll like it. I acquired a used LnL last summer through an ad on TGO & have used it for .38/.357 & .45 so far. It's my first press, so I don't have comparisons to offer.  I like it, and I like the bushings because I like to change calibers. Get some spare retainer springs for your shell plates..sometimes they get crushed in the process. They're available  in a 3 pack.
  10. I recently acquired a 3/8" thick x 8" diameter AR500 target from this source: http://goo.gl/YhWRq6. I also got a pair of his tumble targets for rimfire: http://goo.gl/sTCxRP. I like the fact the tumble targets aren't welded together; that makes them easy to store & carry laying flat. I can weld them if I choose. Otherwise, a twist of wire holds them together. A coat hanger or length of welding wire from the spool works for this. Nylon tie wraps (wire ties) are less effective due to the splattering lead fragments upon impact. Free shipping was the primary factor in choosing the vendor for me. It was quick.
  11. I bought some new Hogue grips for a Redhawk I acquired last month. When I removed the rubber grips the previous owner had installed, a small stainless pin fell out of the handle cavity.  I've checked the parts diagram at http://www.brownells.com/schematics/Ruger-/Redhawk-sid90.aspx, and haven't found such a pin listed (yet). I'm wondering if any here might know where the pin came from. The pin is about 1/16" in diameter, about an inch long, and has a rounded head on one end. Here's a photo of the pin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6KWmjSyFECbN3NGb2dsWVhwcnd6SHpBNTFPLVB2bTdKU0pz/view?usp=sharing
  12. Yes plankmi, I'd say you've been fortunate. I have tried that method with varying success. I'm at a computer several hours per day, and I haven't been able to scoop the deals with regularity.
  13. http://www.unammo.com Talk to Aaron...order over the phone, pay by check & avoid the 3% credit card fees. Have it shipped to the nearest FedEx depot, sign for it & pick it up there so it doesn't sit on your door step. Bring a dolly.. 5000 round order .22LR 40 grain lead round nose; inventory is depleting quickly.
  14. I'm curious to know if any of you have experience with the Colt branded Aguila .22LR 40 grain solid lead ammo. A group of friends & I are considering splitting a 5000 round purchase, but we don't want ammo that won't reliably cycle in our semi-auto pistols & rifles (Ruger, GSG 1911-22, others). Anyone?
  15. All gone now..expected re-stock is April 9. I signed up for email notification for .22 LR ammo with Midway & Walmart.


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